Friday, February 26, 2021

Stupid Rules That Backfired Immediately

People want order, and in any institution like work or school that's usually a good thing. The problem is, the powers that be tend to get overzealous with what kind of standards they can make people cooperate with, and you end up with great loopholes and other terrible ideas with unintended consequences. There's a delicate balance of what stupid junk people are willing to tolerate.


Font - HowDoIGetToFacebook 17 hours ago Not sure if this applies, but I worked at a restaurant that started doing Thursday Night Trivia in hopes of more traffic. The prize for the winner was their ticket would get comped. One guy asked to have everyone(in the restaurant)'s food put on his ticket... And then won. They stopped doing trivia night.


Font - Varvatos_Vex 19 hours ago e3 3 2 E 3 Back in 2014 our HR made a rule people couldn't go to other buildings. We had 3 buildings within a block of each other. All 3 had shipping areas and the warehouse employees had to go to each building to work. We were told to stay at one building. I mentioned we ship out of all 3 who is going to do the work? The genius said oh it'll be taken care of. Next day $500k shipment didn't go out. The following day we have a meeting. Why didn't you ship this? Uh


Font - qpgmr 18 hours ago 5 32 2 Required every employee to use electronic timeclocks to punch in/out for work including lunch. Punching in late or leaving early would cause your pay to be docked and getting a discipline letter. Multiple people wanted to sabotage the clocks (cut the cords, etc) but wiser heads prevailed... Everyone arrive several minutes early and left late, every single day, to avoid getting into trouble. Unfortunately, this created unimpeachable evidence of hours worked. The e


Font - InariNoroi 18 hours ago 2 3 2 Every shift, there's a quota we need to fulfil. And then, even if you do fulfil it, you have to keep working until your 8 hours are up. Cue everyone speeding for 4 hours, having a 3- hour lunch/coffee break, then slowly moving their ass for an hour. No rule about us taking necessary breaks if we're still capable of reaching the quota. Now we're allowed to stop once we're done.


Font - kor_hookmaster 19 hours ago 2 3 2 When COVID started our boss demanded that our entire team sit in on group zoom calls, even if the topics on the agenda didn't have anything to do with their roles. She felt it would build team unity. Productivity dropped, negative Google reviews came in, staff became more stressed. When she demanded answers on the next zoom call one of my co-workers bluntly said "well, I would reply to this woman's voice mail, but I'm stuck on this zoom call".


Font - yunglilbigslimhomie 18 hours ago O 24@3 38 I worked at Starbucks for like 5+ years before and 4 during undergrad and at one point our district manager thought it was a good idea to implement a "just say yes" policy, where we literally weren't allowed to tell the customer no. Lasted for about 3 months and in that three months our unaccounted product and waste went up over 300% because when the POS didn't have a way to punch in a customer request we had to just do it anyways. We also got co


Font - FrosnPls 18 hours ago ,6 & 10 More The bottom floor of my secondary school was a square that had corridor all the way around. After some incident where a kid got knocked over, they implemented a one-way system. Unfortunately, they were Very Strict on enforcing it. If you accidentally walked past your class, you couldn't just turn around. They seemed very proud of their new rule... until everyone started showing up late for class because they had to do extra laps of the bottom floor.


Font - scurvy_knave 19 hours ago 2 2 S 5 I am the one who lives closest to work, so if the building alarm goes off overnight, I'm first on the list to get the call from the alarm company. It used to be that if we had good reason to believe the alarm was not an actual break in we could tell them not to summon the police and ignore the alarm. (I can access the building cameras from home. The most common alarm was the cleaning crew who were always messing up the disarming.) Then a sister site ignor


Font - Each time I had to go out in the middle of the night, I'd prepare the required report, send it to the facilities director, and request to go back to the old process. Each time he said no, we couldn't afford to miss a potential real break-in. After about three weeks of this nonsense, I was due for some time off. I was going out of town, and the protocol for that was for me to ignore calls from the alarm company so they moved to the next person on the list... which happened to be the facili


Organism - WaywardWriter 17 hours ago 2 e 3 2 A long while back, but my school banned 2 the color pink because a bunch of students were wearing it one October and they thought it was a "gang" thing. It was for breast cancer awareness month. The rule didn't go well for them.


Font - loljetfuel 16 hours ago 9 e5 S 3 3 My spouse's workplace realized they didn't have a policy about sending sexual images or jokes as part of their email acceptable use policy, so they added it. Except they made it a firing offense to send or receive sexual content (I think the intent was to stop people from subscribing to such content). They also said that your access would be immediately revoked until a determination was made. So someone got fired for something else and decided to send th


Font - Flight_19_Navigator 18 hours ago - edited 13 hours ago 2 A place I used to work had a rule that executive-level staff needed to be contactable when on leave, so they had a section on the leave form for the address of where you'd be staying and a contact number. Some knuckle-shuffler in HR decided it applied to all staff and the shenanigans began. People would put down the address and phone number of sex shops, sports grounds, medical clinics. I gave the latitude and longitude of the place


Organism - Spellflinger2019 18 hours ago 32 Late 80's high school- rule was no shorts. Classmate came for an exam with basketball shorts on that were below her knees. Teacher made her go home to change. She came back in a micro mini skirt and wrote her exam.


Font - VloekenenVentileren 20 hours ago 3 S Couldn't buy drinks at lunch with cash money, had to buy some voucher. They were just cheaply made laminated pieces of paper. This was 2001, I was 13 and bored.Scanned the vouchers and printed them out on paper that kinda matched the colour of the vouchers. and laminated tem myself. They were horrible made and not even the right colour on the backside. Also crudely cut out. I 'made' about a hundred of them of passed them out after I tried paying with t


Organism - hmfiddlesworth 19 hours ago To make moving between classes more efficient, they had designated up and down stairways. But they didn't take into account that the stairs were located at the ends of the very long corridors , which meant it was impossible to get to your next class on time. Because of this, no one bothered trying to get to class on time and just blamed the stairway rule.


Font - AnthropomorphicMango 20 hours ago · edited 14 hours ago 2 Not really a "rule," but a change in policy. I used to work for a major beer distributor as a delivery driver. They decided to start using less glue in the packaging to save money. We're talking a few cents per package. As a result, breakage during distribution increased drastically causing them to eat a lot more damaged product. It caused such a large loss in profit that they quickly changed course.


Font - Lower_Impression3226 18 hours ago S I went to a strict catholic school with uniforms. The kids in 4th-8th grade had to wear belts until we got a new principal who made it mandatory for all the kids in the school to wear belts. Many bathroom accidents from kindergartners, 1st and 2nd graders later (and complaints from parents, of course) the principal rescinded her addition to the dress code. More recently, this principal was fired for embezzling money from the school.


Rectangle - ghostFromTheBog 20 hours ago No more swipe cards to get in the building. From now on, it's going to be fingerprint sensors. That was 2 weeks before COVID- 19 happenned


Font - 01110001010 19 hours ago You can't speak a foreign language at work unless you're a certified translator in that language. We had a guy in a customer service position that spoke Spanish as a second language. Yeah, his regular Spanish speaking customers were confused as to why he could no longer speak to them in Spanish, because they knew he was fluent. Eventually J explains to them (in English) that they made it against the rules for him to speak Spanish. They weren't happy about that.


Font - sushinova 17 hours ago 2 3 2 Back in the early 00s, my high school implemented a policy that you had to wear your ID tag at all times. If you didn't have it on, you were sent home. So many students "lost" their ID tag to go grab food or skip a class. We were the only graduating class to wear them all four years. The policy ended soon after.


Font - JugOfVoodoo 19 hours ago a2 My mother was an elementary school teacher. For years the teachers' "be quiet" signal was holding up one hand in a peace sign. Well, the principal decided that this didn't have enough meaning and invented her own. At a staff meeting she explained that her new sign stood for "ears Listening, eyes Looking, lips Locked". She then made an "L" with her index finger and thumb and held it in front of her forehead. This principal didn't take criticism well, so none of


Font - Snakebiteloo 17 hours ago · edited 16 hours ago Boss bitched and complained that we all (welders and millwrights) took lunch and breaks whenever we felt like it (actually just when we got the chance) and implemented a rule that if you didnt take your break/lunch at the right time you didnt get them. Myself and another welder got sent to do a repair that was about a 2 hour drive from the shop first thing in the morning, boss said it was going to be a quick fix so we didnt bring our lunches


Font - IndyMazzy 17 hours ago 2 e 3 I was working as a medical assistant at a private practice medical clinic. Our clinic manager wouldn't allow the new receptionist to drive to the bank to deposit cash. Made her walk carrying the money bag so that she couldn't "drive away with the money." Bizarre. I know. That went on for a few weeks. Then the receptionist was mugged and over $1000 in cash was stolen. She was allowed to drive after that.


Font - 13ane 18 hours ago · edited 15 hours ago In Las Vegas the fire departments had a policy that if someone called out and you covered their shift, you get paid overtime. Eventually ever firefighter at every department was trading shifts so that they were always making overtime. Went on unnoticed for over a year. It was a HUGE scandal and the ones in charge who let it go on and effectively cost the city millions had the book thrown at them hard.


Font - BodhiBill 19 hours ago this one is great. we had a no dating at work rule then the director started seeing someone and other people had their hidden relationships as well. that rule was nullified when the director announced his engagement and so about 6 other couples came out. we no longer have that rule, however people are to let the admin know of relationships now.


Rectangle - muthaclucker 16 hours ago S My boss started putting "all staff required to start 15 mins earlier than indicated" on the roster. I started keeping track of my unpaid overtime and stung her for 3 paid days off. That's not required anymore.


Font - MRobbebayor 18 hours ago In chemistry class we had plastic bottles of distilled water which could be squeezed to produce a small jet of water. We used to spray one another's crotches to make it look like you'd peed yourself. To counter this, our teacher introduced a punishment to anyone caught spraying OR HAVING BEEN SPRAYED. Hence, if you could spray someone and get away with it- they would have wet trousers AND have to write excerpts from a Martin Luther king speech. Needless to say the


Font - wastingtoomuchthyme 20 hours ago Daycare started charging people for picking up their kids late.. As a results more kids were picked up late.. To the admins made it a lot more expensive Now it was a status symbol and even more kids were picked up late.


Font - alasskan_king_crab 18 hours ago At my school the only consequence for anything was detention Consequence for not going to detention was...detention And if you didn't go to that...detention! And if you didn't go to that...


Human body - daHob 20 hours ago I remember my brother wearing a skirt to school for a while when they changed the dress code so boys could no longer wear shorts.

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