Sunday, February 21, 2021

Roommate Leaves Passive Aggressive Notes Around Apartment, Petty Revenge Ensues

Passive aggressive behavior is gross. People can take their passive aggressiveness to nauseating heights as well. In the case of this little housing drama we have a roommate who insisted on leaving very annoying sticky notes around the place about the pettiest of matters. So, our star engineer in the act of a petty revenge decides to leave a nice little picture for them to stir things up. This isn't the first time we've seen roomies come to blows over something like toilet paper in the place. We also have that recent story of a roommate who wouldn't chip in for toilet paper, so the toilet paper was hidden from them


Font - Font - r/pettyrevenge + Join u/-EpicFailure- · 9h 1 DO NOT TOUCH! I did, I touched it. 5 years ago a friend and I decided to rent a three bed, two bath duplex together. My friend got the ensuite and I was happy to take the second larger room but we split rent 50/50. About 5 or so months into renting my roommate told me she was having trouble making rent on time and wanted to get one of her mates to rent the other room and we would all split the rent equally. I was ok with having extra mon


Font - Font - Now the new roommate to moved in and didn't want to be included in our arrangement to take turns buying necessities: we took turns buying toilet paper, cleaning products, food. She wanted to pay her own way and I was not offended by this, each to their own. My original roommate decided if it was going to be like this we may as well all do it. This was after I had done the last shop for the house that was due to run out was so l'm a bit like pfft yeah we can do that but I'm not happ


Font - Font - Shortly after moving in, new roommate starting to leave passive aggressive post-notes around the place: "Take the rubbish out" We always emptied the bin IF IT WAS FULL AND YOU ARE THE LAST TO USE IT. However she just expected it to be done in turns which no one has the time to keep track of seriously? We had one undercover park and she would always be first home so she would park there, one time I got home before her and parked there the next day there was an A4 piece of paper on t


Font - Font - Now by this time I feel like l'm walking on eggshells in my own home because this new roommate is a nightmare. She leaves her toilet paper in the main toilet, the one that guests use etc, one day I notice a post it note saying : DO NOT TOUCH. I was so over these ridiculous notes everywhere I took a picture of me touching the post it note and sent it to her through text. In my opinion I thought I was pretty funny and felt like I had a good laugh. I was side eyed and ignored for a go


Font - melbournemeanderer · 7h You could've taken this so much further, but your restraint would've pissed her off more no doubt. I'm just trying to imagine the look on her face seeing the picture haha G Reply 1 809 •..


Font - Font - wildtaylorberry • 6h My deal with people about the car park was that whoever got home first took the unreserved spots that were still close to the apartment. That way, when the lots were full at night after everyone in the complex was home, there was still a spot close to the apartment...the reserved one. If the first person home takes the reserved spot, then the people coming home later usually had to park all the way across the complex in the bigger boonie lots. G Reply 234 3 ...


Font - Font - captnmorgi · 5h I had an equally petty roommate. I used to come home to passive aggressive notes strewn throughout our small 2 bed 1 bath apartment (she had the larger room but we split rent equally). I started to get the hint that I wasn't welcome when I would see letters written on our white board that said 'if I am not home, walk in slowly and quietly to not disturb my cat. If you let her out I will charge you all of the utility bills' She also wrote 'do not use' on every paper


Font - Font - crochet_cat_lady · 3h I don't understand people who want to live like this. My roommates and I are close friends and the household functions as a unit. We do the shopping together and split the bill. Whoever sees the trash is full takes it out, the person who cooked serves themselves first and doesn't do dishes. We plan our meals together to make grocery shopping easier. I couldn't imagine living with a roommate who insisted on living like you were just planets orbiting around each


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