Sunday, February 21, 2021

Guy Lies To Constantly Late Wife So She Shows Up On Time

Being in an inter-punctual marriage has to be rough. No one should have to lie to their spouse in order to trick them into showing up to their graduation ceremony on time, but life is strange, and it happens. And as it turns out, it's weirdly common. For another one about an uncompromising spousal interaction, here's a picky eater husband who demanded fancier meals.


Font - r/AmIthe/ le · Posted by u/Chewychew5150 9 hours ago の30 @163 30334 AITA for telling my wife that she needed to be a my graduation an hour before she needed to because she is always late for things? I (27m) have been with my wife (27f) for 8 years. For 5 of those years I was in the military and I developed the habit of being early for everything I do. It is a huge pet peeve of mine if people are late for things when they could have been on time. If something happens out of your control an


Font - My wife is the type of person who is always late. Throughout our relationship she has made us late for events and it has been embarrassing. One of the worst incidents was when I was home on leave. We were planning on meeting my mom for breakfast ( I haven't seen in two years) at 9:00am. I told my wife the day before that I want to leave our place at 8:30 so we can get there by 8:50. We both wake up at 7:00 and I'm ready by 8:00. At that point she hasn't even started to get ready. I remind


Font - I was pissed but kept it to myself until we got home. I told her that I hated that she always made us late and it can be embarrassing sometimes. She apologized and said she would work on it. It never got any better. If anything she would get short with me if I mention the time. Fast forward 3 years and I was graduating the police academy. The graduation was set to begin at 10:00am and people could start showing up at 9:15. Well.. knowing my wife and not wanting her to be walking in as the


Font - Well sure enough I see her driving in AT 9:15!!! Of course I was a little pissed but glad that my plan worked. The rest of the graduation went as planned and I was happy. Afterwards a group of us and our spouses went out to celebrate. At one point my wife mentions that she was lucky that the ceremony got pushed back or she was going to be late. My friends were confused and told her that they saw her car and that she showed up right on time. My wife then asked what time was the ceremony su


Font - When we got home my wife blew up on me! She said she was pissed that I lied to her and didn't understand why I did. I told her that I knew that she would be late and so I told her a slightly earlier time be safe. She said she was hurt and felt that I had manipulated her. This is where I might be the a you think I feel? I told you that the graduation started ole. I said “ how do at 9:15 and you were still late! You knew how hard I worked throughout the academy and you couldn't even be on t


Font - pdaddyfire 9 hours ago · edited 6 hours ago 20 9 3 22 & 17 More NTA I literally had to lie to my mom about doctor's appointments, school events, games, anything that involved a time because she is always late. I still to this day have to lie to her about what time events start. It never occurred to her that being late affected everyone around us. I'd constantly get punished at practice if I was late. We've missed doctors appointments that I needed for being late and shed raise hell but it


Font - Nothanksimallgood Partassipant [3] 9 hours ago 34 E 2 NTA. I wouldn't bother tricking her anymore, but I also certainly wouldn't wait for her. Next time you tell her that you need to leave by 8.30, then you leave at 8.30. If she is not ready, she gets left behind. If she is meeting you somewhere and she is late, leave. Everytime she is so late, she is telling everyone that her time is more valuable than theirs. It is rude and inconsiderate.


Font - NotThisAgain234 Colo-rectal Surgeon [31] 9 hours ago NTA, but you need to stop letting her make you late for events. With the breakfast with your mom, you should have left in time to meet your mom when you said you would. Wife can drive herself, take an Uber or stay home. You accommodating her gives her no incentive to change and she does not respect other people enough to do it out of courtesy. So hold to your own standards and she can reap the consequences of doing as she pleases. I kno


Font - dftaylor Asshole Aficionado [13] 9 hours ago - edited 7 hours ago 3 NTA. People who are always late tend to have a fundamental lack of respect for other people's time. Telling them an earlier time is a totally valid tactic if they won't grow up enough to show up when needed. The fact that she immediately turned it to being about what you did wrong, rather than thinking "I'm so unreliable he's had to trick me - and even then I was still late" is amazing. You are so NTA.


Font - samlom131718 9 hours ago NTA. My guess is that she's gone quiet as she knows she's in the wrong but doesn't want to admit it as then she would have to accept that she didn't make an effort to get to your graduation on time.


Font - BeefBrutalizer 9 hours ago NTA - My aunt and her family are this way. The only way to get them to come to anything even remotely on time is to tell them it starts an hour earlier than it really does. Your wife isn't mad at the plan, she's mad that the plan worked so well. She's mad that her lateness is so predictable that other people know to plan around it. It's embarrassing.


Font - Pergamon_ 9 hours ago Was she going to be late? Yes. Was she on time because of you? Also yes. For an adult to always be late is unacceptable and rude. Of course their are instances were one is late, but she is ALWAYS late and that is just not OK. She needs to understand that. NTA


Font - eatmoreunicorns Asshole Aficionado [18]] 9 hours ago NTA. We do this with my stepmom because she's always late too. We usually tell her an event is 30-45 minutes earlier than it is. Your wife is a grown woman who doesn't know how to manage her time. This event was important to you so she needed to be on time to it. I'm the same way as you. I hate being late. I'd rather get there 15 minutes early and wait in my car until it's time to go in than risk being even a few minutes late.


Font - Mag-1892 Partassipant [1] 9 hours ago NTA She was late to fake time anyway so she proved your point.

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