Sunday, February 21, 2021

Creepy Moments People Have A Hard Time Explaining

As much as we'd all like to think we're perfectly rational, we're all creatures of suspicion and superstition. Sometimes we see strange events that we can't logically explain like having some weird premonition or out-of-body experience, and all we're left to do is sit there and go "alright, that was weird. People aren't going to believe this."


Smile - rg250871 2 days ago O 4 3 Was camping alone in a small 1-person tent. All snug and secure in the tent, I went to sleep. Was woken by a clap of thunder at 3am, to discover both the inner and outer tent door was wide open. That was freaky.


Font - SwaggySwan23 2 days ago · edited 2 days ago O 19 e37 5 & 87 More I was living in Boston. I woke up at 3am or so by my cat jumping up on my bed and curling in between my calf muscles and going to sleep. My cat would do this every night since I was 5 years old. That was his spot. It was something I was very familiar with. Thing is, My cat was living with my parents on the west coast. So I couldn't understand what the hell I just felt. But I knew it was my cat.. I just figured I was dreaming


Font - dipdipbeantot 2 days ago e 3 2 6 8 3 I fell asleep on the couch and got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. Once I got there I realized I didn't have to go. I headed towards the bedroom but decided to turn around and go back downstairs to the couch. When I got there I saw my body still asleep curled up on the sofa. I don't remember what happened after, and I know it had to have just been a dream. But, it still freaks me out to this day to think about it.


Font - danidoodle 2 days ago 2 3 2 I used to work in a nursing home where I cared for 2 dementia patients. Every patient on the hall I worked on would steal spoons from dinner to give to "the kids" because "they like shiny things." It got to the point where once a week I'd have to go through everyone's room to take back the spoons. I asked the patients about the kids many times but never got a good answer. I'd hear things like "they just live here" or "they stand outside in the snow and look in


Font - heatherloree76 2 days ago O 21 e 27 & 58 More Maybe around age 14, early 90s. We were traveling from TX up to Tacoma, WA. We were about out of money, almost out of gas, no food, stuck in Chico California. I sat in the car while mom took my younger sisters to the restroom at a gas station. I was riddled with anxiety about our situation and looking down. The car door opened and I looked up. A lady that looked like a brown haired Brady mom sat in the seat and faced me. She said "It seems lik


Font - EyeBumGaze808 2 days ago · edited 1 day ago O 2 3 4 3 & 4 More Just a normal Saturday night, I was watching TV home alone with my 2 dogs, when I heard a banging sound coming from the basement. Legit sounded like somebody was just banging something on the appliances we had down there. Now there is no access into the basement from down there, only through the upstairs rooms that I was in and knew nobody could have come in and got past me. So with this knowledge I was not as scared as you ma


Font - I get down and see that it is my other dog, banging his head into our dryer and chest freezer which are next to each other. My meathead dog is just stood there watching confused. So I approach my other dog and calm him down and we all go back upstairs. Now this freaked the heck out of me and upset me as it seems such very strange behaviour for my dog to do. Fast-forward only 30mins or so, the banging starts again. I instantly look over to my dog, but he is lay down, but now also aware of


Font - Mechanic84 2 days ago 14 e11 S 11 I had a recurring nightmare of a pitch black parasite sucking the life it of me. Sometimes it waited for me in dark corners to go to bed. My cats always slept on my bed during that time. For me it was a very stressful time, a got 13 an itch at the place of my chest where I dreamed the parasite was sucking my life out of me. I got sick an felt a pea sized lump. I went to my doc and they ordered a biopsy of that lump. As it turned out I had male breast canc


Font - Brosif-Ballin 2 days ago · edited 2 days ago 2 2 I once woke up in a tent in the middle of the night while camping in the Upper Peninsula with my friends. I heard this dude shouting and screaming about a bear, telling it to f*ck off and stuff. Naturally I woke my buddy up and told him what was up and he said he could hear it too. We got out of our tent and searched for almost an hour around the campsite and found nothing, then proceeded to find a redwings hat that was neither of ours. We


Font - CharlieTuna_ 2 days ago S 2 Once I was hired to load firewood into my aunts basement. She lives alone and left the basement door open for me while she went out. I usually swing the interior basement door as wide as I can when I walk in and the door almost never closes completely but once I heard it close and when I was about to grab another load I saw that the deadbolt locked. When I walk in my arms are filled with firewood so I wouldn't be able to lock it myself. Looked out the window an


Font - AmericanChesse 2 days ago O e5 3 5 & 2 More I apologise for grammar of spelling mistakes There was a kid in another class at my school in 6th grade that was genius. I don't mean like, oh he's really smart cause doesn't need to do the homework and still gets a 100s. Like he's was doing advanced calculus with a local college professor after school. This kid was smarter than everyone. So one day our computer system for the entire school goes down. (I was in a poorer area at the time so this


Organism - redditaccount1_2 2 days ago · edited 2 days ago 33 E 2 Right after quarantine started I got a package in the mail. It was addressed to my name and my address and contained 1 pink starburst and nothing else. To this day, I have no idea who sent it or why. The return address was a vacant office space across the country.


Font - doug1963 2 days ago 2 e7 & 6 More One of my cats had been missing for a few weeks. I had given her up as gone. While on the phone with a friend 100 miles away (who has never seen my house), he interrupts himself from talking about work and says with a strange urgency, "Doug. Open your front door. Your cat is sitting on the porch waiting to come in." And of course upon opening the door, I find her just casually sitting there. We were both beyond blown away. Between sobs of joy I asked "how


Font - HailToTheKingslayer 2 days ago · edited 2 days ago Not creepy as such, more just unexplained. As a kid I was round a friend's house after school. It was a sunny day so we went to the park near his house, then through the woods there. (His younger brother was with us as well). In the woods, beside the path, there were red berries on the ground. The berries had been arranged into three stick figures, which was weird as there were three of us. We got back to the house, and my friend and I de

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