Friday, January 22, 2021

Wholesome Memes To Stoke That Positivity

As stressful and weird the world can be at any given moment, it's still probably better for us to not focus on the negatives all the time. Wholesome memes can be that reminder that good things happen too, even when it doesn't seem like it. Sometimes we just need some wholesome memes for a healthy boost.


Organism - Itried to video chat with my cat and she recognized me


Clothing - Me: grandma come over Grandma: i cant im too old Me: my parents left me alone at the house with no food Grandma: क


Forehead - I can't draw but my daughter asked me to draw her a dragon because she thinks I can do anything. so I did my best and after I gave it to her she walked over and hung it on the fridge. and now I am just sitting here beaming cause my daughter really thinks I'm fridge worthy :) 14550 ONewDadNotes I'm fridge Worthy!


Nature - The fort I made as a kid ACk CHOST The fort when I come back to it as an adult


Nose - Pbs kids show: this program in part is brought to you by viewers like you..thank you :) 4 y/o me:


Hairstyle - 16 year old me doing donuts in a snow covered parking lot. 46 year old me doing donuts in a snow covered parking lot.


Human - When you subscribe to a small YouTuber who makes good videos We will watch your career with great interest. Dank MER


Vertebrate - Someone taught a raccoon how to finger paint and it's the best thing I've seen in a while.


Nature - She gets out a new Lego set to build She takes A girl invites you to her house you to her bedroom together


Brown - Teachers really used to hype up the end of year party just to serve us this God underpaid teachers who are trying to make an effort to their students


Human - This is, without a doubt, one of the single greatest fu king photographs I have ever seen. Fills me with an indescribable joy.


Brown - Me: "Look what I can do!" *Does nothing* Grandma and Grandpa:


Pattern - 1939. Kansas Wheat. When they realized women were using their sacks to make clothes for their children, the mills started using flowered fabric for their sacks so the kids would have pretty clothes. Pure kindness. The label would wash out. UE FLOUR


Motor vehicle - The only kind of news I need in my life BREAKING NEWS This pitbull pulled out her teddy to show it to a dog of another car


Body of water - When you're comfortable with being yourself around others


Display device - This is actual advice the news is giving to Southerners for driving in snow Corhelig Karinapolis Lincolnton TWITTER ADVICE FROM @Chadsu42 PRST ALERT TRAFFIC SLOW SLOWNG FAST If you rarely drive on snow, Just pretend you're taking your grandma to church. There's a platter of biscuits and 2 gallons of sweet tea in glass jars in the back seat. She's wearing a new dress and holding a crock pot full of gravy. Mount Hally Locust hionville dingten


Jaw - Littering Keeping the trash in your pocket until you see a trash can




Ingredient - Brain:"all of your friends hate you" Мe: SHUT UP made with mematic


Nature - A forester planted a few larch trees in the Douglas fir forest in Oregon to create a smiley face


Yellow - fully grown but you when you are can't resist using the playground equipment


Atmospheric phenomenon - The villain destroying the world in the main story line Me collecting 10 flowers for the garlic farmer so he can make it up to his wife


Organism - sea urchins protect themselves by putting rocks and shells on their "heads" so apparently if u give them tiny hats they will put them on and wear them /r/ALL


Lip - Gf: "Can you entertain my niece while l'm out for groceries?" Me preparing for a teaparty:


Face - Dad sleeps downstairs on the sofa bed with elderly dog to keep him company since dog can't get up the stairs anymore Because that's what heroes do

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