Friday, January 22, 2021

Companies "Improved" Products That Are Objectively Worse

Because we're human beings, we're entitled to our hyper judgmental rejection of anything new and "improved." Sometimes companies work hard to make their beloved products legitimately cheaper and inferior, especially in the case of Cadbury Eggs. Those used to be great. Now everything is too marked up for its own good. Sometimes things just change with the times, like cars not having CD players anymore, which is inarguably worse. Who the hell wants to buy a digital copy of Hybrid Theory when there's a perfectly good physical copy of it somewhere around here.


Font - footleatherfist 15 hours ago My favorite frozen pizza brand used to have round pizzas that were packaged in a cardboard box that could be used to slide the pizza onto and then be used as a plate, no fuss, no mess. NOW, it is a frozen RECTANGLE in a BAG! The shame Totinos, the shameee.


Font - validusrex 21 hours ago · edited 15 hours ago O A 63S & 91 Re Cosmopolitan, the magazine. As a teenager I read one my GF had in math class once, and for some reason just kept reading them. For 10 years, TEN YEARS, I bought it every month. When I was deployed I had my wife buy it and send me a copy each month. On my bookshelf, I have them all lined up, because if you have an entire year of cosmo, the spine of the magazine actually has a guy on it. Its usually their "hot guy of the year" or


Hair - billyandteddy 17 hours ago e 3 52 O Adobe products becoming subscription based. I want to just pay once for Adobe Photoshop not every single month...


Font - UnconstrictedEmu 22 hours ago · edited 2 hours ago 2 e 3 5 E 4 I miss when video games had instruction books that actually told you about how to play the game and maybe had some lore. I know a lot of the time all that's in the game itself but still.


Rectangle - FartKilometre 19 hours ago 2 S 2 the original Xbox let you rip CDs to the hard drive so you could have custom soundtracks in a lot of games. Burnout and GTA 3/Vice City/San Andreas were so much fun with your own killer soundtrack.


Organism - warmkittenmittens 18 hours ago 2 S 2 E I have severe skin allergies, so finding soaps and cosmetics that don't cause irritation is difficult. When I find something that works, the worst thing ever is seeing, "New & Improved Formula" stamped on the bottle.


Font - Wooshter 18 hours ago 3 e4 3 E Many years ago on Xbox 360 you could watch netflix with your homies. Your avatars would show up in a movie theater and you could even emote to the movie. So many good times were had just bullshitting watching random shitty netflix movies back then. Then out of nowhere, they just took it away :(I still get sad thiniking about it


Font - Fly_Boy_1999 20 hours ago · edited 14 hours ago O 9 5 e11 3 6 & 7 More Old LEGO club magazines. I remember when I first got them as a kid I would flip through the catalog pages of all the available sets. There were specific ads for themes as well as comic books, but the set catalog was why I was there. Then in 2010 or 2011 (I do not remember). They got rid of the catalogue portions (which made the magazines pretty fat) and only left the ads, announcements and comics. I liked flipping thro


Font - Subbend 21 hours ago · edited 15 hours ago 3 2 Back in my day (just even ~3 years ago), you were able to buy smart phones where the user could easily remove the battery and replace it themself. Broke my LG G5 (at the time, the last LG phone with a removable battery by owner) and went with a Samsung S20. That LG lasted me 3.5 years until I dropped it and broke its screen. When my battery started losing its charge quickly, I bought another battery from the retailer and it was practically go


Font - OwlStretcher 18 hours ago I searched this whole thread, and I don't see a big one. Craftsman altering the lifetime warranty of their hand tools so much so that it's a shell of what it used to be. There was a time not so long ago you could take any busted Craftsman tool, no matter where you got it or how you broke it, and get it swapped out. It truly was a tool for life. Can't do that anymore.


Font - DomesticApe23 17 hours ago B 5 28 3 6 E2 In Australia, Heinz removed the classic 420g can of baked beans and replaced it with three different sizes, none of which are the appropriate amount of beans. I no longer eat Heinz beans.


Font - Bikeboy76 19 hours ago 2 3 2 Cadbury Dairy Milk no longer exists; the recipe is the product, you can't change the recipe and expect us not to notice. Shrinkflation isn't even a problem if the recipe hadn't been changed. CDM is supposed to have a slight crumble, but it is now a squidgy palm oil filled mess. Kraft/Mondelez have adulterated something that although not gourmet was a gold standard of the mass market. It is now just cheap crap like everything else. Nobody asked for this, I was


Font - BlueKat25 18 hours ago · edited 10 hours ago O 2 2 e2 S 3 & 3 More One of my favourite German words is "Verschlimmbesserung". It's the word "Verbesserung", improvement, merged with the word "Verschlimmerung", deterioration. Improvioration. It's used for when people try to improve something but actually make it worse overall.


Rectangle - Cyanide_Revolver 19 hours ago O 3 2 Most CD booklets don't have much artwork anymore. I used to listen to albums whilst looking at the artwork and reading the lyrics. Very few albums have that now


Font - xcesiv_77 20 hours ago COD multiplayer lobbies are no more. It resets every match. After the match, those players are gone. The better graphics aren't worth what we lost...


Smile - Satures 22 hours ago S The cars I had so far all had a "traditional" parking brake lever. It took me a few weeks to trust the electronic parking brake.


Mammal - e36 22 hours ago I just got a Tesla electric vehicle, and nearly everything is controlled on this big iPad thing. There are days when I wish that they had added a few more manual controls, like for the headlights and windshield wiper speed.


Eye - MycelliumMinty 22 hours ago S PlayStations aren't backwards compatible and I've got my favorite ps1 and Ps2 games just sitting around.


Font - ocrohnahan 16 hours ago 3 E Cars with no spare tire. Many new cars with no dipstick to check the oil. Downward spiral of not being able to fix your own things is outrageous, but people keep buying this shit.


Human body - theclansman22 21 hours ago McDonald's eliminating the dollar menu. I want cheap, shitty food, and I want it now!


Hair - MerylSquirrel 21 hours ago · edited 8 hours ago Everyone removing the T9 keyboard so now my tremor and I have to deal with tiny qwerty keyboards on touch screens.


Font - SilentMunch 21 hours ago · edited 19 hours ago 32 8 They changed the 5 flavor Lifesavers! No more lime or pineapple? What the hell? Similarly, replacing lime with green apple in Skittles. I don't know what the obsession with green apple is, but I'm not happy with the change.


Font - Witness_me_Karsa 17 hours ago · edited 2 hours ago Why the fuck does music in all of its forms not come with Lyrics? Used to come in some cassettes and CDs. But why can't spotify play full lyrics (i know some songs have that partial lyrics/story bullshit). Furthermore, why don't artists release full lyrics with all of their shit? It would be so fucking easy, 10 minutes of asking/typing. But no, if I look up the lyrics to any song, its always gonna be some crowd-sourced bullshit that is us


Organism - 2 tenehemia 18 hours ago The current state of Pyrex products. Ugh. 774 Reply Share Report Save CTRL-D- 15 hours ago Oh I know my MIL has all her original Pyrex from the 80's, and I told her to write those in her will for me lol


Font - MsEvelynn 18 hours ago The altoids from about 15 years ago in the metal tin that weren't just powdery mints, but little candies coated in powdered sugar. I realized one day I never saw them anywhere anymore and haven't been the same since


Font - sannabiscativa 20 hours ago Taco Bell discontinuing the Volcano Burrito! 648 + Reply Share Report Save FigMcLargeHuge 18 hours ago Taco Bell can fuck right off. They also removed the Mexican Pizza, and the Taco Salad. And now you have reminded me of how much I miss Volcano Burritos.


Font - TheLeapingLeper 17 hours ago Game consoles going fully digital. No longer can you skim through your library of game discs and pop one in and be playing within 30 seconds. Now you have to download the game from the internet all day, and can only store 8 games at once. Rubbish.


Dress - MongooseProXC 21 hours ago Cars don't have CD players anymore. :(

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