Sunday, January 31, 2021

Total Strangers People Will Never Forget

It's weird that we're surrounded by people all the time, but it's against social convention to have a meaningful relationship with any of them. As rare as it is, people will take time out of their lives to make more of an impact than being just a face in the crowd. Some of these interactions are strange encounters, others are wholesome, but the one thing they all are is memorable.


Text - badass_panda 22 hours ago · edited 13 hours ago 容4 When I was a broke-as-sin 18 year old trying to make ends meet, I had a side hustle providing IT support for households (like a 18 & 129 More geek squad sort of thing). In practice, I would mostly set up computers for elderly people and the tech illiterate, and teach them how to use them ... Or get them out of technical binds (usually with printers) by googling on their behalf. This elderly Korean gentleman hired me to set up his new comp


Text - Over the course of about a month I came back four times, worked with him, had a lovely meal, and he would tell me about his family and his kids (he was so proud of his daughter, who was about to finish her residency and become a pediatrician). By the end of the month he was pretty comfortable on the PC, and I thanked him profusely for how kind he was and how ridiculously he'd overpaid me. He told me I reminded him of his son (who was estranged for some reason -- I didn't press), and that


Text - TurdsforNipples 23 hours ago 2 98 The lady who told me I looked great in blue, and that it was clearly my color. 35 & 6 More To this day if I'm deciding between shirts to buy, or wear, I'll go with blue. That compliment was about fifteen years ago at least.


Text - Back2Bach 23 hours ago 2 4@9 3 4 E8 My lost wallet was returned in the mail. The anonymous stranger sent it back at their own expense ($9.75 postage) with all the money, credit cards, drivers license, and other items intact - nothing was missing. A note enclosed read: "Please do something kind for a stranger whenever you have the opportunity."


Text - fla_man 23 hours ago 23 24 S 3 2 I was driving down south with my girlfriend, we have a blowout so I put on the donut. The donut blows out while we're exiting the very next exit. So there we are maybe 19 and at least a hundred miles from anyone we know at a gas station in the middle of nowhere. I'm thinking on what to do next, and probably looked like there was something wrong so this older man offered to help. He drives me 20 or so minutes to a junk yard to get a cheap tire. Then he puts


Text - Text - Acceptable_Medicine2 23 hours ago 9 4 32 5 Took a train to NYC by myself for the first time. I was 18. Second time to NYC, first time ever on a train. I told the kiosk lady that I'd never been on a train before and asked if she might give me a quick run down of what to do. Another train station employee was nearby and was so interested and amused that I was taking a train for the first time and was alone. He walked me through what to do, down to the smallest detail. No judgement, n


Text - Text - ThadisJones 22 hours ago 3 3 3 3 The foreign exchange student and his parents who walked past my park bench on campus and dropped his passport. I chased after them to return it and his mom started screaming at me in broken English like "Why you have his papers? Why you steal his papers?" while the kid and his father looked like they were going to die from embarrassment.


Text - Text - FishNchips72 20 hours ago ,9 & 27 More When I was super overweight, I was just starting to workout somewhat regularly. Being morbidly obese at the gym is terrible - I have never felt more eyes on me before in my life. I was on a treadmill, grinding out some inclined walk/ light jogging, and a super fit girl got on the machine next to me (this was all pre-COVID). She did a short warm-up, and before she got off the treadmill she turned to me and gave me a high five and told me to kee


Text - seabass4507 18 hours ago When my wife and I first started dating, we were walking into a Trader Joe's holding hands. This elderly woman looks at us and says rather loudly "CUTE COUPLE ALERT!!" My wife and I still laugh about it, it's been 12 years at least.


Text - Text - alwaysiamdead 22 hours ago .3 3 S 2 & 8 More My son was a week old, and had to go to the doctor. I had severe early onset post partum depression, and I hadn't slept more than an hour at a time since his birth. I locked my keys, phone, and son in the car. This incredibly wonderful older couple calmed me down, called CAA, parked beside my car and sat with me until the tow truck came and unlocked the car. The tow driver refused payment. I will never forget those three people.


Text - Text - Not_an_elk 20 hours ago e6 3 5 87 I was waiting for my appointment with an optometrist when an old haitian man walked in with a grocery bags.tye receptionist knew him so he walked up to me and proceeded to ask me riddles. When I finally got the answer to one he reached into his bag and gave me a snickers then left. To this day I'm really curious as to what would motivate a man to become a wholesome riddler.


Text - Text - CerementBag 22 hours ago a 3 2 An Irish guy (not in Ireland) who spoke with such a strong accent that I couldn't make out a single word. To this day I question whether it was just a prank.


Text - Text - Imanol_Canada 23 hours ago · edited 19 hours ago I was in the laundry with my dog and an old man with his dog approached, our pets met and the man said "When Jesus said love your neighbour as you love yourself, only the dogs understood it" After that we had an small chat, then he left and I have never seen him again. I will never forget that man


Text - Text - -dula-peep- 22 hours ago 9 e2 8 Was on a solo trip to Amsterdam last year, partying it up as one does. Was at a bar having a few drinks, and a gorgeous British woman a seat or two over from me (mid-20s) grabs my arm (I'm a very gay looking man by the way) and starts going on about how good it is to see me. I got the hint and noticed an older guy bothering her and her friend, played along with them as their long lost BFF until he left. We ended up spending the rest of the night bar


Text - Text - 96 34 E5 When I was in elementary school I fell through Omenaa 20 hours ago ice. A man who was walking his dog saw me fall and rushed to the shore. I frantically swam back to the shore, I was only about 5 meters in to the pond so it wasn't a long way, but it took some with soaked winter clothes. When I reached the shore, the man pulled me up by my jacket. It would've been difficult to get up, as there was a steep incline. I didn't thank him, because I was in shock, but I bet he kno


Text - Text - TheRealOcsiban 19 hours ago I was doing tech support and my customer was so happy with my service she offered to marry me to her daughter. I politely declined.


Text - Text - Just-STFU 20 hours ago 2 59 & 18 More There are a few. The biggest one was when I was homeless and asked a lady for the time. She told me and asked if I wanted to share her sandwich and the paper. She was the first person to treat me like a person, like I was worth something in years. I never got her name but I will remember her fondly for the rest of my life. I know that she'll never, ever know what a difference she made in my life. Just that one simple thing she did and the human


Text - Text - Fuginshet 22 hours ago 3 2 I was at a pool bar at a resort in Jamaica. A British lady next to me asked me the most random question, which turned into a nearly three hour conversation. The question: What is a redneck? It was a lot more difficult to explain than I thought it would be. I didnt realize that was an unknown concept to a lot of Brits.


Text - Text - Orphan007 22 hours ago I was walking on the street and a person came to me and said if I had any money. I gave him some. He looked at the money, told me it was sinful, and returned it to me. It was really weird. The money was my hard-earned money.


Text - Text - blakee42069 21 hours ago E I was on a tram and I didn't have a ticket and the ticket inspectors came on. I got asked to have my ticket seen and I said I "couldn't find it on me" and he said he'll come back so I can look for it. There was a stranger sat on the seat behind me who had a ticket, he gave it to me and he got off at the next stop. Guy gave me his ticket so I wouldn't be issued a fine.


Text - Text - TheLaudMoac 22 hours ago · edited 17 hours ago Standing in line waiting to board a plane home in Italy. Guy with bleach Blonde hair in a leather jacket starts telling me about how he's going home after living in Italy teaching girls to speak English from the back of a van for several years, just about to get on the plane and a security person points at him, snaps a rubber glove onto their hand and then beckons him over with their newly gloved finger. He never made the flight.


Text - Text - _fbn_ 22 hours ago S Went on a 3 day trip to Berlin and saw 2 women having a heated argument. It ended with one of them doing a cartwheel and throwing up her middlefingers, then running away.


Text - MrsYoungie 19 hours ago The man who saw hubby and I struggling to put our newly purchased snowblower into our (too small) car. He put it into his pick up truck and followed us home and unloaded it onto our drive. It was that moment that I realized that people are kind - and that we were officially old pathetic geezers.


Text - Wiewsywoo 19 hours ago I was visiting Paris and a woman on the subway bumped past me so hard that her baguette scratched my arm enough to draw blood. I'm not kidding. A French woman cut me with her baguette.

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