Sunday, January 31, 2021

Customer Won't Leave Without Wii, Security Guard Says Otherwise

Anyone who has ever muddled through the harrowing daily existence that is keeping up with a job in retail knows that the gig comes with many entitled customers and raging Karens that really push you to your limit of what you'll tolerate, every shift. In this case though, we get to see a heroic security guard show up in the nick of time, and ultimately give a belligerent customer the stiff reality check that they so sorely needed. 


Text - r/TalesFromRetail + Join u/Presspanda · 3y "I'm not leaving here without the Wii." Yes you are. Long r/ALL It's been over a decade sinceI worked in retail but reading this sub lately has brought back so many memories and I thought I would start to share. I worked in a store selling dvds, cds, games, vinyl and a bunch of other entertainment related stuff. This story took place the day after the launch of the Nintendo Wii. Our store had guaranteed that if you had pre-ordered a Wii by a cert


Text - The day after the release, we had just opened and I was standing by the entrance of the door to greet customers when this big angry looking guy comes charging through the door straight up to me ... Customer: do you have any Nintendo Wii's in stock ? Me: Hi, I'm sorry we sold out of the stock we had yesterday. ..on hearing this the customer stamped his foot and slammed his shopping bags against his side. I knew at that point drama was about to unfold. Customer: Right, well I want to pre or


Text - Me: What? Customer: You are lying to me, I was in here 2 weeks ago and was told if I pre ordered I was guaranteed one on the day of release! At this point, l'm thinking maybe l've misunderstood and he has in fact pre ordered so I make an attempt at clarifying... Me: Oh, are you here to collect a pre order? Do you have your order slip and receipt? Customer: No I don't have a slip, you should have one for me because I enquired about wanting one weeks ago! Either give me one now or order one


Text - Text - Customer: This is ridiculous! Get me a manager right now as you are obviously incapable of sorting this mess out. I'm not leaving here without the Wii! As angry as this guy already was, he was about to get even angrier as I now had to inform him that I was in fact the manager on duty and the only one around. (I was a supervisor who did opening and closing - supervisors were designated managers on duty when there were no real grown ups around) The guy flipped out...pointing his fing


Text - Unbeknown to me, our security guard had just come on shift and was just entering the shop floor when he heard the customer screaming at me. He walked straight up from behind me, grabbed the guy by his neck and dragged him outside backwards telling him "you're done." Once outside, the guy stood between me and the security guard...almost foaming at the mouth with rage for a good minute before turning and storming out of sight. 9.5k 356 1, Share

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