Thursday, January 14, 2021

Dude Sends Fan Mail To Marvel Comics, Dad Assumes They Got Published

We just love these kinds of wholesome misunderstandings. Our hearts definitely go out to the kind and supportive dad who was just massively enthused because he assumed that his kid got published in the infamous Marvel Comics. At least dad showed all the love like he did. 


Blue - r/tifu + Join u/grapejuicecheese · 11h 1 1 1 1 2 14 26 3 23 2 因 22 1 TIFU by sending fan mail to Marvel Comics M So this happened in the mid 90's. Spider-man was knee deep in the middle of the clone saga, one of the most controversial story arcs in comic history. As a 12 year old kid, I loved it. And after reading the latest issue, I decided to send a letter to Marvel. E-mail was not as widespread back then, so I printed out my letter and my mom took me to the post office to send it.


Text - A few months pass and I'm reading the latest issue of Spider-man. Iturn to the letters page and what do I see but my letter, complete with my full name printed on the back page of the comic book! "They printed it!" I told my mom. My dad was in the room and he asked what was going on. Now, I love my boomer dad very much. He's an immigrant who isn't fluent in English and this was where the confusion started. I told him how I sent a letter to Marvel a few months ago and that they printed it


Text - My dad was so proud. A few days later I noticed that my comic book was missing. It turns out that my dad took the comic with him and was bragging about me at work. "My son made a comic book! He wrote and drew everything!" I was clueless of all this but there were a few red flags that I should have picked up on. For one, my dad held on that comic book like glue. He would look through the pages at night. I would also get complimented by people at his work "there's our little Picasso" and so


Text - "They did pay you right?", he asked "What?" "They paid you, for the story." "No." "What?!? They're ripping you off! This is professional level work! Is it because you're too young?" "Dad, I didn't write that story" "But you told me a few months ago that they printed it, you're name's right here!" >>


Text - I then explained to him that comic books have letter pages at the back of the issue. Fans send letters and Marvel prints them there. I sent a letter months ago and they printed it. That's why my name was at the back of the book. My father scratched his head, and from his face, I could tell that he was going through a TIFU of his own. He picked up the comic, flipped to the back and, with his limited knowledge of english, read my letter for the first time. He then starts laughing to himself


Text - EDIT: I won't tell what issue it was as my real name and address were printed along with the letter. Also, don't freak out over their printing my name amd address. Personal data security and doxxing just weren't things back in the 90s. There was no social media back then and e-mail was just becoming widespread. It just wasn't a big deal at the time. TLDR; TIFU by sending fan mail to Marvel Comics and getting it printed. My dad reads it and thinks that I wrote and illustrated the story, an

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