Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Dad Fires His Son for Stealing from Work

Nothing adds to the entitlement just like the whole "boss's kid" mentality. At least the dad went and did something about it. The kid even tried to frame another employee. For some more work-related foibles, here are the fastest ways people's co-workers got fired. For another kid stepping way over his bounds, here's a manipulative son who tried to sell his mom's house and cancelled her job interview.


Text - Posted by u/E11451913 1 day ago 14 10 3 15 13 AITA: For firing my son? Not the A-hole Throwaway because I don't want this seen on my main account. I'll get straight to the issue. My M43 17 year old son Adam has been trying to become independent and preparing to move to college but was struggling to find a job. I own a private warehouse as a side job to earn a living. My wife suggested I hire my son to work at the warehous. Moving boxes, brining workers lunch, helping with cleaning that ki


Text - I agreed and Adam was so happy and excited to start working. We agreed on the salary and work hours so he still has time to study and practice. The first couple of weeks were going fine. That is until one day. The workers were moving boxes (computers) into the warehouse. The client wanted them to be stored for a few days and we already arranged before they arrived. It was all written down including the number of computers we stored. In the evening while I was checking I noticed there was


Text - I brought it up at home and Adam told me that he saw one of the workers putting a box in the garage to take home with him. I was confused since he couldn't specify which worker it was. He eventually gave me a name. And I went to talk to the worker. He denied it and I ended up giving him X time to bring back the box and then I'd discuss why he did what he did. The worker is a single dad with 3 kids I've known him for a while and I wanted to give him a chance. The next day I was busy my dau


Text - I went home and I confronted him. My wife sided with him when he denied it and after arguing for hours I fired him and told him he was lucky I didn't call the police. this was my responsibility the client entrusted me with his computers and Adam stole on the Job. Adam started crying. My wife said I was wrong for firing him. That it was extreme and should've just took from his salary. She refused to drop it and tried to convince me to hire him again but I refused. I apologized to my worker


Text - Kay_Elle Asshole Aficionado [18] 4.0k points · 1 day ago Big NTA This is a serious offence and if this happened with another boss he might be sitting at a police office now. You're a good boss. I suggest showing your wife the video if she's taking his side. 1.8k points · 1 day ago I cant imagine but the police would've absolutely E11451913 gotten involved if this was someone else and not me. I'm not tolerating his behavior I know what he did was wrong but I wanted to give him a warning to


Text - rollapoid Partassipant [1] 2.3k points · 1 day ago NTA he stole from his place of employment And lied about it And tried to get an innocent employee in trouble for it. if i had done that i'd fucking expect to get fired


Text - Joylar7 Partassipant [1] 1.6k points · 1 day ago NTA and it sounds like your wife is enabling your son


Text - RooibosChaiLatte Asshole Aficionado [11]] 851 points · 1 day ago You know you're NTA. He literally stole from your client and from you. Why is your wife coddling him? He's 17 - he knew exactly what he was doing.


Text - BrazilNut33626 Asshole Enthusiast [8] 832 points · 1 day ago NTA - I don't understand your wife or your family. They backed your thieving son, instead of being concerned that he resorted to theft to get what he wanted. This could seriously affect your business if your clients find out that some product is being stolen by your son. Lack of trust leads to lack of business.


Text - megameh64 Asshole Enthusiast [7] 253 points · 1 day ago NTA you son STOLE from the company, and tried to ruin a family over it. Being fired is getting off easy. If you covered for him here, he would have gotten even more bold and entitled. Your family is insane if they think stealing hundreds of dollars of equipment is normal.


Text - imalreadyannoyed Partassipant [3] 186 points - 1 day ago · edited 1 day ago YTA Not for firing him. But for not filing a police report Actions have consequences, and you raised a thief and a liar, and refuse to handle it appropriately.


Text - ChiisaiHobbit Partassipant [1] 153 points ·1 day ago S NTA Your son enjoyed the perks of nepotism, but they only go so far. He took advantage of the situation, betrayed your trust, lied to your face, tried to get other people in troubles to pay for the consequences of his actions. The fact that you fired him means you are a good parent. Letting him get away with something like that would make him completely deluded about how the real world works. He is not a little kid any more, 17 yo is


Text - ObamaGuava Partassipant [3] 102 points - 1 day ago NTA. Just because hes your son doesnt mean he shouldn't be held accountable for stealing and lying. You did the right thing, op. If your wife us still mad, show her the footage


Text - Djorgal Asshole Aficionado [16] 71 points · 1 day ago NTA Of course, you should fire him for stealing from work. Putting the blame on someone specific was really a scummy move. He almost cost someone their job, that's not something merely "taking from his salary" can solve. Especially seeing that your son is not at all apologetic. Your son should go to that coworker and apologize for trying to frame him.


Text - Farinario 53 points · 1 day ago ESH. Your son, obviously, your wife, duh, and you, for confronting a guy without checking the cameras first. "Guilty before proved innocent" makes you the AH. Imagine how pathetic you looked in the eyes of the wrongly accused guy, who now knows that all the time you were accusing him, the culprit was your spoiled brat of a son, with you blissfully unaware of his true nature.

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Tagged: wtf , fired , stealing , job , work , dad , family , son , thief

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