Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Temp Tries To Get Employee Fired Behind Their Back, Fails Miserably

The fact that this nightmarish and vindictive temp had the audacity to try and get a reference after all the wildly toxic games is both sobering and terrifying. Like, how delusional can a person get? And on top of all the fictional complaints that she apparently pulled right out of thin air, it sounds like she was also proactively lifting her coworkers' meals. Yikes. 


Text - r/ProRevenge + Join u/ManElegant • 3y A temp I barely knew was actively trying to get me fired behind my back. Jeeprs this blew up. I haven't time to today but I will make it my business to reply to all questions in the next few days. This happened a while ago but decided to post today as she rang a member of the office and used the threat of unfair dismissal claim if she wasn't given a good reference. Not sure if it belongs in here or not. TL:DR An office temp l'd spoken to a handful of


Text - So, we had a temp covering maternity leave that turned out to be a bit of a nutjob. She was EA to Deputy CEO and seemed to think this gave her some sort of status. We'll call her the temp. I'd spoken to her twice maybe three and was incredibly nice; I make it my business to be nice to everyone. What she didn't know is that from about a week after she started I knew she was sending daily complaints (all unfounded and untrue) to my manager about me. My manager and I get on socially and prof


Text - What set our alarm bells ringing though was one day I was leaving early and asked her to cover something that afternoon in person, to her face. She was nice about it and said no problem. I have flexi hours and get lots of time in lieu so l'm not always there 9-5 like other staff. Often I'm there late or on weekends so I have hours built up and let my boss know I'm cashing them in. We have an unusually complicated leave system and neither of us wants the paper work so I always need to clea


Text - My boss rang me that afternoon and said she'd come in asking where I was and who was going to do the job she'd agreed to cover me for? She denied we had a conversation and then she complained about my hours saying I hadn't been there for hours on end and making up days I wasn't there. We had a record of that of course. He explained the nature of my job meant I often wasn't at my desk and am available on a company mobile that she could ring anytime. She deemed this wasn't enough and basica


Text - Here's where he actual downfall started. In work we supply long life milk only and coffee. Everything else belongs to staff , this is widely known. It was told to people explicitly on their induction, by me. Don't take other people's stuff, what's in the shelf marked staff you can have/share. I order all of our supplies, office and tea coffee for staff and conferences so the few e mails I would get from her would be complaining about all the stuff she was using was running out and not bei


Text - It kept going and got worse she even took a few microwave diners on me, others were complaining about their stuff walking too. The complaints from her continued and l'd reply (always) by e mail and and say the same thing over and over but no, I was wrong staff were to be supplied with the items she mentioned and I had to replace it and she would be forced to tell her manager if I didn't do it. I told her by all means tell your manager I always ask people to give any complaints they have a


Text - Of course she never went to her manager, she just kept sending more and more e mails in secret to my boss and now others with her making up conversations we'd never had and doctoring emails, yeah it was getting to this stage. My boss would come over with staff member a print out every time and I would show him my original e mail replies given I never knew when she'd e mail this was further proof I was telling the truth. He trusted me but the independent staff member was us doubly covering


Text - We made note of it all including incorrect time lines and false claims and all false e mails were verified by other staff to be untrue we then just pretty much ignored her constant complaints. Her boss knew what was going on and admitted to ignoring the stuff she was doing and said to me and my boss to her ignore the temps complaints too. Other staff were now reporting her increasingly odd and vindictive behavior and the deputy CEO apologetically said to my boss and I and several others t


Text - Anyway in a horrible twist of fate her boss unexpectedly had to go on personal leave pretty much indefinitely and a replacement was rushed in to cover her. Then like two days later the bombshell dropped that the original EA wasn't coming back and the temps was offered a new short term contract until a new replacement was found. Thankfully this wasn't an extension but a brand new one, so she was on a 3 month probation again. Now the new Deputy CEO didn't know the lay of the land and the te


Text - The day came and she struck, would you believe it, it started over milk? Even though I'm getting older and should know better, I love milk l'll have a glass with my lunch often more. Don't judge, it is what it is. Anyway, she is in the kitchen and I take my milk out of the fridge to take to my desk. As l'm walking out the door I get "Don't you think it's rude to take it all, maybe some other staff might like to use that?" , I was having a bad day and had enough of this fucking mingebag so


Text - I texted my manager and said D Day had landed. Sure enough an hour later the HR person comes in (We outsource HR) and didn't even say hello to me coming in. She ALWAYS swung by my desk. My boss has kindly printed out everything and is ready to bat for me. I play dumb when I am called into the room. The new deputy CEO has a thick file that the temp has compiled and she basically starts grinding her axe about all the terrible stuff I've done to her referring to the files, times and dates an


Text - When I was asked to defend any point I didn't I said I wanted every complaint read out and once we'd gotten through every single thing she wrote would I then put my case forward. They certainly thought this was strange but obliged me none the less. We were there for about half an hour, the temp is crying at how badly I have ignored her and how was it the company and my boss have allowed this treatment of her to carry on? It's getting hard to sit through this absolute character assassinati


Text - I ask for my boss to be present and that I have "one or two" e mails that can clear this up quickly. In walks my boss with a stack of everything we'd kept. Her edited e mails, mine between my boss and I, my time records, my job lists and logs and even some invoices proving complaints she'd made about stuff not getting done was lies/wrong. I then said if that wasn't enough I also could provide the list of tape numbers from the back up that could prove my e mails were doctored by her and al


Text - The temps tears changed to hysteria, she was livid, calling me a liar and that I was only doing this because she'd rejected a pass l'd made at her. the it became that all the staff hated her and it was a big conspiracy to get her fired. She then tried to provide times and dates of when staff members had done social stuff without her and she was being excluded and harassed. She went on screeching for probably about an hour with anything, you name it about how the staff and I in particular


Text - The last I saw of the temp was as she was marched to get her phone and her other shit at her desk and straight out the door as she wailed like a banshee. Today she rang looking for a reference, she won't get it. I don't care about my managers not doing their job as I don't plan on being here in 6 months time. They are paying for my wedding and I'm going to bounce. If yo read all that thanks. To the temp, fuck you, I win. 10.0k 498 ↑, Share

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