Thursday, December 17, 2020

Road Rager Tailgates Calm Driver, Calm Driver Baits Them Into Traffic Light

Nothing quite sucks like realizing you have an inconsiderate, bad tempered driver tailgating you. It can be a bit of a panic-inducing experience. From that realization though, you can either play nice or take a good old petty revenge like this driver did. They clearly kept their wits about them, and successfully baited the road rager right into a humbling traffic light. Sounds like the dude was not the least bit stoked. Hopefully he learned some kind of lesson in the process, but it doesn't seem likely. Check out another time that a driver taught a road rager a lesson over here


Blue - r/pettyrevenge + Join u/ValidatedQuail • 5d 1 3 2 8 1 Swerving to keep ahead of me? Mkay, have fun at the light. So l'm driving in a major city on a road that is always a bit busy. I'm entering onto the highway and need to merge into the lane. In my area, common sense when merging is "Let one in front, one behind." Like a zipper, if that makes sense. Nice and efficient, everybody's happy.


Text - At least, everyone except this one guy in a black Mercedes. Dumbass steps on the pedal to try and get ahead of me. I was already halfway in the lane when he started to floor it, and the left lane was congested at this particular spot. Slows down with maybe 2-3 feet between us, and has the audacity to lay on his horn. After about a mile of tailgating me, he finally gets ahead of me, which, you know, who tf in their right mind cares? The road ahead of us is much more open at this point, I t


Text - So I bide my time, knowing that ahead of us is an exit to a massive intersection between two of the major highways in the city. This exit pretty commonly has a cop in the area where it branches off. Not a speed trap, necessarily, as the cop is completely visible to all (this is important) and this particular spot has a higher rate of collisions. As we approach, I get into the right hand lane as if l'm going to exit. Predictably, this idiot follows suit. I stay in the lane until the very l


Text - As I continued on my merry way, I looked to my right to see a grown ass man in his mid-30s screaming his ass off, face lookin like ripe tomato. I laughed in a more exaggerated manner than was necessary while staring him down and flipped the bird until I was well past. Wonder how it felt, spending all that money on a nice car only to get outsmarted by someone over a decade younger in a shitmobile. If by some miracle this dude is reading this, not exactly sure what you expected (also get th

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