Friday, December 25, 2020

Guy Calls Parents On Alexa, They Think It's Haunted

Just imagining the confused and terrified expressions on the faces of this guy's parents is enough for a big laugh. Talk about a classic case of an older generation just not understanding all the crazy technology we have at our disposal nowadays. Nobody wants a haunted Alexa in their household. 


Text - r/tifu + JOIN u/LakazL • 9h TIFU by making my parents think Alexa was haunted So late last night (3AM) i got up to make a late- night snack, accidentally smashed a jamjar, and whilst i would have cleaned it up, the family dog got the scent of all that jam and wanted to lick it up, smashed glass and all. Unable to leave the dog unsupervised, not being strong enough to drag it to another room (It's a very large dog, and i'm a very small guy), and unable to clean the glass without leaving th


Text - The Alexa call system is a little bit weird, and something we'd never used before. The upstairs Alexa got a call from inside the house from a device it had listed as being called "Home", and so announced it had gotten a call from "Home" to try to get my parents to pick up the call. The issue was that the way it decided to do this was by glowing bright green, flashing, playing warning sounds and loudly announcing "IT'S HOME". At ЗАМ. My parents, being a little into mysticism, knowing 3AM i


Text - So now Alexa was declaring "IT'S HOME", refusing to stop, my parents bedroom is bathed in an eerie green light, it's the literal witching hour, and there's a loud thumping coming from downstairs as i try to physically restrain the dog. My parents enact the most obvious solution to the problem: Throw Alexa out the window and try to go back to sleep. I eventually manage to clean up the glass on my own, explain to the parents what happened in the morning, and now apparently it's my fault the

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