Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Groom Insists Ex Attends His Wedding, Bride Isn't Down

Nothing like a groom insisting that his ex be able to attend the wedding to get that drama going in full force. This guy decided to ask folks on Reddit whether or not he was in the wrong for his request, and it seems like most folks are of the opinion that the dude is definitely out of line on this one. Definitely a bold kind of question to ask your bride. Sometimes you've just got to leave the past relationship in the past, no matter how much it might hurt. For some more juicy wedding drama, check out the most entitled bridezillas of 2020


Text - AITA for wanting my ex girlfriend to be able to attend our wedding when my fiancée doesn't want her to? Asshole |(28M) got engaged to my girlfriend(27F) 3 months ago and we are planning our wedding. Now we know how many of our friends we can invite and we have started making our initial list. One of my close friends is right now in a relationship with a woman that I dated for 2 years. Our lives were going into different directions, I wanted to have kids she doesn't, and we determined we n


Text - I'm inviting my friend and there's no doubt about it. I have no reason to not give him a plus one and he's obviously gonna bring his girlfriend. When I said this my fiancée said she didn't want her at her wedding. At first I tried to be accommodating. I explained the situation to my friend, he said he wouldn't feel comfortable going without her as she'd feel bad. I really want my friend to go, and I told my fiancée that we needed to let her come.


Text - She said she doesn't want some woman that I used to fuck there at her wedding. I told her that if she was feeling jealous, that she won. Like literally she won the shitty prize that is to marry me, and all I want is for my friend to be there. We argued about this back and forth, eventually she in an accusing way asked why I wanted her at our wedding so bad, I told her that I already explained that it's not about her it's about my friend and that she obviously wasn't listening. We hit an i


Text - Gambyt_7 · 23h · Asshole Enthusiast [6] YTA. Who are you marrying? Your fiancée or your all time best friend forever? I say this as someone whose ex-gf was at my wedding. This was only because my fiancée and her became friends over a couple years. Are there no other opportunities for you to celebrate with your guy friend that don't involve the ex? Must he bring someone to the reception? O Reply 678 ...


Text - maggienetism· 23h · Professor Emeritass [84] I would say your friend is an asshole for making his attendance contingent on bringing your ex (his current girlfriend) when he knows your fiancé doesn't want exes to attend the wedding, and YTA for also pushing the issue? I get wanting your friend there but forcing your fiancée to put up with what she doesn't want instead of making your friend put up with something he doesn't want (all so you ultimately get what you want) isn't a great start t


Text - me230422 · 23h · Partassipant [3] 3 1 Award Yta... your future wife doesn't want someone you banged at your wedding ... that's totally acceptable behavior Reply 1.6k 3 ...


Text - stones33 · 23h YTA - You should be prioritizing how your future wife feels overall. Even if your friend is your bestfriend, your wife is the person you'll really be spending the rest of your life with. Its the choice you're making and especially if you want to start a family with this person. If you really feel shes the one, your bestfriend honestly doesn't or shouldn't have any say. Why would your dumbass friend decide to date your ex to begin with, its unhealthy. Friends (especially clo


Text - foibleShmoible· 23h • Judge, Jury, and Excretioner [389] YTA You're prioritising the feelings of your friend and your ex/his girlfriend over the feelings of your future wife. If I were your ex I would not suppose to be invited to your wedding, especially if your fiancée was not comfortable with it. If I were your friend I wouldn't put my desire for a plus one/my girlfriend's feelings above the feelings of the bride. And if I were you I would understand that my future wife isn't terribly c


Text - SoValkyrieMama · 23h · Asshole Aficionado [16] YTA. Your friend needs to understand that a plus one does not include your ex girlfriend at your wedding. Q Reply 4 273 ...


Text - rawsugar87 · 23h • Asshole Enthusiast [7] YTA your wife's very reasonable wish that your ex not be at the wedding should take precedent here. Your ex and your friend are being unreasonable. It makes sense that your ex not be there. Reply 175 ...


Text - ScrappleSandwiches · 23h · Certified Proctologist [23] YTA. Don't put your friend's feelings ahead of your future wife's. I agree that you sound like a shitty prize. Q Reply 150 3 ...


Text - meatball0898· 21h 1 Award YTA I would 100% dump you and call it off honestly. Engaged, planning our wedding, and you're still gonna disrespect me and invalidate my feelings? Over a girl you used to bang? Bye! # Q Reply 335 ...


Text - Little-bit_ • 22h This is coming from someone who had my husbands exes (2 of them) at my wedding (they're great and I'm good friends with both, got to know them pretty early on anyway), and even I say YTA here. She doesn't want it at the end of the day. If tables were turned would she have respected your wishes? You have to stand with your wife-to-be on this one, not your buddy and frankly if it was me I would understand if a friend didn't invite my hubby because of prior relations, so l'


Text - Resolve-Creepy · 23h · Partassipant [3] YTA, you're putting your friends wishes over your wife's. You say you want him there because he's a good friend, but he's not being a good friend if his attendance is contingent on your ex girlfriend coming with him. Pick your battles. I don't think you want your marriage to start this way. Reply 1 93 ... +


Text - Dovahkiinkv1 · 22h · Asshole Enthusiast [5] YTA. Are you marrying your friend? No. you're marrying your finacee. Why should she be made to feel uncomfortable at her own wedding just so your friend/ his gf/your ex doesn't feel uncomfortable? Who has top priority here? Reply 53 ...


Text - I understand, I truly do.. but YTA. Here's the thing: it is both of your days, but you are prioritizing your friend over your wife-to-be. I honestly think your friend it being kind of a ass here. If he's really your friend, why can't he go one day without his girlfriend there? Are you not inviting your other mutual friend, can't he bring one of his guy friends? He surely understands why it isn't the best idea to bring her? I understand that you guys ended on good terms, but that doesn't c


Text - PARA9535307 · 23h • Asshole Aficionado [19] YTA. I think you're being unfair. This isn't a random party or something, this is your wedding. And if she wanted to invite one of her past sexual partners to the wedding, even inadvertently as a plus one, wouldn't that at least give you a moment of pause, too? So how about instead of immediately jumping to unkind conclusions, and making this sound like some kind of her-being-unreasonable, deal-breaking-worthy absolute, you...I don't know, ackno


Text - seanmonaghan1968 · 23h YTA. It's your wife's day, why start off your official life with that. Weddings are about the wife, they dream and plan these for years. They talk to their girl friends endlessly about this day. Guys just don't think the same way. Reply 1 60 ...


Text - TheBananasHere • 22h YTA My boyfriend is still really good friends with his ex of 5 years, there's no romantic feelings there what so ever, but I didnt even need to tell him she isn't invited because he just knows it would make me so uncomfortable seeing her there. You are marrying this woman but don't care about how she feels on her wedding day? Cmon man. Reply 33 3 •..


Text - jacs1234 · 22h YTA slightly, your friend is a major AH. I understand wanting your friend at your wedding, but you should ultimately prioritize your wife's feelings over your friends. It's perfectly reasonable to not want exes at weddings. The friend is the AH for refusing to come without your ex. Reply 18 ...


Text - thatbrunettegirl10 · 22h Good grief YTA. If your friend doesn't care enough to attend without bringing your ex, then he's probly not that good of a friend. It's not their day, it's you and your fiancé's and she has a right to not want an ex of yours there. Why the hell would your ex even feel that she COULD go. Come on now. If your day is contingent on your ex being there because your friend won't go alone, then yikes dude. Reply 1 21 ...

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