Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Barista Wrongly Assumes Customer Wants Fist Bump

Man, all this technology that we have infused with our daily existence can go on to inspire some moments of hilarious confusion. Basically, the technology can end up accomplishing the opposite intended effect. In this case, we have a customer who was just out there trying to make use of their fancy Apple watch, and ended up in the middle of a fist bump exchange that they never wanted a part in, in the first place. Oh well, at least we got the nice little fail out of it. 


Text - r/tifu u/shaqahontas • 15h + Join 1 2 8 2 TIFU by fist-bumping a customer that didn't want to be fist-bumped M So this happened a few years ago when I was a somewhat new barista at a coffee shop (green, famous, a siren as the logo, fraps - you get the idea). New baristas are usually put in drive thru since it's easy, and all you need to focus on is ringing orders through, charging customers, and handing food/drinks out (as well as deal with the occasional annoying customer). This was my f


Text - reason, I would always mess up some way or another in the easiest position ever (either by being excruciatingly awkward with the customer or ringing something in wrong), so mistakes would weigh heavily on me. But even though cute, 17 year old me would internally cry at my terribly awkward social skills and inability to function normally, l'd have to renew my big, trembling smile and brittle enthusiasm for every incoming customer. I always put my best cheerful foot forward when greeting cu


Text - One morning after the 6:00am-9:00am rush passed, I was on drive by myself. Things were slowing down, and I felt quite good about not messing up so far in my shift. So I was excited to meet the next drive customer. Usually, in response to my cheery greetings (or any greeting for that matter), customers respond with at least a "Hello" or "how's it going?" as per normal human etiquette. Customer X did not; Customer X wrote his own rules. He rolls up to the window and I greet him with a cute


Text - bump for some reason. So I go with it, I fist-bump him, which makes him give me a confused look. I get confused too so I cup my hands under his fist again, thinking "maybe he wants a fist-bump before giving me his change". He then proceeds to open his fist, palm up, to reveal that nothing was there, and then holds his hand in a fist again. For some reason this makes me think he's performing the magic trick where the magician shows you there's nothing in his hand and then he makes somethin


Text - I immediately ducked beneath the window in embarrassment and laughed awkwardly and loudly at myself. I heard him chuckle while driving off as I died on the floor. TL;DR I didn't understand why a customer was wordlessly offering me his fist, so I fist-bumped him multiple times, not realizing he just wanted to pay with his Apple watch. Edit: I usually find these edit thank-you endnotes cheesy and annoying, but just wanted to say thank you to everyone for the upvotes and awards upvotes l've

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