Monday, November 16, 2020

Worryingly Smart Stunts By People's Pets

Someone on AskReddit got a thread going about the worryingly smart things that people's pets have done. We've all had those strange moments with our pets where they pretty much proved they're aware of a whole lot more than we give them credit for. It's time for that cat or dog to start chipping in on rent. 


Text - Posted by u/thedisbandedwaffle 3 years ago a reddit, what have your pets done that is worryingly smart ?


Text - natephant 15 points · 3 years ago I stayed home from school one day and heard a door open, and close. So I got out of my room to see who was in the house. And my cat was just standing there... yes standing. Then he turns an looks at me, like wtf are you doing home!? Goes back to all fours and bolts out of the room.


Text - wererat2000 6.9k points · 3 years ago I had a cat that learned how to open the fridge, and then my dog started begging my cat for food. And then the cat started getting into the fridge just to feed the dog.


Text - LatrodectusGeometric 51 points · 3 years ago My nana had a dog like this, Biscuit I think. She and a friend were having a pillow fight and the dog wanted to play. They told Biscuit she couldn't fight with them without a pillow. The dog went downstairs and got a pillow from there.


Text - jennthemermaid 3.4k points ·3 years ago · edited 3 years ago One of my cats systematically tests for weaknesses in my door. He jingles my keys on the wall, he KNOWS that that noise gets that door to open. He's finally managed to unlock the deadbolt with his little paw. If that fucker could turn the doorknob he'd be gone.


Text - storm-bringer 55 points · 3 years ago My parents old dog would bring people's shoes to them, and she always matched the right shoes to the right people. It was especially awesome when we would have company that overstayed their welcome (my folks are farmers who like to go to bed early) when she would walk up and drop their shoes in their lap.


Text - cfb_rolley 2.6k points · 3 years ago · edited 3 years ago I had a yabbie in my freshwater tank that is a genius. I one day watched him gather some food pellets into his cave, wait for the fish today eat the rest then a few minutes later place them in front of the cave entrance, then attacked and ate a fish that came to eat the pellets. He stockpiled his meal to later bait an even better meal. That fucker is in his own tank now. whatareyoueating 641 points 3 years ago That's brilliant! My


Text - FitFroggy 1.4k points · 3 years ago Му cat husband and him were playing and My somehow he managed to twist his foot. For a month after, every time he walked past a room my husband was in he'd start limping. He made sure my husband saw it every time. Once he was safely past the door he would resume walking completely sound.


Text - VehaMeursault 13 points · 3 years ago · edited 3 years ago My dog used to push the limits of things, and when she went too far, she'd look at me as if confirming her hypothesis. All I had to do was give her the grandpa look: tilt my head down, and look over my glasses. She'd drop whatever she was working at, and do something else. It's as if she was a sentient child, calmly trying stuff out and finding my limits. No bratty behaviour, no sneaky sneak, just plain old "this ok? No? Alright t


Text - KevinsMonster 7.2k points · 3 years ago · edited 3 years ago When my dad was having a difficult time in life he moved into my apartment. He's really into sports and mostly deaf so when he enthusiastically cheers for his beloved Detroit Tigers, he doesn't realize how loud he is. One early evening while I was asleep (because I work midnights) the Tigers scored or something and my dad loses his mind, which woke me and my cat up. I grumbled and closed my eyes but my cat Mike, was not having i


Text - Meizhenxue 16.0k points · 3 years ago Every morning for breakfast I always eat fruit and that weekend there was a farmers market selling fruit for cheap so I bought a TON. I couldn't fit them in the fridge so I left a few bags on the side in the dining room (reachable distance) I shit you not, I woke up and was surprised to see an apple next to me. Over the next few days, my dog would get up in the morning, go in the bag, and get a fruit to put next to me on the bed. He proceeded to do th


Text - iRyaaanM 264 points · 3 years ago The cunt cat opened the fucking freezer (Its the cabinet on top of the fridge, TOP!) and stole a fucking chicken. ILIIIIIIIIMNNIN 199 points · 3 years ago I suspect fowl play.


Text - [deleted] 8 points · 3 years ago my dog has really smelly breath and my mum bought those dentastix things to make him smell less, she gave him one and was talking to me and my sister in the kitchen about how it doesn't work cos he doesn't put them to the back of his mouth like he's supposed to. While we were all talking he left the room with it then came back and stared at us til we took notice of him and the stick was in his mouth properly O_O it was like he listened to what my mum said


Text - Akolea 120 points · 3 years ago Let me tell you a story. This happened a few years back. My golden retriever, sweetest guy, has never bitten anyone in his life. One of my father's friends comes over to visit, and my dog just presses against me, without making any noise. When the friend was leaving in his motorcycle, my dog bit him in the leg pretty bad. Stitches were needed. A few weeks after the bite, the guy was found with child porn on his computer. TLDR; My dog discovered a pedophile.


Text - RadleyCunningham 6 points · 3 years ago My dad's idiot girlfriend had a cat long ago, and I was babysitting one day. This skinny black cat, she was adorable and smarter than hell. She comes in and meows at me. "What do you want?" "Meow." "Attention?" No response "Pets? You want to play?" No response "Food?" "Meow." "Okay, 1 sec." I followed her to her bowl, and it was empty, and she looks at me expectantly. "You have to show me where your food is, I have no idea where it's kept." (I had n


Text - informativebitching 21 points · 3 years ago This is not worryingly smart...more like, I'm here today because of my cat. I had just arrived home from school as an eleven year old. Nobody else was home. The cat always trotted towards the kitchen since I always fed her as soon as I got home. That day I had just bought a giant gobstopper (it was the 80's) and somehow inhaled the thing about three steps inside the house. The cat, halfway trotted to the kitchen, heard me make the weird sound of


Text - Unexpected_Anakin 9 points · 3 years ago My dog will hide the phone and remote when I am not looking. I am more likely to pay attention to him when I am not watching TV or on the phone.


Text - PlainSimpleRyMo 24 points · 3 years ago When I first got my dog, he would wolf his food down then either get farts, vomit, or both. One day, he was eating as fast as caninely possible and I looked at him and said, "Breathe!" He looked at me, made eye contact, huffed once, and went right back to eating.


Text - Becroki 32 points · 3 years ago I went to a private elementary school (gag) and we had a uniform. Every morning my cat would watch me brush my teeth and I gave him a Dixie cup of water every morning, then he'd follow me downstairs, One time I was in a rush and forgot my belt, then I turn around and he's carrying it in his mouth down the stairs! He started doing it every day afterwards.


Text - Caleb_has_arrived 12 points · 3 years ago He saved my life. I went out on the pond in early winter in Michigan and fell through (I was about 8) so not a great swimmer plus the shock of the cold water froze me. He immediately made his way to where I fell in (he was a Chesapeake bay retriever so he LOVED water, ice or not) and proceeded to break the ice to get me to shore. You're a good boy Rusty I miss you.

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