Monday, November 16, 2020

Wild Junk Substitute Teachers Did

Many of us have heard some wild and awkward junk said by teachers, but the substitutes are an interesting bunch. They seem to inhabit this weird gray area of accountability, and are somehow absolutely free to not give a rip. For some more teacher stuff, here are kids' hilarious misconceptions about teachers.


Text - sup_poptarts 170 points · 14 hours ago I was out for a week during my first year as a teacher and when I got back, the kids started asking me when they were going to get their money back. I was like, what money? Apparently, the sub had asked the kids for money (e.g. “Hey, does anyone have a dollar for a soda? Etc) and my sweet little 6th graders gave him lots of money.


Text - tylerbrainerd 35.1k points · 18 hours ago 32 When I was a substitute, I got a lot of requested jobs because the substitute pool was poor. One such example given to me was a substitute who would just go to sleep. I barely believed it. Once I was teaching full time, I had a sub come in for a day. When I got back my students told me that he told them to leave him alone, sat down, and went to sleep. I believed it then.


Text - GAL_9000 31.8k points · 17 hours ago 2 9 3 3 I would occasionally give out starbursts to my 4th graders. Bitch ate all the pink ones. 3


Text - boobforababy 30.9k points · 16 hours ago I was a teachers assistant while in college. The teacher and I took a week long workshop and had a sub. The worst thing she did. Not letting the kids go potty. It was in kindergarten and she said all the kids going to bathroom were interrupting the class. One girl wet herself. School policy was if kids under a certain age had an accident the nurse would give them a pull up (basically a diaper) to wear. The substitute proceeded to make fun of the gi


Text - Affectionate-Egg7888 18.7k points · 17 hours ago 1. Asked a deaf kid to take off his hearing aids. Kids tried to tell her he needs to them but to her they "look like headphones." She cried when was confronted by another teacher. 2. When I was in 6th grade I fractured my wrist but it was my dominant hand so I had to poorly write with my right. Teacher forced me to write with my left while I had a cast. I couldn't even grasp the pencil. Cried a lot. Then a couple months go by and got my cas


Text - 29mick152 18.5k points · 17 hours ago 34 & 5 More Gave out snacks I bought with my own money that I kept for kids who stayed after to get tutoring. Threw out a broken electric pencil sharpener that kids broke in front of her. Which again, I bought with my own money and couldn't get replaced by the company because I had no product to send back. I still don't have a sharpener for my room. Let the kids go through my things in my cabinets and desk. Lost a bunch of stuff that way.


Text - Altrano 17.6k points · 16 hours ago & 3 2 2 Accused a student of stealing something that the aide had put away. This was a class that contained some pretty rough students including one suspended multiple times for fighting and some gang members. She decided to go after a sweet, petite girl that never caused trouble and was generally popular with her classmates. This set off the entire class which is when the sub went ballistic and started wildly throwing accusations and yelling at said st


Text - Mme_0 15.4k points · 15 hours ago Left my perfectly prepped and neat desk an absolute disaster, did not follow the lesson plan and... took my gel pens!


Text - jtotheizzen 13.6k points · 17 hours ago This happened to my colleague, but I was the classroom next door. My colleague was showing Clash of the Titans at the end of the year after a unit on Ancient Greece. There is mild nudity at the beginning and the end of the movie, but they were in the middle of the movie so there shouldn't have been an issue. He left the video paused at the right spot (we still had VCRS like 10 years ago when this happened), but the sub somehow managed to show both t


Text - Deemster19 11.8k points · 15 hours ago a S 3 Didn't do anything to the kids, per se, but told the kids that the reason I was out was because my Mom was having breast cancer surgery. I teach K- 5 and I specifically didn't tell the kids because I didn't want them to worry. So, when I came back, I had a bunch of kids come up to me asking about my Mom, which was so sweet, but not something the kids should've had to worry about.


Text - Back2Bach 11.7k points · 18 hours ago S There was a harpsichord in the front of the classroom used both for demonstration and performance. Not knowing what he was doing, the sub tried to tune 3 notes that had gone mildly out of tune while I was away. He managed to break the strings on all 3 notes and left a message inside reading: "Sorry about that..."


Text - SirDoctorTardis 9.9k points · 17 hours ago 3 Lost more than half of my textbooks that I purchased myself. Aswell as textbooks that were schoolproperty. Administration just shrugged at this. Until they found out the textbooks belonging to the school were around 120 dollars each. Also lost all the bookassignments of 4 classes I asked him to collect so I could correct those at home. Kinda sucked for the students who did put a lot of work on it and didn't have digital copies. Also didn't teac


Text - dr239 9.1k points · 14 hours ago S 2 Re-arranged my room. Not in a "Moved Student A away from Student B and put her by Student C" way. In a "Move the giant rug over to the opposite corner of the room, and completely change the layout of student desks, and rearrange a bookshelf" way.


Text - TonkaButt 7.9k points · 17 hours ago · edited 4 hours ago Had a substitute teacher in my high school French class show a movie that was straight up soft core pornography but tried to explain that since it was in French it was artistic. It was equally frustrating because while I wanted to see boobs, I also couldn't stop reading the subtitles because I had to understand what they were saying. The teacher did not come back the next day.


Text - teacheroftroubles 2.3k points · 14 hours ago I had left out - overnight - eggs that I was going to use in a science experiment the following day. I was out and thought nothing about it. I returned the following day and went looking for the eggs only to find them missing. Asked a student where they went and I was informed that the substitute took the class to the special education kitchen, hard boiled them and ate them. I went to talk to my AP and was informed that the sub had called in si


Text - rickrolo24 2.3k points · 19 hours ago Not a teacher but we had a sub for our Science class. She didn't believe in science but pseudo sciences, was sexist to males, and because of her weird diet would rip loud sulphur smelling farts all the time. Then get mad if we brought it up despite being fed newage hippie bullshit and being cropdusted. She also was a horrible sex Ed teacher because she said women can choose when to have periods without birth control.


Text - DrivingSharkBait 1.5k points · 14 hours ago Back when I was a teacher, I had a sub decide my plans weren't good enough for her and went rogue. She decided to show my students videos of animals giving birth on YouTube. I taught English...


Text - Pacifickarma 1.3k points · 16 hours ago I had a cool Chinese Lucky Cat that went missing after I had a sub. My students said the sub seemed really intrigued by it, talked about it several times, and even moved it from the shelf where it sat and brought it over to my desk. It was gone when I returned the next day. O


Text - Space_Drums 497 points · 15 hours ago I vaguely remember a substitute teacher calling me racist for being 25% Japanese. It was 6th grade music class. Basically he said "what is the most racist country?" and obviously no one answered. He said Japan. I said "im 25% japanese" and he said "exactly" Imao he was obviously fired. he wasn't a real substitute either if i recall correctly.


Text - dragons_scorn 447 points · 16 hours ago Not a teacher, of course, but when I was in 5th grade we had a sub show us the first Scream movie. I have no idea why or how that happened, but some people were not ready for that.


Text - thefuzzybunny1 333 points · 15 hours ago A substitute in the town I grew up in told a first grade class that Santa Claus wasn't real. For some insane reason, the NY Post decided this was front page news. teacher-tells-first-grade-students-there-is- no-santa/

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