Friday, October 30, 2020

Woman Puts Birthday Hat On Neighbor's Year Old Pumpkin

Spooky season inspires all kinds of ridiculous nonsense. With that being said, we can't say that we've ever encountered this kind of situation, involving one person wanting to put a birthday hat on their neighbor's pumpkin. It is a pretty dang petty move that could go on to inspire a full-fledged war between the neighbors. 


Text - WIBTA if I put a birthday hat on my neighbor's pumpkin? Not the A-hole Obligatory on mobile, apologies for any formatting issues... I share a porch with one neighbor, who is notorious for not cleaning up after herself or her kids. For example, one time there was a broken longboard sitting right in front of their door that they would step over every day to get into their unit. For 7 months, they just ignored it, until one day I asked the oldest kid (15M) to please clean it up. He's a good


Text - Now, I know I could have cleaned it up myself, but I don't want to assume that they didn't want it (idk, maybe it had sentimental value??) Plus I constantly clean up the shared porch. Throwing away trash, picking up cigarette butts, sweeping, clearing cobwebs... I have known her to sweep the porch all of one time in the 6 years she has lived there. Last year (October 2019) I bought several small sugar pumpkins and placed them on my porch next to my jack-o-lanterns. After Halloween, I thre


Text - Well, it's now been a year and the pumpkin is still there. It is NASTY. It looks like it has practically melted into the porch. She has put Halloween decorations all around it, and still hasn't cleaned it up. I think it's gross, but left it there on principle, because I am tired of cleaning up after a grown woman. We work opposite shifts now, so I never see her. I also don't have her phone number because she is constantly changing it. I was thinking of leaving her a note asking her to ple


Text - Holy guacamole, I can't keep up with the comments! Thanks everyone for the honest feedback, I have been laughing at all the amazing ideas for how I can address this. First and foremost - I hope this satisfies your appetites, you animals! This is the infamous pumpkin. I included her flower pot for size comparison. Now, to answer a few questions: We live in a condo complex with an HOA. Our units are owned by separate people, and I don't have a way to contact the owner of her unit. I also do


Text - The kids are 17M and 15F; the longboard incident was a few years ago. The kids are not in danger or neglect that I can tell; they are happy, healthy teenagers. I will not be calling CPS or DFS on her. She is a slob, yes, but she is not a hoarder (from what I can tell from the front door, at least, and her back balcony) and does not appear to have any debilitating mental illnesses. Both my husband and I have talked to her in the past about keeping the shared space clean. This has not chang


Text - We don't have a bad relationship, but I wouldn't say we are friends. It's more just friendly chit chat when we run into each other in the parking lot. She is generally a pretty easy going person but tends to act immaturely for her age (and yes I know that putting a party hat on a pumpkin isn't exactly the pinnacle of maturity). • I am not out there cleaning religiously. Thank you for your concern about my supposed OCD, but I promise you, I'm not some sort of crazy neat freak by any means.


Text - The pumpkin doesn't smell (which tbh I don't understand how???) but it is unsightly. I have not noticed any insects or vermin thankfully. • My husband doesn't care enough to clean it up, he just thinks the whole thing is funny, although gross. However I know if I asked him to clean it up he would, but I'm not going to ask him to. Why does it bother me so much? Well first off, it's not THAT big of a deal to me. I'm not going to die on a hill of pumpkins. I'm not simmering in rage every tim


Text - This post has given me lots to think about in terms of conflict resolution. Honestly, I'm thinking I will probably just clean it up myself and then talk to her about it next time I see her (whenever that is...) because l'm not trying to cause any tension. But I'm also thinking I need to have a little photoshoot with the pumpkin to give it a proper send-off and birthday celebration. Stay tuned folks - l'll update in the next few days. 18.4k 849 1 Share


Text - jdownes316 • 1d • Partassipant [3] 3 1 Award LETS BE CLEAR. NTA for doing that, but that doesn't mean it's not going to start a fight. Your neighbor absolutely could handle this poorly and the next thing you know you and your neighbor are in some stupid fight about a silly thing like cleaning. Reply 16.9k ...


Text - FlustrdFndomFnatic • 1d • Partassipant [1] This is hilarious without being mean, and it points out the issue in a somewhat joking tone. She really needs to clean up her shit. NTA and I absolutely love your sense of humor. Reply 3.0k ...


Text - WritPositWrit • 1d • Colo-rectal Surgeon [33] I don't think it would get the point across at all. You'll find your own joke hilarious and sheʼll just think it's weird and ignore it. Reply 2.1k


Text - TexMextaurant • 1d INFO do you know for certain it was the neighbor who retrieved the pumpkin? Let's say, for example, she didn't know you got rid of the pumpkins. Then one of her kids retrieved the pumpkin. Perhaps all this time she's been thinking it's your pumpkin that you never cleaned. If something like that was the case, you would look really weird putting a hat on it. Reply 1.1k ...


Text - Cattalion • 1d • Partassipant [1] NTA but personally I wouldn't. Can you maybe try to work this out with her somehow? Write her a letter and tell her it's bothering you and you would like to work out a compromise with her. Suggest as many options as you can. Like maybe sharing payment for a cleaner, offering to share labor on the porch for example? This might be enough on itself to spur her to action. She may not really see or realise the impact her mess had on others. This is the case wi


Text - grface • 1d It sounds like your neighbor may have some issues she's dealing with. Maybe there's a reason she's constantly changing her number, e.g. abusive ex partner, money troubles and clearing up her porch is at the bottom of her priorities. I think for this joke to be received well, you need to have a decent relationship with her. If she's dealing with some shit, it could be a real kick in the teeth for her. Ithink you YWBTA if you don't know for sure what's going on with her. Either


Text - watercolorblues • 1d • Partassipant [2] NTA. From now on, though, only clean your side. She shares the porch, she should take responsibility for it. Reply 79 ...


Text - megmOney • 1d I kind of feel like you know it's petty, which is why you are here lol. It is funny but only do it if you are ready to start a petty war. I've had enough roommates and neighbors to know that is what will most likely happen, and nobody ever wins those. Honestly I doubt she is the one who went into the woods and retrieved the pumpkins, it was probably one of the kids and I would say she assumes this mess is yours. The nta thing to do would either clean it up yourself or talk t


Text - Butterfly21482• 1d YTA. how is this your problem? It's a shared porch but you clearly stated it's on her side. The long board was in front of her door and she's the one who had to step over it every day. Unless the pumpkin's state of demise is causing direct problems for you like critters, this isn't your business and you just don't like the way it looks. Reply 134 ...


Text - bridgeb0mb • 1d i AM this person. i am not proud of it but i definitely am this person. the pumpkin is DEFINITELY a blind spot for her. her brain just doesn't register it at all anymore. that probably started right away. i do shit like this all the time and tbh, it's funny to me. my siblings will be like, "hey, why haven't you thrown away this empty soap bottle that's been on the sink for months?" and i'll be like "THANK YOU for mentioning bc i went completely blind to it!" Reply 45 ...


Text - PageFault • 1d YTA or will be if you do passive aggressive shit instead of just talking to them. For 7 months, they just ignored it, until one day I asked the oldest kid (15M) to please clean it up. Why did you wait 7 months to say anything? Well, it's now been a year and the pumpkin is still there. I don't know why you think all your problems are just going to solve themselves. Talk to your neighbor like an adult.


Text - stephowl • 1d • Asshole Aficionado [15] YWBTA. Not because it's such an asshole move but because it sounds like you have a mentally ill neighbour who hoards shit and who has kids who already have to cope with her. She's being bonkers but don't throw fuel on the fire those kids are already burning in. If you do annoy her or make her go into any kind of stuff related tailspin they'll pay for it more than you will. Reply 60 ...


Text - Adlmpressive82 • 1d NTA. However, your neighbor sounds like they don't have a sense of humor and it may start a fight. Just ask one of the kids to clean it up again Reply 3 ...


Text - ThrowAwayEggShells • 1d • Partassipant [2] NTA - do it! Then update us with a photo please lol that's hilarious and I love this idea! Reply ...


Text - carlosmurphynachos • 22h NTA, it makes me shudder to think what the inside of her house looks like and how filthy it is. Especially with kids living there, it's super concerning. She may be a hoarder. Instead of a birthday hat, I would set up a time to have a neighborly chat and sort it out peacefully face to face. Reply 3 ...


Text - dandaman64• 1d YTA, just write her a note or talk to her son. If you're worried about coming off as rude, why would you escalate it to a degree where you're now making fun of her for not throwing it out? You're risking an even bigger argument because you want to one-up her and have a laugh about it to yourself. Or here's a better idea, like your husband says, just throw it away! You're letting your pride prevent you from just throwing away an obviously rotting sugar pumpkin. If she gets u


Text - jaxattax518 • 1d NTA Do you have a landlord? Or do you both own your units? HOA or COA? Maybe you could talk to them and they could address it Reply ...


Text - TheAngriestOwl • 1d NTA I think it would be hilarious, but I don't know your neighbors sense of humour, some people can be kinda sour about stuff like that. During my first year at university some students somehow skewered a pumpkin on top of one the disused flagpoles in the quad, and the uni couldn't/weren't arsed about removing it. It very slowly putrified and slid inch by inch down the flagpole turning black until one day a seagull landed on it and it split open, falling to the floor w


Text - tuliphaze • 1d • Partassipant [1] NTA buuut like some others said, if your neighbour has a poor sense of humour this could definitely start a mean little rivalry between you two that might get nasty. On a side note, I had a brand new pumpkin rot inside my home the other day and it was genuinely the worst thing I have ever smelled. Literally made me gag and almost vomit trying to clean it up. Smelled like rotten used tampons. So just to say I have no clue how you can stand the smell. I wou


Text - Kyto_Nightguard • 1d NTA personally, I would leave a particularly nasty note, and/ or contact the property manager (assuming its rented) and see about having them give the lady a warning and/ or eviction notice. honestly, I m concerned about the inside of her house as well. and the safety of her children. if she lets the outside get like that, then who knows what's on the inside? Reply Vote ...


Text - ghettoprinsessa • 22h 100% NTA. That idea is hilarious! And you're right, you shouldn't constantly clean her side. If they don't own the house, could you tell the landlord they're being pigs that can't clean up their yard? Reply Vote


Text - DwasTV • 19h NTA Have you considered maybe they don't even remember putting the pumpkin back up there? It seems odd that they add Halloween decoration around it and leave the melted pumpkin still there. Do you maybe think it's possible they think you left it and refuse to clean it up and are taking a similar stance as yourself? Reply Vote ...


Text - emthejedichic • 19h NTA for doing that, but I'm not a fan of passive aggressive behavior. Why are the only options putting a sign on it or cleaning it yourself? You could continue to ignore it or ask someone who lives with her (since you say you never see her) to pass a message that you'd like it cleaned up. Or put a note in her mailbox asking her to clean it. Idk, I'm a fan of direct communication. Reply Vote ...

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