Friday, October 30, 2020

Cringey Brain-Lords Trying Way Too Hard to Seem Intelligent

Being able to squawk about your perceived achievements and intelligence is one of the unfortunate byproducts of social media. It's given a chance for Brain-Tyrants who believe they're literal geniuses to spread their wings and fly into the ceiling fan of self-congratulation. Thanks for clogging up the internet, you mistaken brain-lords.


Text - halogens, it exists as a lustrous, purple-black non-metallic solid at standard conditions that melts to form a deep violet liquid at 114 degrees Celsius, and boils to a violet gas at 184 degrees Celsius. 10:55 PM hah 10:55 PM i knew you were dumb 10:55 PM suck it loser 10:55 PM oops 10:55 PM wrong chat 10:55 PM context: my friend asked me if iodine melts, wich my smart ass replies with a yes but he goes "no it doesnt, it sublimates." 10:56 PM so now i proved him wrong 10:56 PM btw if you


Text - Well I'm glad to see you approved my last post but you still haven't given me a detailed explanation as to why you blocked my original post so I'm gonna tell you this I'm not a patience person however I will allow you two days to do as l've requested ( and don't tell me to read your guidelines I want an actual response ) if you fail to do so I will make it my mission to make it known all over the internet that you are not an honorable Facebook group and let me warn you I'm very smart ( IQ


Text - Serious question: anyone else having odd experiences w/the flow of time i.e. it seems to be moving faster? I have a theory but curious what others think? Already confirmed this with a handful of stellar patriots already experiencing the same. 5:48 PM · 08 Oct 20 · Twitter for iPhone 15 Retweets 1 Quote Tweet 123 Likes vo uct Succinctly: those increasingly (positively) affected by 5D ascension, if you want to imagine 3D time as a monorail-track, our consciousness is outgrowing this modalit


Text - O points 2 hours ago I took Computer Science. There was stuff you didn't understand? I literally didn't have to ask a single question. I understood every single thing spoken out of those professor's mouths the moment they spoke it. I actually got docked on points in a couple classes for "non-participation", because I didn't ask questions in class. Why bother when everything made total sense?


Text - 38 minutes ago • « SHOULD I DISCLOSE MY IQ TO MY MANAGER? I'm afraid l'll trigger some insecurity in him and he'll start looking for reasons to get rid of me. Whenever he assigns me a task, he acts proud of himself for thinking he's keeping me busy for the next few weeks. He actually looks disappointed when I'm done with the assignment by the following morning. He can't keep me busy, and I seem to be frustrating him because of it. My IQ test came back with a score of 146, higher than 99.9


Text - oday at 8:34 pm I have a scientific mind. Philosophers have jumbled minds who keep asking the wrong questions, questions that have no connection to the real world. (edited) Today at 8:34 pm Cringe.


Text - 7h: O What is on my mind? My basic human wants guide me to seek a partner. My higher intelligence lets me know that is base programming and the real divine will present herself when I am ready. I see you already and you destroy and rebuild me at the same time. I am just waiting like I always have. 36 7 comments O Like Comment A Share


Text - aceademic is everyone an idiot or do i have a superiority complex from reading books and excelling in english class


Text - 1h There's always a bigger cat. Reply + 22 + 22m given the nature of quantum physics and parallel universes that might be true, but purely based on our visual perception of the universe I would have to disagree with your assertion. 1 -3 +


Text - able 23 days ago Bart is the second smartest Simpson behind Lisa. AsS a smart person (170 lq, could drive a minivan at 3 years old) but not academically myself I relate a lot to him


Text - 3 hrs · e Did you know I read 4 different books a day ? Self development / business Romance book Masculinity & Bible A Like Comment Share


Text - @ you're one of the more intelligent of the many commenters on youtube. that comment reads like something I would write, but no longer, having wasted too much time on the low intelligence demographic that is all too common these days.


Text - 17:01 ll 59% O00 10k > This is a big "no duh" from me. I took one week and figured out the whole universe theoretically. Every point I have come up with has been proven true. I only used logic and physical principles to do this. 1 h Like Reply 25 View 48 previous replies...


Text - you need to go back and read my entire comment before jumping to conclusions or making irrelevant remarks. And based on my track record of being right 99.8% of the time , l'd wager that I'm right about this too. (The other .2% is when I'm asleep)


Text - Quora Q Search for questions, people, and topics Oranges (fruit) Fruit Colors (vision) What is the color of an orange? 4 Answers Kust a regular guy with lots of time to think about things. Updated July 5, 2019 - Author has 6.1K answers and 1.4M answer views Originally Answered: What color is an orange? Most people instinctively think an orange is orange in color. Some might argue that oranges were originally green. Both are wrong. Oranges don't have color. They have properties which cause

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