Saturday, October 3, 2020

Wholesome Memes for a Little Boost

Life can give us a lot of garbage to deal with, so it's healthy to have a reminder that all the time there are people pulling through for each other. Even among the rough, there's some diamonds of positivity to grab onto. For example, there's this wholesome security team who saved an office's plants, or this wholesome neighbor who's helpful for no reason.


Hair - 7 This 8-year-old boy spent 2 years growing his hair to make wigs for kids with cancer.


Dish - Madea pie crust. Turned around to get filling. Turned back around and this is what I found.


Text - AMFarmer @AM_Farmer I know things are dark, but I just watched the FedEx guy pluck a snail from the sidewalk, cradle it in his gloves, and find just the right-sized tulip in our front yard to set it inside.


Ceiling - "Delivery guys who put in the extra effort to decrease the chance of your package getting stolen are the real MVPS."




Tattoo - "During my wrist surgery, the surgeon incised around my tattoo. He could've not cared and cut right through it."


Text - I convinced my dad to get his first tattoo and he sent me something that my little sister painted...let's just say I'm a crying mess right now Solitaire LTE e 87% 7:07 PM Look at some of her sketches when 37 you get home. F father > Would you get the color or just black? I think I'd have to get the color. She put the colors for a reason. It's almost pride like right?! I do have two gay daughters whom I'm very proud of, so I think I would definitely get the color I love you so much, my hea


Fun - "These 2 girlsI met tonight spent half an hour comforting this crying homeless woman. After she stopped crying, they chatted with her for another 30 minutes."


Facial expression - My nan has dementia and every day she meets my dog for the first time and falls in love with him over and over again


Vehicle door - My parents told my little sister she couldn't dye her hair unless she found someone to do it with her ... so guess who has purple hair now KE


Plant - ALE


Skin - Northern ghost bats are grumpy cotton balls


Dinosaur - "My wife took our cat to the vet and my son told the vet his toy dinosaur was feeling bad, so the vet gave it an X-ray.."


Photograph - "Yesterday Imarried my soulmate and our little boy delivered the rings with his wheelchair"


Text - Before we got married, you already had your own ps4 but you sold it to buy my engagement ring. So I replaced with a new one for your birthday. Happy birthday husband. fotion PlayStation STARTER STARTER


Text - Don't get excited. I'm reusing the hox. psych! NDO Enjoy! NI SWITCH

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