Saturday, October 3, 2020

Karen And Child Get Upset Over Cookie, Hilarity Ensues

Clearly, Karen never learned the idea of "sharing is caring." Fortunately, this cookie enthusiast was ready to step up and deliver the lesson that needed learning. The fact that they just walked on, and carried on with their business was really the icing on the cake. Some people are just impossible to be reasoned with. Check out some more juicy Karen drama, with this Karen who wanted her tip back from a perfectly great waitress.


Text - r/pettyrevenge u/MaxTitanium • 1d + Join Sharing is caring, and Karen ain't caring One day, I was walking through City Market with my mom, the quiet buzzing of the lights only slightly annoying. All seemed well, and I decided to get one of the sample cookies from the back. Seems perfectly normal, right? So, I grab my cookie, which happened to be the last non-burnt one, as another family is coming into the back aisle. I'm not a particularly social person, so I started to walk away. This fa


Text - They realize that there aren't any more non burnt cookies, which, in my opinion, shouldn't be a problem. Cookies are cookies, especially free ones. The child wails horrifically, and notices that my cookie, that I haven't yet taken a bite out of, wasn't burnt! Wonderful observation skills, little Timmy. The mom approaches me and asks in a sickly sweet tone, one you can tell is obviously faked, if I would mind giving my cookie to her kid. I wasn't sure if the tone was from her having a head


Text - The kid looked confused at this, which immediately felt off. The mom's face contorted from 'nice' to confused to offended very quickly, as if not offering the entire cookie had somehow forsaken her entire family and she stared at me like I was going to sacrifice a goat in order to curse them. I, naturally, was confused, and realizing what was happening a bit too late, backed away and tried walking away. The lady placed her hand on my shoulder, preventing me from walking away. (I was maybe


Text - The guttural "rrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeEeEeEeEeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEE" released from both her and her entitled child gave me the chills, and she marched up to me and tried to take the cookie from me. Before she could, a lightbulb flickered on, before bursting in my head from the excitement to see the next levels of rage and profanities my plan was about to induce. I stuffed the entire cookie in my mouth. Now, these cookies were fairly big, bigger than the basic sugar cookies they usually gi


Text - Karen exploded at me, screeching profanities at me, many of which I surprisingly hadn't heard before. I stood there, the smuggest grin on my little face, as I slooowly chewed on the cookie, continuing to rub salt in the wound, until the profanities turned into indiscernible noises. Was it wrong of me to do so? Probably. Do I regret doing so? Absolutely not. After maybe three minutes of random sounds ejecting from the deep, dark chasm this woman produced, she stopped to take a breath. I ha


Text - "I'm not done with you!" She yelled after me. Obviously, I chose to ignore her at this point, as I was just done with her. As soon as I was out of the aisle, I booked it back to my mom and continued on like nothing had happened. TI;dr: Karen and her child got upset when they couldn't have my free cookie from City Market, hilarity ensues. Edit-Thank you everyone for the kind words, and may your chocolate chip cookies never turn out to be raisins! 1 1 7 2 3.5k 214 1 Share

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