Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Things People Later Discovered Were Illegal

Honestly, everyone is probably doing something illegal right now. It's not mandatory to be aware of every single law, so in all probability there's some weird edict about wearing underwear on a Friday that no one is respecting. At the same time, there are tons of things that feel illegal but aren't, so everyone is just walking around feeling guilty and confused all the time.


Text - NeedsMoreTuba 74 points · 19 hours ago I defaced currency for YEARS, but mostly during elementary and middle school. I thought dollar bills were really boring, so every day I'd color my lunch money to make it more interesting. I did this for years and years, until a history teacher caught me and said, "You know that's a felony, right?" My dumb ass thought that meant I was going to go to jail if anyone ever found my colored money, so I took the one I was making and I stashed it away in a b


Text - Western-Result8780 11.6k points · 22 hours ago When I was a kid I thought it was normal that we could buy movies the day after they came out from the Chinese lady in the chicken shop. I didn't realize it was a crime until middle school when I told someone my grandma had Avatar on DVD and they said that was impossible since the movie was still in theaters.


Text - _theavidreader13_ 7.2k points · 22 hours ago · edited 13 hours ago O2 O 2 7 & 27 More Trespassing. As a kid (think 6, 7) my younger brother and I would go over into our neighbor's yard (he had a fantastic garden) and play quietly. He never said anything; he was a WWII vet and lived alone. I guess we amused him. When he died, a new family moved into the house. We continued our ventures into the yard and the family must've found out, because we walked over one day to be met with a locked fe


Text - menstrually-unstable 5.6k points · 23 hours ago I used to think the little olive kiosks in grocery stores were samples. I would always leave with a little produce bag of various olives and enjoy my treat on the ride home. I had odd tastes as a kid


Text - cortechthrowaway 4.2k points - 23 hours ago Until I saw the sign posted as I exited Yellowstone National Park, I was unaware that it's illegal to make elk noises at the elk! I'd been riding around on my motorcycle making elk noises all week! They love it. They all look up and stare at you as you ride past.


Text - floridas_lostboy 3.6k points ·1 day ago I remember back in the days of Napster, and Limewire when everyone said I'd go to jail for downloading a Blink-182 album. In reality, I just gave my computer super aids.


Text - eblingdp 3.0k points · 18 hours ago I once had this coworker that was always coming up with hair- brained business schemes. One day he comes in and start going on this rant about how he's going to become a millionaire. He explains that he recently purchased like 10,000 SD cards from China, and he got a card reader for them. They cost like $0.50 each or something, and he's all like “But they can hold up to 10 GB of data each! That's enough for like four movies, and I can sell them for like


Text - SilentTempestLord 2.9k points · 22 hours ago edited 11 hours ago As a teen living in the US, (Utah to be specific), and I was really questioning the sanitation of the utensils in the high school cafeteria. So I was carrying a multi- purpose tool with me that had a fork and a spoon on it. However, I wasn't aware that it had a fully functional blade on it, 3 and 3/4 inches to be precise. Oops.


Text - WANNABENOVELTYBOY 2.5k points · 21 hours ago Old job I had had a snack bar in the conference room, it was always open and I thought you can just go I. And take a snack during break. I always it was odd how there was always a lot of food left so I would take several sandwiches, snacks, and drinks before going home. Did this for months and always thought it was allowed and normal. Until management made an announcement that the food in the conference room aren't for low level employees but f


Text - gayvoter97 2.3k points · 21 hours ago · edited 10 hours ago Had a friend who liked to touch all the paintings in museums. She had been doing this her whole life, thought it was totally normal, and had just happened never to get caught. She did not believe me when I told her that you aren't allowed to. We got kicked out of the museum. To those asking how we got kicked out (or rather, she got kicked out and I left with her): she walked down a row of paintings and dragged her hand across eve


Text - Serious-Candidate 1.9k points · 22 hours ago edited 17 hours ago Back when my ex was a barista at Starbucks I would drive her to work every day at 4AM and take a specific route. Thought nothing of it and the route became muscle memory. One day she asks me to pick her up early and I take the usual route. After I make a right turn on a red light (perfectly legal in the US) I suddenly get those dreaded lights flash behind me. The police officer came up to my window and asked for my credentia


Text - Officer: Do you realize that turn you made back there was illegal? Me: Last time I checked it was legal to turn right on red, no? Officer: Sure, but there's obviously a sign that says that you can't do it at that specific intersection. Me: Impossible... I've been taking that turn every day for the past 6 months... Officer: ... Sure enough after the officer gave me the "are you f***ing serious" look along with my ticket I drove back to the intersection and every traffic light had a "Do Not


Text - Wrylis 1.5k points · 22 hours ago I make a lot of things out of wood and metal. I didn't know how aggressive railyards can be about their shit. A few times in my life I've found railraod spikes partially buried in pebbles up to ten feet away from the track, and I've taken those to make knives and jewellery with. Turns out they do not like it when people take their rusted, busted junk that they leave to the elements.


Text - bittebritta96 1.4k points · 21 hours ago Not me but a friend of mine accidentally stole coffee for an entire semester. We had a small cafe on campus that sold small meals you could take to class and drinks. They had their coffee area set up next to the counter. So you had to order and pay for it, then they would give you a cup and you would go fill it up yourself. She thought it was free and would just go up to it a few times a day and fill up her reusable cup. She finally noticed after w


Text - Buckeyekhanate 1.3k points · 20 hours ago Probably not illegal but when I was younger my dad taught me how to trick the kiddie ride at my local Walmart so that I could continue riding without having to pay a quarter or whatever the fee was.


Text - RumPullForceKin 1.2k points · 22 hours ago Delivered homemade "wine" for a friends dad. He'd give me and a buddy a list of addresses, load down the car and send us on our way. We'd bring him the money, he'd give us both our own jug for the trouble.


Text - Charles0301 980 points · 23 hours ago Used to carry a switchblade around when I was 14 or so, that shit's blade was huge, thankfully no one ever stopped me, after an year or so discovered in my country switchblades were illegal to carry.


Text - throwawaybeansnrice 581 points · 14 hours ago I flew with pepper spray in my backpack upwards of 15 times. I didn't think about it being potentially illegal, and TSA never caught it. I only stopped when I saw a sign that said no aerosols and I asked someone nearby in line of pepper spray was an aerosol... he was like yeah, and definitely illegal. So I threw it in the trash. Makes me concerned that TSA never found it... and concerned that I'm really dumb.


Text - JL_Adv 539 points · 16 hours ago Drive body parts across county lines. I taught anatomy labs at a community college and used to take the brains and other internal organs for my high school science students to see/study. I did this for five years until the dean at the college pulled me into his office and asked why I had body parts on a cart, heading out of the building. I assured him I had been doing this each semester and that I would bring them back the next evening and students wouldn'


Text - TheHud 325 points · 17 hours ago Not me, but my cousin (who is now in his upper 20s) thought up until a few years ago that the paper yard bags stacked outside of hardware stores were free. He would routinely grab a stack on the way out to his car.


Text - sleepytimeghee 263 points · 20 hours ago When I was a little kid, I used to draw and make cards for the neighbors I liked. Then I would put them in their mailboxes. That's illegal. Technically only the post office is allowed to put things in a mailbox.

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