Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Kids Of Karens Describe Their Experiences

Man, with all the stories about Karens going off on customer service employees and generally depositing large amounts of toxic energy into an otherwise peaceful environment, we hardly ever here from their kids about how difficult it is to have them as parents. This thread peels back the curtain on what it's like to grow up with a Karen as your mom. It's no easy situation. 


Text - I got used to embarrassment at a young age so that a pro I guess Reply 455 ...


Text - S 1 Award Not only is this actually my mother's name, it accurately describes her personality. Growing up I didn't realize how self-centered she was. She was my mom and that's all I knew. As an adult I can't even get along with her. She's always got to be number one in the room. If she's not the center of attention and she's not catered to, there is an impending shit fit coming. She shuns blame for anything she does wrong. It's always someone else's fault. Looking back I understand why th


Text - oyiboifeoma • 1d When i was young, I hated it. She would yell and throw fits in public when she didn't get her way. As an adult I think its made me way too easy going. I remember the anxiety and anger that she would exude. It was exhausting. So now I am careful with who I keep around in my life as to protect my energy. I try not to worry about things I cant control. And I have respect and empathy for people. Reply 865 ...


Text - LilacSlumber • 1d When you're very young (0 to 5 yrs), you have no idea. Once you're old enough to realize it (7 to 10ish), you get super embarrassed. When you're around the age of going through puberty, you start to apologize to people for your mom or dad's behavior. Then, FINALLY, you are old enough to get away (14 to 18) and if you're lucky, you have a lot of excuses to not go places with them - practices, games, rehearsals, concerts, homework, a job.... and so on. When you're an adult


Text - Swoon_June • 1d I grew up pretty poor. My mom was what I like to call Trailer Park Karen (we lived in a trailer). I remember we were in a KFC and she asked how much a bucket of chicken was. The girl told her and mom starts yelling about how that's ridiculous and she can do better at Albertsons and she stormed out. Reply 26


Text - Salt_Air07 • 1d It was exhausting. I'm constantly worried that I'm either over or under reacting to something because I was never taught how to react to things appropriately. I dated a male Karen for 10 years and he would spiral out into these emotional outbursts for hours over fabricated events. I have a difficult time gauging what the appropriate reaction to something should be, and I'm constantly second guessing myself. Reply 24 ...


Text - writtennred • 1d 7 Awards Any time we go out to eat, I always immediately excuse myself to the ladies room but instead find our server. I prepare them for what might happen and apologize profusely. Then go ahead and hand them a 20 dollar bill and tell them I will do my best to keep her contained. Edit: Thanks for the gold and love! In response to some comments, no she doesn't know that I do this. And she wouldn't care (or change) if she did. For the tirades I fail to prevent, I don't sit


Text - krysty702 • 1d I almost never go out to eat with my mom. She likes to pretend like she is a kind and considerate person, especially with servers, because I was a server for 6 years.


Text - VodkaMargarine • 1d The Germans have this word Fremdschämen which means that feeling of second hand embarrassment you get when you are quite visibly associated with someone embarrassing. Basically that. Reply 264 ...


Text - UBootCaptain • 1d Embarrassing and kind of expensive when you leave a huge ass tip because of my parent not leaving one due to some arbitrary reason. Reply ...


Text - Ozzod • 1d My mom wasnt the worst karen, but I think my lesst favorite thing was when she would try and put it on me to go complain or make a big deal out of something. Most of the time I just wouldnt, doesnt help that I am/ was always a pretty shy kid. Now whenever she has to deal with customer service I sometime end up taking the call over to figure it out and she is always like "wow how are you so good at dealing with them" and internally Im thinking, its called treating them with some


Text - dranjrea • 1d I was 37 to when I was able to sit with mom through an entire restaurant meal without something being returned to the kitchen. If her food was perfectly prepared, she would complain about someone else's against that diner's protestations. It was exhausting. As a teenager, I started carrying a few extra dollars that l'd sneak to the server to try and not get my food spit in. Reply 8 ...


Text - Compulsive-Gremlin • 1d My mom was a complete Karen. I used to carry cash with me to tip waitstaff because 95% she would leave extremely paltry tips if any tip at all. You tend to compensate as the child of an abusive narcissistic parent. I'd carry cash with me for tips. I'd always make sure I had another way home if she offered to drive. I never had to do anything like that with my dad but then he was sane. Reply 75 ...


Text - ky_straight_bourbon • 1d I never quite understood why I didn't like my mother. She's a seemingly okay person, and people should like their parents. She showed us lots of love as kids. But I still find her awful to be around. I had a really great mentor once tell me that you can learn a lot about a person based on how they treat waitstaff. And suddenly I realized why l've never liked being around my mother. Reply 22 ...


Text - ami2weird4u • 1d It's exhausting and embarrassing at the same time. hides face Reply ...


Text - MyUsernamelsMeh • 1d Taught me to respect everyone, especially store employes Reply 4 ...


Text - RonSwansonsOldMan • 1d My mom and grandma were both Karens. As a kid, going out to eat with them was embarrassing. The ice cream was too cold and the coffee was too hot. Reply 2 ...

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