Friday, October 16, 2020

Stuff That's Way Older Than People Think

Some inventions like escalators and seltzer have been around for hundreds of years longer than most people think. And other stuff, like sharks, are older than entire species. for more interesting history stuff, here's a thread about how mundane people are important to history as well as some history memes to feel smart about.


Text - VanillaIceCinnaMon 1.1k points · 22 hours ago Commercial aircraft. Most are 10 - 15 years old yet a lot of people think they get replaced like cars. They are still very safe though despite their age.


Text - steveguyhi1243 46.6k points - 1 day ago A 2 O 2 e S & 3 More Flushing toilets date all the way back to the Indus River Valley civilization, back in 2000 ВС


Text - jazzman0116 40.8k points · 1 day ago The ancient Romans (well, the wealthy ones) had central heating in their homes. You can actually still see the pipes in some of the buildings at Herculaneum!


Text - PmMeUrBoobsPorFavor 35.2k points · 23 hours ago 2 & 12 More edited 11 hours ago Sharks. Sharks as a family are older than trees


Text - KidHarvey 35.1k points · 1 day ago Escalators have been around since 1859, though they were called rotating stairs.


Text - BeaneathTheTrees 31.4k points · 1 day ago The name Tiffany. It dates back to the 12th century, and has actually led to a thing in writing called "the Tiffany problem," because you can have a well-researched historical novel that people just don't buy into, because you named your 12th century peasant Tiffany. It just sounds laughably anachronistic.


Text - Darpyface 25.7k points · 1 day ago edited 22 hours ago 34 E Fax Machines. They were invented in 1843. Before the telephone. fax-machine-1991379 TheNerd669 15.5k points · 21 hours ago A samurai could have used a fax machine


Text - trespuntoslikespider 23.3k points · 1 day ago Ancient Egyptians who built the pyramids. The Ancient Egyptians were as old to the Ancient Romans as the Ancient Romans are to us.


Text - Buwaro 23.2k points · 1 day ago The electric car. What is likely the first human-carrying electric vehicle with its own power source was tested along a Paris street in April 1881 by French inventor Gustave Trouvé. The first crude electric car was built in the 1830s but it was essentially a semi-functioning model. The electric car was a direct competitor to gasoline powered vehicles until the 1920s when roads got better, people started driving further than the range of an electric car, and


Text - Gyroklovn 22.0k points · 23 hours ago 2 The fact that the lighter is older than the match shook my head as a kid. It also gave me the curiosity to question things that seems obvious.


Text - saymynamebastien 20.7k points · 23 hours ago edited 21 hours ago I don't know if this counts but Dinosaurs lived on the earth a lot longer than most people think. When you think of dinosaurs, you think of their extinction but they roamed the earth for 165 million years. Compare that to our 6 million and it's almost mind boggling, at least imo.


Text - princess_mothership 19.7k points · 22 hours ago 33 3 I was really surprised to discover when Oxford university was founded. They don't know the year for sure, but they know there was definitely teaching going on there in 1096.


Text - 4dseeall 19.6k points · 22 hours ago 3 Beer is thought to be older than bread. It's much easier to fill a jar with wheat and water, let it ferment, and brew beer than it is to grind grain, mix it, and bake it.


Text - Andramalot 19.3k points · 23 hours ago Nintendo. This company was actually created in 1889.


Text - TheSilentShane 16.8k points · 22 hours ago Oreos. I was shocked to learn that Oreos predate chocolate chip cookies, sliced bread, and my 100 year old Great Grandmother.


Text - Darkie109 12.8k points · 23 hours ago Brain Surgery In 1997, archaeologists discovered an ancient tomb in the French village of Ensisheim from 5,000 BC, which contained the decomposing body of a 50- year-old man with holes in his skull. After a thorough examination, it was determined that the holes, located near the frontal lobe, were caused by a type of surgery, not by forced trauma, and the operation appears to have been successful because the wounds healed before the patient's death. T


Text - -EDGAR- 12.3k points · 1 day ago · edited 23 hours ago Contact lenses. Leonardo da Vinci had the idea of contact lenses in 1508 and the first successful contact lenses were made in 1888.


Text - helpicantfindanamehe 11.7k points · 1 day ago E 2 e2 S 2 & 2 More Paul Rudd


Text - given2fly_ 9.5k points · 22 hours ago 3 S The Aux connector that we still use for headphones and speakers was invented in 1877. There have been improvements since, but the basics of it are pretty much the same.


Text - VictorBlimpmuscle 7.4k points · 1 day ago - edited 1 day ago Social media - wealthy ancient Romans had a system where they used slaves as scribes and messengers in order to share gossip and art/poetry and news updates with friends in their social circle.


Text - CountPeter 6.8k points · 22 hours ago · edited 17 hours ago 2 The sentiment that modern society is degenerate and that the youth are to blame is, iirc, one of the oldest things we have written down. That I can remember off the top of my head, Cato the Elder complained that the younger generations were becoming too greek, and Socrates used to complain that the younger generations were ruining their brains by writing instead of memorising information. There are far more older examples, but


Text - iceburg-simpson 6.4k points · 23 hours ago The year 1990... we are as close to it as we are the year 2050.


Text - bonster85 5.7k points · 1 day ago S The food at the back of your cupboard. LaserBeamsCattleProd 3.5k points · 23 hours ago I have a bottle of Worcestershire sauce that expired 4/28/2009 in my fridge. That means that bottle: A) made the trip from NJ to Florida with me in 2010. B) is the lone survivor from my bachelor pad fridge from 2012-2014. C) made it into my fridge when my wife and I bought a house in 2014. It's been sitting there ever since.


Text - Thanos_AnusDestroyer 5.4k points · 1 day ago S Netflix! i feel like it is only a few years old but it was invented in 1997


Text - DanBeecherArt 2.2k points · 22 hours ago · edited 20 hours ago S 2 The use of concrete. It's use goes as far back as the Mayans, but more notably in Egyptian construction as well as in Rome. The Romans had an arguably greater concrete mix than we currently have, but that was never passed down. Eventually the use of concrete fell out of popularity for centuries as we seemingly lost the information needed to create it, as if the recipe was thrown out and nobody wrote it down. Also Samuel L


Text - DarkSyrupp 2.1k points · 21 hours ago 2 The first carbonated drink to be sold to the public was invented by Swiss watchmaker and amateur scientist J. J. Schweppe in 1783, who sold his delicious "sparkling water" to thirsty customers in Geneva. In just seven years, he was doing business so fast that he moved the factory to London and introduced a new flavor, sparkling lemon, to stand out from competitors who were trying to imitate his drink.

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