Friday, October 16, 2020

People That Love Their Jobs

Someone on AskReddit got a thread going about the people that genuinely love their jobs. As it turns out, some folks are actually lucky enough to find themselves with a career opportunity that doesn't feel like work at all. It can be done. And if you ever find yourself in that kind of position, just hold on for dear life. And if you're not, maybe some of these gigs will give you new ideas about a career shift. 


Text - ItsUnderAnOunce • 13h Parks and Rec manager. I watch sports for a living. Reply 2.2k ...


Text - paraouji • 11h 3 3 Awards Proofreader. I basically just make our company's stuff look like it was written by someone who paid attention in english class. I used to do the same thing but I didn't get paid enough to do it. Ridiculous deadlines, everything was always getting blown way out of proportion, lower pay, constant overtime due to intentional understaffing. I do way less work and get paid more now and everyone is much chiller about the process Reply 4.2k ...


Text - yamacat88 • 11h 3 1 Award Firefighter. We are paid for what we potentially have to do not for what we do when we show up to work. On top of that I can retire with a pension at 50 years old and we work a schedule where everyday you come to work it's your "friday" Reply 1.4k ...


Text - zkinny • 15h 1 Award Production operator. I have really good pay for working an alright shift and am damn happy with my job as I have zero education after high school and have worked a lot of shit jobs. Reply 5.3k ...


Text - Maximum_Raisin9272 • 13h O1 Award My husband is an overnight security guard at a ranch in a small town. He gets paid $17.50 an hour. He sits in the car and makes sure no one comes on the property overnight. Only one time he's had an incident, and it was a drunk driver that drove through the front fence, the pasture, then through the back fence and then got stuck. He called the police and they handled it. He's worked there for several years. It's an easy job, which is nice because he has s


Text - jarofherb • 11h I get paid an excessive amount to deliver excessively priced appliances to the extremely excessively well funded occupants of Lake Tahoe. Like 90% of the job is just going on an amazing drive. Reply 2.0k ...


Text - poisden • 13h 5 Awards In a different vein than most of the comments, I'm a nanny for a very well off couple who are convinced their two boys are terribly behaved despite me constantly saying they're great kids. There is literal shit to deal with and they for sure have their issues- not enough time to play or hang out with their parents doesn't help. But I get paid an outrageous wage to basically be a third parent to two cute kids. Recently went down to only 20 hours a week during school


Text - xrp_reddit_guy • 12h 4 Awards Residential Appraiser. Pick my own hours and get $400 per report. Work isn't hard. Takes me about 5 hours. Everyone leaves me alone by design to not influence my value. Pretty sweet. Reply 11.1k ...


Text - tmott85 • 11h 3 28 Awards Trashman here. I literally deal with peoples shit. get paid enough. Ten years in and 80k+ a year. More this year because COVID-19 overtime. Reply 24.3k ...


Text - GreenOnionCrusader • 14h 3 Awards Used to hand out free samples for $10/hr when minimum was $7.50. I got to cook and joke around with people all day long. Hardly anyone gets mad at the person giving them free food, even if they don't like it. I loved that job. Edit: I'm in Arkansas. Minimum is $9.25 here. Cost of living is low and there's lots of tourism and jobs. Reply 18.5k ...


Text - Insomniax995 • 13h Had a babysitting job during university. I showed about 2 hours before bedtime and we had a snack and I checked if they needed any help with homework and then we watched some TV. They went to bed at 8:30 and the parent came home around 6 in the morning. This was 2 nights a week and the pay was good. I spent the time either studying or just watching movies all night. Reply 4.5k ...


Text - discostud1515 • 14h I work in the fitness industry. For the most part, the pay sucks and most people burn out quick and switch careers. I lucked out and got a coordinator job for a municipal event government. Toversee several facilities and provide training and presentations for select groups -police, fire, paramedics etc. I make 6 figures and it's pretty much a cake walk. I'm very aware of how lucky I am. T have a masters degree and about 15 years experience but I was just about to switc


Text - sunglassesinsideguy • 10h Not me but my close friend is a V.I.P experience tester for a large hotel chain. He shows up and they roll out the red carpet. He stays in the nicest suite and makes constant requests for champaign, food, car services, dry cleaning, etc. and takes note of the speed and level of service. I asked him if it was a difficult job and he sincerely told me "sometimes it's hard to spend the dollar amount I am supposed to spend in 2 days. I throw out a lot of food and alco


Text - Calliope719 • 11h Receptionist. I get paid $20 an hour to scroll through reddit. Once a day or so, I need to have someone fill out a form. It makes for long days, but l'm doing classes to finish my undergrad on paid time, so its all good. Reply 3.0k ...


Text - Grayboosh • 18h 1 Award Poker dealer. I dont really do much, basically just play middle man so people can play their game without concern. If there's any real issue I am suppose to just call a supervisor and let them handle it. I put up with plenty of bullshit but its not that bad.


Text - grahag • 17h Helpdesk for 20 years... I remember all the jobs before that where I said, "I don't get paid enough to deal with this shit". Farmer, CRM, Fast Food, Video store clerk, 7-11 Clerk, Call center... Although I kind of liked the graves at 7-11... :D Reply 4.9k ...


Text - olorin_istar • 15h Engineer. I do mechanical designs of heat exchanger products. Chill in my own office and listen to music or podcasts all day while l'm doing layout drawings, making bill of materials or running design software/ calculations. I get about 90k a year plus (usually) a nice profit bonus which goes a long way where I live (OK). someone else commented asking us to list how long we have been at these jobs. This was my first job out of college and I have been here 5 years now. R


Text - Sk8mastr45 • 12h Anesthesiologist. Get to put people to sleep. It almost always goes well and the people are thankful. Rarely it does not go well and can get very scary very fast. We're fairly well compensated compared to other specialties. Reply 1 1.0k ...


Text - PRGuyHere • 10h Hospital spokesman. I get paid six figures to come up with the words to make bad things sound better. But most days, there isn't something bad to make sound better. Most days, it's more about event planning. Most days, it's me telling people "Come to this place at this time and sit quietly while I talk, and I will literally give you cake." I get paid over 100k per year to tell people where the cake will be. Reply 194 ..


Text - dawrina • 15h I work for the government and I'm way overpaid for what I do honestly. There were people at my last job that made like 120k to scan documents all day. Another guy I worked with wrote dates on file folders and made the same. Reply 5.9k


Text - MyGfcumstojazz • 12h Drive tractor trailers, pays amazing but it can be exhausting and mind numbing. Also can be terrifying depending on the weather conditions but it only costs 5 grand from the school I went to, to get my cdl. Gotta deal with the DOT sometimes and sleeping in your truck six days a week sucks being away from home but it's got a lot of benefits to it, like I think I'm smart now cause I have listened to every podcast that has ever existed. Reply 1 940 ...


Text - pocketfullofuranium • 17h 3 3 Awards My dad is a clam farmer. He basically spends his days diving or fishing and maybe every two weeks has to actually "work" but only for a couple of hours. He lives on a tropical island, tax and duty free, and drinks a lot of rum. He could earn a LOT more than he does (which is still a tasty amount) but then he'd have to DO more so he's happy as he is. Reply 25.1k ...


Text - melodyze • 18h 1 Award Software engineer. Sometimes you have to deal with shit breaking at inconvenient times for random reasons, but it's a pretty great deal all considered. Reply 9.5k ...


Text - henry_sqared • 13h Administrative assistant. Stay at it long enough and it can be a six figure gig (in a major city, supporting a sr exec). Infinitely portable (the job is pretty much the same in tech, finance, whatever); every company needs them. Virtually recession proof (execs ain't gonna run their own calendars, email, expenses, travel, etc). Almost always has good benefits. While there are always exceptions, its typically a very 9 to 5 job that isn't overly stressful or demanding. Re

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