Friday, October 16, 2020

Man Proposes To Girlfriend With Sapphire Ring, Grandma Pitches Fit

Man oh man, nothing like some good old fashioned family drama when it comes to an engagement. This guy sounds like he did exactly what his partner would've wanted him to do. The only person that seemed to have a problem with his ring choice was the grandmother. Folks in the comments seem to be of the opinion that he's not the jerk as long as he stands by his decision, and doesn't back down to whiny grandma. 


Text - AITA for not getting a traditional engagement ring? | (29M) just proposed to my girlfriend (27F) of four years. She doesn't really like jewelry as a whole, and has said she doesn't like diamonds. I was really struggling to find a ring that I thought she'd like enough to wear. My mother pulled me aside and offered me one. She had a beautiful Sapphire ring that's been in my family for any years, and Sapphire happens to be my fiancés birthday stone. I proposed with the ring, and she loves it


Text - My fiancées grandmother however has been up my ass ever since I proposed about how I must not love her, how dare I give her a used ring, she can't believe her granddaughter doesn't have a diamond. Here's where I'm most likely the asshole. We had dinner with her family and she wouldn't let up. My fiancée said she loved the ring and didn't like diamonds. That still didn't stop her grandmother and finally I said "I'm sorry you feel that way, but you've more made your disapproval clear, we do


Text - redditcreatanaccount • 16h 3 2 Awards Being old doesn't give you a free pass to be an asshole. NTA Reply 4.7k


Text - dricysarcasm • 16h • Asshole Enthusiast [5] Q A 2 17 Awards NTA as long as you dont apologize to the grandmother You need to stand firm here. Your fiancée supports how you handled it. And both of you tried to be nicer about it and she would not quit. And what you said wasn't even that rude to begin with. You just made it clear you and your fiancée were done "discussing" it with her. You need to stand with your fiancée on this. Not give in to their ridiculous demands that you apologize to


Text - KinkyTattedNerd • 16h • Partassipant [1] No, I would not apologize. She's the one who needs to be apologizing for stirring the pot continuously and putting her nose where it does not belong. NTA I think people should quit coddling and bending over to appease people like this to "keep the peace" and instead address the behavior that is actually disrupting the peace in the first place. Don't muzzle one person for another's incessant mouth. Reply 747 ...


Text - HalcyonEve • 14h 1 Award The Duchess of Cambridge would likely disagree that a used sapphire ring is not suitable for an engagement ring. Grandma should mind her own business. NTA. Reply 741 ...


Text - goshyarnit • 15h • Partassipant [2] NTA. Sounds like a beautiful ring and exactly what your fiance wanted! My grandpa made a few snide comments about the size of my ring when I got engaged (he didn't really care for my fiance back then - he came round eventually, I was his eldest grandchild and he adored me and didn't think anyone was good enough for me) but I shut that shit down really quick. I explained to him how dumb I thought it was to spend thousands of dollars on a ring when we wer


Text - FesteringNoseOlives • 16h • Partassipant [1] NTA Your fiancée doesn't want you to apologize, so think you should follow her lead here. Maybe suggest she talk with her father and grandmother, but don't apologize if she doesn't want you to. Reply 249 ...


Text - justslightlyparanoid • 15h • Asshole Aficionado [17] NTA. Your fiancé is happy with the ring and doesn't want you to apologise. Oh well, one less person you have to invite to your wedding. Reply 103 ...


Text - ClearAbove • 16h NTA. You're both happy. That matters so much more than the stone. Her dad is being unreasonable by expecting an apology. He should have stepped up to tell her to stop. Reply 1 33 ...


Text - Fantastic_Elk_1575 • 15h • Partassipant [2] NTA You established your boundary pretty tactfully. Any normal person would get the hint to stfu You and fiancee are fine with it. Grandma's opinion is irrelevant (which I would mention if she brought up again, because l'm like that lol) and sounds like she just wants to be offended about something. So fine, she gets to be offended but you don't have to apologise for living your life as the two of you see fit Reply 35 ...


Text - Unlikely-Pin-5558 • 14h NTA...tell Grandma that Duchess Kate got a sapphire, which was Princess Diana's engagement ring. IF I ever get engaged (at almost 44, kind of unlikely at this point) I would love a morganite or tanzanite GASP sterling silver or white gold. Diamonds are beautiful, yes, but a cliché. If your fiancée is happy, then that's all that matters Reply 23 ...


Text - anonymommy15 • 16h NTA. It sounds like your response was completely reasonable. How does your fiancé feel about it? That's important. Reply 20 ..


Text - RollingKatamari • 16h • Craptain [156] NTA-what your fiancée thinks is most important here, you respected her wishes and got her a ring that actually means something. Her grandma needs to shut 'dn Reply 16


Text - MyGfcumstojazz • 12h Drive tractor trailers, pays amazing but it can be exhausting and mind numbing. Also can be terrifying depending on the weather conditions but it only costs 5 grand from the school I went to, to get my cdl. Gotta deal with the DOT sometimes and sleeping in your truck six days a week sucks being away from home but it's got a lot of benefits to it, like I think I'm smart now cause I have listened to every podcast that has ever existed. Reply 1 940 ...


Text - IcedChaiLatte_16 • 15h NTA, you proposed with a beautiful and meaningful ring that your fiancee loves. Also, diamonds are a HUGE racket. Reply 1 15 ...


Text - sofiassecret • 15h • Partassipant [2] NTA- I have a small estate and vintage fine jewelry store and sell non traditional rings for engagements all of the time! More and more people are straying away from diamonds for many reasons. Keep your eyes open and look around, lots of younger women with colored stones in their wedding bands these days! Reply 15 ...


Text - OldLadyDaniels • 15h NTA- Also, using an inherited/family ring is more traditional then diamonds anyways. Diamond engagement rings as standard is relativity new. So not only is her grandmother being rude and overstepping, she's also wrong. Reply 14 ...


Text - Plenty-State2879 • 15h NTA. And its not going to stop at the ring. As the planning progresses, she's going to knit pick everything you guys do. Reply 10 ...


Text - liarslittlepretty • 16h • Commander in Cheeks [287] NTA she's off her rocker Reply ...


Text - dawrina • 15h I work for the government and I'm way overpaid for what I do honestly. There were people at my last job that made like 120k to scan documents all day. Another guy I worked with wrote dates on file folders and made the same. Reply 5.9k


Text - Astro_Dragons • 14h NTA you didn't do anything wrong. Granny needs to go have her nap. Reply ...


Text - BoundaryStompingMIL • 15h • Partassipant [4] NTA. Crazy old bat is clearly used to being horrible and having people enable and rug sweep her. Of your fiancee is happy and you are happy, that's the end of it. Besides, you weren't even that rude. You laid a boundary line down to stop a torrent of verbal abuse. You didn't call her a raging bitch, which is better than I would have done. Reply 6 ...


Text - anonaway42 • 13h NTA, but I have an idea for some petty revenge. Find a cute Diamond ring. Not too much, within your price range. Then donate that money to a charity in your fiancee's grandma's name. Even better if it's a cause she hates (i.e. donating to Biden if she's pro Trump, donating to Planned parenthood if she's pro life). Then say "I thought a lot about what your said. GF doesn't like diamonds but you have a point and I did save a lot of money on a used ring. So I gave that money


Text - frenchtoastlove • 13h NTA, please don't apologize! You kept your fiancée's preferences in mind and chose a ring you knew SHE would like. A Sapphire engagement ring is just lovely, and hey, it's good enough for the Duchess of Cambridge! Reply 3 ...


Text - Gryffindor4ble • 14h NTA. Also- how does a family heirloom just get called "used ring"? Reply Vote ...


Text - PrincessOfPomade • 13h NTA. Sapphire engagement rings are a traditional choice for an engagement ring-- google it. Kate Middleton's ring is a sapphire ring that belonged to Princess Diana. Your fiance's grandmother just needs a little education. You have chosen wisely, and congratulations! Reply 1 Vote ...


Text - tamatoas_peaches • 11h • Partassipant [1] NTA. I also have a non-traditional engagement ring (a ruby) and my fiancé was told by older members of his family that he needed to get me a diamond. I don't like diamonds; I don't like the cost, I don't like the history, and I don't like the total lack of color. We talked about this months and months ago. I chose the engagement ring myself. And he still caught shit for not getting me a diamond - from everybody else. It comes down to the person we


Text - HeapsFine • 9h NTA - You have no need to apologise, but maybe you could calm things by having a chat with just grandma, fiancée and yourself explaining why you went with that ring (again). It seems ridiculous to me and I don't know what grandma's problem is -I guess some people are just set in their ways. Good luck! Reply Vote

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