Friday, October 16, 2020

A Quick Hilarious Livestock Drama

Just another day on the farm. This quick and absolutely ridiculous story about a dramatic livestock situation will never get old. Poor Hero was in panic, busy leading the parade that he never wanted. 


Nature - Livestock drama "Let's put pool noodles on the goat's horns!" says a teenager. "Why would you, "I begin, but they have already stampeded out of the house. I shrug.


Text - It turns out that when someone puts pool noodles on a goat's horns, the goat doesn't really care. They're very light, after all, and she can't see them. You know who cares? Who cares a LOT? the HORSE. Hero took one look at Nutmeg wearing pool noodles and ran away. You know who doesn't want to be left alone, ever? Nutmeg. Who went trotting after Hero because he was leaving her.




Text - Hero, seeing that the eldritch abomination was after him, picked up speed. Nutmeg went into a full run. My kids started chasing Nutmeg to get the pool noodles off her, but could not catch her, because she's surprisingly fast. The dogs were bringing up the rear, just happy to be going for a pleasant run. Hero was in a panic, leading a parade that he did not want. This all resolved. One noodle feel off; the kids eventually cornered Nutmeg and removed the other one. Just a day at a farm, I g

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Tagged: FAIL , goats , ridiculous , farm , funny

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