Thursday, October 22, 2020

Incompetent Manager Fires Employee For Calling Out Sick

Man, nothing gets the blood pressure to rise like having to work under an infuriating and totally incompetent manager. Like this one here. They had the audacity to fire an employee for literally calling out sick. Who does that? Fortunately, a pro revenge was successfully executed, and the manager ended up being demoted. 

Check out some more juicy revenge drama with this story about an electrician taking a revenge on a nasty IT manager.


Text - r/ProRevenge u/Darth_Xen0 • 1y + Join Fire me cause I was sick? Have fun making minimum wage. This took place a couple years back and one of my old coworkers said I should post it here. Obligatory grammar warning along with the fact I'm on mobile with a messed up screen. So this happened During the beginning of my senior year of highschool, I was balancing out Football, School and, Work. I worked at a convenience store chain that's only around in my region of the country (USA). I had an i


Text - For some reason and l'll never understand why, but she did not like me for whatever reason. A good example was her writing me for using my cell phone on the floor, when it was my mother calling me asking when to pick me up(didnt have my license when this was going on), or the time she gave me shit for not fully stocking the fridge. Now she came in early in the morning and I would usually come in at the end of her shift because I had school and football practice, then there was nightshift


Text - Now I had gotten very sick one weekend and had called in to work to that I couldnt come in that day. None of the managers or assistant managers were in so the team lead took my message. (Looking back at it, I should blame him more than my idiot manager). I assume he never told the managers I was out because, come the next week I had a football game on saturday and I usually work saturdays and when I had gotten that job earlier that year I gave her my football schedule so she wouldnt put m


Text - I already had plans to get her fired or demoted. Either one would have made me happy. Over the course of that month prior to my departure, I had taken video and pictures of how bad she had that store running. By the time I had gotten to my shift I had taken picture of, filthy floors and bathrooms. Flies all around the food assembly area. Associates on their phone even the manager herself playing games or whatever right on the floor. Bassically showing how she kept her store a wreck during


Text - the icing on the cake was a year later after I quit/got fired. I was working at a warehouse that year after I graudated making almost $20/hr, there was another one of the convience stores right down the road from my building. I ended up going there for lunch only to see my old boss getting reamed out by that stores manager. So with the knowledge that I was making almost 3 times her hourly wage (Store associates only made $8.35/hr) and she was still incompetent at her job. It Made me quite

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