Thursday, October 22, 2020

Entitled Individuals and Their Nonstop Demands

It feels weird knowing there are bosses out there who will want you to pay them for the opportunity to work. Or that there are customers out there who will try to return shoes three years after they bought them. It's rare stuff, but boy is it hard to wrap your head around entitled people and their demanding boldness.


Text - BBC NEWS I'm sick of influencers asking for free cake' H · 4 min read 3,981 201 Comments Like Comment Share Send Reactions ... Comments Most Relevant • 3rd+ 3d ... Senior Information Technology Business C... So it's all about money for this woman? Whatever happened to passion and pride? She just sits their counting her pennies, demanding more an more money for her unhealthy creations.


Text - 15 mins Do I know anyone in NJ who can do professional headshots of yours truly in exchange for a photo credit that would be on a lot of high-profile websites? O Like Comment Dude... You're an MD and a CEO. Just pay people for their work. Credit is not going to pay their bills. 12 mins Like Reply More Write a comment... Post


Text - Text Message Today 12:22 PM Hey is your sofa set still available? Hi, yes it's available. How is the condition? How firm are the seats? It's in an excellent condition and the seats are more on the soft side but very comfortable Okay. How negotiable is the price and can you deliver? Iam willing to negotiate but will only accept a reasonable offer. Also, it's only for pick up, I mentioned it in the "pe How much were you asking? $450 Text Message


Green - Will you take $180??? I can do $190 if you deliver. Are you serious? I said I'll accept a reasonable offer and you're offering $180? And only $10 for delivery when renting a Uhaul truck will be at least $60-70? The lowest I'll go is $400 I can do $200 but only if you deliver. I have a bad back and cannot lift anything heavy. Let's say I agree to deliver it, who will unload it and take it inside if you have a bad back? You can bring someone to help you to bring it inside my apartment. You


Text - Hi, is this available? Yessir Oh good i have no funds but if u really want them gone u can gift them to me with ur huge heart and drop them off Double tap to


Text - Is this still available? I want $10 It's $15 Ok And yes it's available I want Its new ? It's not new but it's in good copdition. It was $40 new How old Is it? About a month My dog is just too big for it Can you bring No, sorry Where are you my address I don't know where that is Im on If you look at Google Maps you can find it It's on Address same address Can we meet at random store No, sorry Why Not It's too far out I'm sorry Send me the address I will see how far out same address That's


Text - how much will you charge me? uuuhhh. full price what do you mean i was hoping since were cool you would hook me up with a discount lol i why in order for us to be cool i gotta be the one hooking you up.. why don't you hook me up with my full price plus a tip since we're soo cool


Text - ll ROGERS 6:17 PM 73% Cancel Re: Chesterfield Send http Derfield/7215316424.num Hello, I can help you take this Chesterfield if no one wants it because of the covid 19, but I will charge you 80$. Thanks Original craigslist post: http sterfield/7215316424.html e r ty u i s dfg hjk V b n m 123 space return


Text - Marketplace $350 - LG 34" Curved 21:9 UltraWide IPS L. Offer Shipping More Options Its just a small tv, i can do like $50 but thats generous Lol really? First off it's not a TV, it's a monitor. Second, the model only slightly newer than this goes for $700. This is in perfect condition and $350 is a fair price. I would suggest doing a little research or even reading the description before making such a laughably low offer. Listen, you're a good kid - handsome too. I know you got a low of g


Food - When the person who says they'll bring donuts to work but obviously has never bought donuts in their life brings donuts...Where is the icing, the sprinkles, the jelly filling, the cream? Wha wha what is this????


Text - 9:27 O 93% I VOLTE 2d O S. Nintendo Switch with N... 6 Nintendo Switch with Neon B... $270 Mark as Sold Request Rating Dennis Hi is this still available? Dennis is waiting for your response. 8:45 AM Yes it is 9:25 AM Dennis Take $200 Is my kids birthday today and he dropped his switch and i would like to get him a used one Double tap to react It's my kids birthday coming up, so can you do $300? Aa


Text - Hey are you still selling the ipad? Yes Sell for $100? Sell a brand new, never opened $400 iPad for $100? No. Come on. If you're selling it it must be broke so it cant be worth more than 100. I already told my kid he could have it. 3:16 PM Well go ahead and un-tell your kid cause he ain't gettin it You missed a video chat with 3:18 PM CALL BACK Why are you video calling me? I want you to tell my kid to his face that he wont be getting any nresente this vear hecause vour


Text - Search John Lester Marketplace $1,150 - 2011 Taotao 230cc Marketplace $1,150 - 2011 Taotao 230cc Mark as Sold More Options 60 volts Mark as Sold More Options so can he trade He just doesn't want to No sorry. He doesn't want to trade why why Bro he just doesn't want to trade He just doesn't want to why why got any other quads He just doesn't want to Nah man sorry why ok?? Bro he just doesn't want to trade weird?? why Adios man got any other quads your weird i should boot you offline Nah ma


Text - 9:18 1 i orig When vou come to I want to fill a photo shoot make up for it What are you talking about? Remember my GameCube when you packed up the cord and you said you would replace it and never did Fucked You mean 20 years ago? You're joking right? No Sorry I forgot. It was 20 years ago and your now bring this up My photoshoots are $200 per hour. Can I send you $8.69 for a GameCube cord. Please tell me this is a joke? I said something before about it and I want to have some photo shoots


Text - 5:26 E 11° LTE 37% Chat with jaime NES Nintendo with Mario/Duck $70 Hunt Ні, If it's still available i'm interested in buying it. Would you be able to sell it for $50? If so when are you free? Thank You 5:16 p.m. I already went down to 60 for you, we agreed to meet, and you didn't show and didn't message me until after. l'll still sell for 60 if you want but I'm not available until Monday now. Sent 5:18 p.m. I think you're mixing me up with someone else. 5:21 p.m. My Messages NES Nintendo


Dish - Bought an XL pizza I hate crust so want to sell it to someone who enjoys it ! Looking to get some of my money back ! $5, can't deliver. Thanks Comes with 3 slightly used marinara sauce

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