Sunday, October 18, 2020

Bride Expects Turtles With Lit Candles On Their Backs At Reception

Wow, it's not every day you come across a bridezilla case involving a request right out of left field to have turtles with lit candles on their backs at the wedding reception. I can appreciate the creativity, but that's about it. The turtles definitely wouldn't be stoked about having to lug around lit candles on their backs. 


Text - r/bridezillas + JOIN u/sarabeth616 • 3d Turtle bride This would have been about 2000 in Florida, so crazy-times. Young bride, about 20 with an indulgent father, from a culture where the wedding was a huge show-off family event. In her religion or culture or family (I don't really know) turtles were a symbol of good luck and mere weeks before the wedding she came up with the idea to have turtles at the reception. How you ask? She wanted live turtles


Text - walking around the reception hall with lit candles glued to their backs. Lit flaming candles. She saw no issues with this plan. We tried to explain that turtles carry salmonella, could get crushed or stepped on (splatted turtle is not a good look), could bite a guest or child, that it was cruel overall but extra cruel to glue candles to their backs and most importantly that a lit candle on a ground level could catch her guests on fire, or tablecloths or linens or whatever. Just a bad idea


Text - decorations (decorated shells, figurines, glass, etc early Etsy type stuff). Because that wasn't good enough for our bridezilla we teamed up with some local reptile wranglers to line the walls with giant aquariums that had live turtles swimming in them. It was insane and terrifying. We had to have a staff for the turtles and extra insurance for the hall. But we pulled it off for the turtle bride. This is my first time writing out one of my bridezilla memories even though I tell them all t


Text - icky-chu • 2d My sister wanted snow for her daughters winter wonderland. She hired the people who make it snow at the local theater (big city, globally known theater) that hosts the nutcracker every year. The logic was they know how to do it with out ruining the venue or causing excessive cleanup. Glad my wealthy relatives are sane with their extravagance. It was lovely for the bride and groom to walk back down the aisle in a light flurry of snow.


Text - icky-chu • 2d My sister wanted snow for her daughters winter wonderland. She hired the people who make it snow at the local theater (big city, globally known theater) that hosts the nutcracker every year. The logic was they know how to do it with out ruining the venue or causing excessive cleanup. Glad my wealthy relatives are sane with their extravagance. It was lovely for the bride and groom to walk back down the aisle in a light flurry of snow.


Text - OliveBug2420 • 2d Holy crap this reminds me of a wedding I went to as a kid- it was on the beach in NC. The bride loved butterflies so she wanted to do a ceremony where we would “release the butterflies" into the sky to symbolize their love taking off or some basic shit like that. They must have shipped the butterflies in from somewhere, because the officiant started handing out these wax paper envelopes from a cardboard UPS box. She gave the cue and then we were all supposed to open the


Text - Crisis_Redditor • 2d I also want to point out that turtles can feel through/via their shells. It's not the same as touching skin, but they would feel that hot wax, and the candles being ripped off, among everything else. If she loved turtles so much, you'd think she'd know that. Not to mention, every one of those turtles would go find a hidey hole and pull into their shells, so it's not like they'd actually be walking around!


Text - Javaman1960 • 2d Terrible, horrible idea, BUT-- there are such things as LED lights. -3-

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