Saturday, September 5, 2020

Wife Gets Fired, Company Won't Pay Last Paycheck, Scary Letter Ensues

Those frightening litigious letters are super effective when companies insist on being cheap and criminal jerks. This guy's wife got fired, and the dentist's office wouldn't make good on her last paycheck. Fortunately, they were able to get the issue resolved. 


Text - r/ProRevenge + Join u/Gokus_Hairdresser • 2h Don't want to pay me my last paycheck? I'll take a full month of PTO instead! This is actually my wife's story, but a few years ago my wife had just landed a job as a dental assistant. She was picking things up as quickly as could be expected and she got along with her coworkers great. However, right after starting she was warned by her coworkers that the office manager was very hire/fire happy; she had a tendency to fire people on a whim and t


Text - We naively thought that since my wife already had some experience as a dental assistant, that she had a head start on any other new hire that she would be fine... until just a few weeks in and without any notice she was fired for "not picking things up quick enough." (for what was advertised as an entry level position) Whatever, we live in an at-will state (UT) and knew there wasn't much we could do so we started looking for another job for her. However, we noticed after a week or two tha


Text - Another few weeks went by with several emails and texts going unanswered by her before we finally asked Father-in-law, who is a lawyer, for some advice. He approached a colleague in the firm who specialized in employment law and was informed of a very interesting law here in UT that basically says that if you haven't been paid after being fired, NORMAL PAY WILL RESUME once a written request for payment has been issued. So basically my wife was due 8 hrs of pay for every day after she sent


Text - After a scary litigious sounding letter from my Father- in-Law informing them of this law, it came out that the check had never been printed or sent and that there was no accounting issue. The office manager just never planned on paying her for the last pay period (which was seriously like a day or two). This ended up costing the dental office over a month's worth of wages, almost $2,500! TL;DR - Wife was fired and never paid for the last pay period. After several weeks of being ghosted,

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