Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Tumblr Thread: Thomas The Pain Engine

Those poor trains. As it turns out, the world of Thomas the Tank Engine was much darker than it might've appeared at surface level. Yes, we're talking a dark dystopian zombie train apocalypse kind of setting. Poor Smudger legit got turned into a generator after refusing to show off. If that isn't some kind of twisted way to scare kids into following the rules for fear of grave punishments, I don't know what it is. Whole lot of yikes, indeed. 


Text - frog-and-toad-are-friends My favorite thing about Thomas the Tank Engine is that it canonically takes place in a train post-apocalypse where the Island of Sodor is the only safe zone in a totalitarian dystopia in which steam trains are routinely killed and their body parts are sold or cannibalized for repair If you think I'm kidding you need to read the original books leonfroid could you please direct me to a source? i would feel much better if this was validated.


Text - frog-and-toad-are-friends It took me so long to find this quote online but I did it because it's so much darker than one might expect from Thomas the Tank Engine: ".Engines on the Other Railway aren't safe now. Their controllers are cruel. They don't like engines any more. They put them on cold damp sidings, and then," Percy nearly sobbed, "they.they c-c-cut them up." The Bluebells of England." Stepney the Bluebell Engine. Rev. Awdry, Wilbert. London: Egmont Publishing, 1963.


Transport - This illustration, by Gunvor and Peter Edwards, accompanied the above text in the original book, and depicts a pair of unfortunate Other Railway engines moments before being disassembled with a blowtorch.




Text - zidanexv the early thomas the tank engine books are pretty standard stuff. saccharine bubblegum type stories and illustrations. if you watched the show, it's like that in book form. the second half of the railway series are so fucking dark and surreal i'm convinced they were a result of reverend wilbur awdry doing copious amounts of Isd and having hallucinations of his own death. frog-and-toad-are-friends Excuse me but the very first story in the Railway Series is about an engine who hide


Arch - They eventually let him out because another engine breaks down or something, but the original plan was to just leave him in there forever.


Text - shulamithbond On the show, didn't they also hook up one engine to a generator, so he'd never move again? That was literally one of the lines, I think. It's on some other post on here. It was chilling. frog-and-toad-are-friends Yes! This also happened in the books, to an engine referred to only as "No. 2', but the television series applied the same scenario to an invented character named "Smudger", in the episode "Granpuff".


Text - Land vehicle


Text - "Smudger," said Duke. "Was a show-off. He rode roughly and often came off the rails, I warned him to be careful, but he took no notice." "Listen, Dukie" he snared. "Who worries about a few spills?" "We do here! I said, but Smudger just laughed." "Hahaha!" "Until one day, Manager said he was going to make him useful at last. Smudger stopped laughing then!" "W-w-why? What did he do?!" "He turned him into a generator. He's still there behind our shed. He'll never move again."


Text - deducecanoe This is so fucked up unclewhisky No, listen. Okay, so we see Railway Management doing all this shit, right, but supposedly it's so much worse in the Other Railways? I mean, sure, you might get turned into a generator or bricked into a tunnel for not doing as you're told, but at least you're not cut up and sold for parts, right? It's not so bad on the island of Sodor, right? Or maybe that's just what Railway Management wants the engines to think.


Text - Maybe the island of Sodor is the real totalitarian regime, and the engine citizens (slaves) are fed propaganda, illustrated in hellish grays and sulfuric yellows, about how bad it is everywhere else, at all the Other Railways. You are lucky to be an engine of Sodor. Railway Management cares about you. Trust Railway Management. Stay on Your Track. It Could Be So Much Worse. coralinethepaganangel Wtf the fuck is this train based 1984 bullshit Source: frog-and-toad-are-friends 320,440 notes

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