Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Cop Asks For RAF Commanding Officer, RAF Commanding Officer Complies

These throwback stories are true treasures. This particular tale revolves around a group of RAF members having a big night out on the town, that ultimately turned into them angering a cop. Said cop asks for the details of the commanding officer, and the commanding officer has no problem with providing those details. Can't say he didn't comply. What a clever lad! Check out another glorious tale of malicious compliance with this rude customer who gave a warehouse worker some attitude, right before instant karma ensued.


Text - You want their Commanding Officer to reprimand them? Absolutely, here's the details M Obligatory "I'm on mobile l'm sorry" Note: this is not my story and I sadly never heard it from the main person in this. It is my grandfather's story, but he died a couple of years before I was born, so I sadly never met him. His antics, however, are told throughout the family. I don't actually know if any of them have reddit, but I know for a fact my gran has no idea it even exists


Text - I'm also not sure exactly when this would have occurred but I think it was some time in the 1950s, running off of his age and when he and my gran met, but it may have been 60s. It may also have been embellished through the tellings - he was apparently that sort of man Now, I'm not entirely sure this qualifies as malicious compliance, it feels more like mischievous compliance, but I hope it fits My grandfather was in the RAF for most of his life, mainly as an officer. I was told this was b


Text - My grandfather, as an RAF officer, had gone with his squad out onto the town. Naturally, they got drunk. Very drunk. Stupendously drunk. The kind of drunk where you don't have any good ideas. They were, in fact, so drunk, they didn't know their way home. They didn't even know where they were. These Brits were PLASTERED. And then, one had an idea. How about someone climbs this street sign and hold a light up to it to find out where we are or which way base is? My grandfather, being an upst


Text - Naturally, the police officer meant the commanding officer of the most senior member of the group, but didn't phrase it that way because there is a certain expectation with officers' behaviour. An expectation I have it on reliable information that my grandfather completely ignored - meaning that the police officer probably did not think he would be one. Funnily enough, he was, and he was the group's commanding officer, so he passed on HIS details to the cop as if he were his own commandin


Text - My grandfather's senior later found out, I'm not sure how, but l'm not exactly surprised. How did this officer react? With a sigh, and absolutely nothing else, apparently. 271 16 1 Share

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