Sunday, September 6, 2020

Religious Dad Asks for Forgiveness After Punching Virtual Stripper

Growing up when Grand Theft Auto was new was one hell of a time. Many of us had to hide the game from our parents, but it was still inevitable that they'd catch you doing some unsavory stuff. We always wondered how people with very strict or very religious parents dealt with it. They made for some interesting scenes, like how this person's religious dad out-religioned some evangelists at the door.


Text - r/tifu - Posted by u/TheBlackBradPitt 3 hours ago TIFU by making my Dad punch a stripper in GTA and tearfully ask God for forgiveness in front of my entire family. M I was encouraged to post this here from a comment I made elsewhere, even though it didn't happen today, or even this decade, so mods please remove if it goes against the rules. It's a very funny story though. When I was young, my brothers and I snuck a copy of San Andreas into the house. We spent days holed up in our basement


Text - careful though because sometimes the strippers would do a move and bump into CJ and the bouncers would shoot the place up. One day while I was playing my mom yelled down to the basement at us to get ready, we're going to Pizza Hut. In a stroke of genius, I drove to the GTA strip club, got on the stage, and then turned the TV off and we left. It was to be the heist of the century. My dad, however, was at church at this time, practicing for a gospel concert he was singing in. He always film


Text - Back at the Hut, my mom gets a phone call. She puts her napkin down and slowly looks around the table at us and says 'ooookay' a few times into the phone in this really calculating, specific way that she always did when she knew us kids were in trouble before we did. Naturally, it was at this point that we kids knew we were in trouble. For what, though, we didn't know. After a very quiet minivan ride, we get home and my mom says "Boys why don't we go down to the basement. Your dad wants t


Text - My dad starts in, "boys I don't even know where to begin. This PlayStation was a blessing to you for Christmas and this is how you repay us? By breaking our trust??" He is holding the controller up now, gesticulating with it. "Here I am, practicing to bring glory to God, and-“ but he was cut off, as he inadvertently squeezed the controller, causing CJ to punch the stripper. My entire family stands in silence, watching together as the bouncers in the strip club shoot the place up for what


Text - It's one of my favorite memories of growing up. I miss my brothers. TL;DR: Wasn't allowed to play GTA growing up, of course got caught playing it, my dad interrupted his own lecture by accidentally punching a stripper and immediately asked for God's forgiveness.

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