Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Incredibly Immature Things Adults Have Done

We like to think that being alive for a decently long time will give anyone some humility and wisdom, but sometimes that's just not the case. There are some of us who just can't take a look in the mirror and see our own behavior for what it is. That extends to unforgivable things house guests have done as well as bold mistaken customers who were at the wrong store.


Text - fenixeffect 161 points · 17 hours ago When I was grocery shopping with my ex once she asked if I could get her one of the massive jugs of chocolate milk and there was only one left. I told her it wasn't in the budget because I was the only one of us working (and not getting paid enough as I found out later) and my car just had some expensive repairs done. Her response was literally "If I can't have it nobody can!" and she dumped it all over the floor. I put up with her shit way longer tha


Text - cplkm 13.3k points · 21 hours ago This woman and her husband confronted me and tried to start a fight for unfriending her on Facebook. We are in our mid thirties and have never interacted on Facebook and haven't spoke in 5 years.


Text - mediocalibrator 8.7k points · 22 hours ago I work in retail, and it amazes me how quick grown ups devolve back into children when there's a sale or during the weekend rush. They mess up the whole store, and the 2/3 staff who are free during closing have to clean up as best they can in the 15/20 minutes we've got. I've had customers throw away all shame over not being able to get their shoe size that was sold out/we received. Some in front of their kids. And you just stand there wondering


Text - maryriii 8.3k points · 22 hours ago · edited 20 hours ago & When I tried to explain myself to my father and he kept interrupting me and mimicked every word I said like a fucking toddler. Btw, he's 60.


Text - JustHereToRedditAway 5.4k points · 19 hours ago My grandmother was telling that her mother in law was one of those people who needed attention constantly on them. At an important dinner with dozens of people, people were talking to her son and not her. She hid behind a pillar and would occasionally exclaim "since no one is listening to me, I guess no one wants to see me at all"


Text - Tokzillu 5.1k points · 23 hours ago I knew a girl who kicked two of her bridesmaids out of her wedding last minute because they weren't able to pay for all the exorbitant shit for "her day," and then she proceeded to replace them with two broke meth addicts because she'd burned every other bridge.


Text - FaTboi8u 3.0k points · 22 hours ago · edited 16 hours ago Bluff to check security cameras after being accused of something and then throwing a tantrum after video footage has damning evidence and storming off to his room. Yes, this is my dad Edit: for those who want details, the details make him even more immature. My mom lectured him saying he shouldn't wear nice pants when doing yard work. He wouldn't admit that he wore the nice pants for the life of him. This is when he bluffed and tol


Text - Lunar_Deer 2.7k points · 22 hours ago My mom refuses to ever apologize to me for the simple fact that I am her child and therefore always wrong.


Text - Back2Bach 1.8k points · 23 hours ago A guy sitting at the bar of an upscale restaurant took a bowl of hot-buttered popcorn the bartender had just set out for patrons to enjoy and put it between his legs on the barstool. No one could get to it without reaching between his thighs.


Text - eccentric-assassin 1.4k points · 22 hours ago My neighbor (deadbeat, well in his 50's) used to come outside and yell at my mom for smoking, On Her Porch. So when I went out and confronted him, he didn't like being yelled at by a young girl. So he started harassing me every time I walked outside about my dog, my career (I worked graveyard) the ducks that would walk through our yard. He would bitch about Anything. Anyway, his house got destroyed by a hurricane a few years ago so, karma.


Text - TheKrampus2020 892 points · 21 hours ago A 40 year old man on the floor huging what i think its her wife's leg and saying "We are not leaving until you buy me that TV!"


Text - redditorial_comment 765 points · 17 hours ago I ran out of gas one time in an old car with a broken gas gauge. My then girlfriend was with me as I calmly got my gas can out if the trunk and walked 300 yards to a gas station. 10 minutes later we are on our way again. She's smiling and in an obvious good mood. I ask her why and she told me her ex once broke his toe kicking the car in a similar circumstance. Lol


Text - IntrovertedAsexual 572 points · 20 hours ago I saw a woman stomp her foot and scream wordlessly because her coupon was expired.


Text - urpapigey 512 points · 20 hours ago My husband's father went up to a bucket labeled acid and leaned over it (with the lid on) looked up at my husband and I since we were working with him that day, "I wonder if this is really acid.." [Insert opening the lid and taking a big whiff of the acid] [Looks at us almost crying] "Yup... That's acid." He is a fucking moron, but I love him and look up to him.


Text - Hootonberg 320 points · 21 hours ago I had a guy threaten me over a $30 diagnostic fee, after I watched him roll up in one of those Jaguar SUVS.


Text - DaBlakMayne 297 points · 19 hours ago When I worked at a pizza shop, a guy tried to get me in trouble because I wouldn't reimburse him for his drive over to the store. We had messed up his order (he wanted extra mushrooms and we forgot the extra) so we told him we'd give him two fresh ones and he got to keep the mess ups. He then threw a fit because he "wasted gas" to drive here and demanded that we pay him to fill up his tank. I told him no way and he called my store later and left a mes


Text - Malvania 244 points · 17 hours ago I had a co-worker give me the silent treatment for two weeks. She was surprised I didn't know she was mad at me. I just thought she was busy and working hard.


Text - neekerbeeker3 180 points · 16 hours ago I worked as a busser at a restaurant and a guy comes in with a group of friends. He orders a steak and the waitress forgot the steak knife and was heading back to get it when the customer started throwing a temper tantrum and said, "No, no, it's FINE. I'll just eat it with my hands." Then he starts talking about how "I'm a professor" and how the service was terrible. The waitress was telling him that she can grab the knife in five seconds. The guy e

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