Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Cringey Guy Tries Correcting Grandma on Her Japanese

It would be really interesting to have this much undeserved confidence. Who in their right mind thinks they have a better understanding of a language than an grandma who's been speaking it for her entire life? And on top of that, he goes in and tries to "correct" them. It sounds like a recipe for an extremely awkward relationship. Here are some more entitled people and their demanding boldness, as well as some facepalm moments of mystifying dumbness.


Text - e M 3d · E I commented about this in another group but thought I would share. My wife is mixed Japanese. She was speaking Japanese to her grandma in the dining room while I was playing video games with friends in the next room. The whitest dude in our group decided to go in there JUST to tell these women they were using certain words wrong and that their grammar was incorrect and they should be using "wa" instead of "ga" in a certain sentence. The remaining men in the living room took off


Text - his lesson the hardest way. He came back in and quietly sat down with us after the trial by fire. We continued to play in silence for about 15-20 minutes. I swear to god, first thing this dude says to me. In my house. With my lovely bride, her mother, and her grandmother STILL IN THE DINING ROOM. Is "I thought asian women are supposed to submit to men" AAA RIP Micheal. September 2020. He was just really too goddamn stupid for his own good. the


Text - Edit: I had forgotten but my wife wanted me to add that usually she cooks dinner for my friends when they come over and since grandma was there she made authentic Japanese food. (It was SO good) and grandma gave micheal cut up hot dogs with chopsticks. Nobody said shit about it and micheal ate his fucking hot dogs.

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