Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Bragging Mind Lords Who Think They're Geniuses

For some reason, having the ability to type out your thoughts has emboldened people who think they're geniuses and enabled them to brag to everyone about how smart they think they are. These mistaken brain lords are out there in the comments ruining jokes they don't get, making conversations awkward, and always mentioning their supposed IQs.


Text - The docking scene is so fucking beautiful man 11:38 PM But not scientifically accurate tho 11:38 PM lol does is really matter and I read that they did some research 11:39 PM I For someone who comes from a very scientific background it becomes very hard for me to overlook flaws in these movies. 11:41 PM


Text - Mpho 5h. 3 ... Everyday of my life is a testament to how exponentially cultured I am, I need people in circle who can match that or try to catch my up.


Text - 1h My IQ is 198. I only converse with individuals who's IQ is above 165, so if yours is lower than that, then you're not worthy of talking to me. If you'd like to acquire the privilege of being able to talk to me, you'll need to do extensive research on multiple complicated topics to even reach the bare minimum of people who I will talk to. 1 -76 43m 1 Award It's "whose", not "who's". 1 35


Text - Posted by 9h I wish I was appreciated for my mad genius sometimes. Other I can think of a weapon design out of parachord and bamboo from my yard on the spot, and I frequently come up with ideas that could end up being financially and intellectually beneficial for me because of a simple concept moved to different platforms. Sadly I can't sketch so it's unlikely I can follow through with a majority of ideas, but I wish I was known for my active crazy. 3 7 Share


Text - Today 21:11 anyway, u also seem like an easy going person, which i really adore so much for the self deprecating humor already haha am i being intimidating ? i tend to write high level english already upfront.but dont worry u can rest assured that i dont intens to overwhelm.i in fact trying to impress u u also hav a wide pelvis bone, which make u look fertile and procreation-ready, thus more feminine and attractive.say like a woman that deserves to grow my seeds.the real question now:will


Text - Higher Perspective 3h · 0 Solve this math probleo without using a calculator 50 + 50 - 25 x 0 + 2 + 2 = ? HIGHERPERSPECTIVES.COM Very Few People Can Solve This Math Problem Without Using A Calculator 563 3.7K Comments 378 Shares O Like Comment Share 79 when I went to school, and will always be.


Text - Odpovědi As a person who knows a lot about evolution; I cringed when he said we evolved from chimpanzees 10 目2 He didn't say we evolved from chimpanzees, he said when our evolutionary path seperated. 4


Text - the crepitation of the inobtrusive mechanoid, denatured but nativized, capsulize a germen of meaning, under-explicated but overimplicated...Excuse the cryptic preambulation, meant to write you a sennight ago- I, a trace (Derridean) you may have forgotten: I invited to take you out for supper the day before labyrinthian Borgean fatalities have prevented me from contacting you sooner. I, thus, am asking when you are available, and "how have you been "ceremony", and ":) The sender is not in


Text - you know carpool Replies •1 month ago He is the most confusingly attractive man ever B 2.4K E 26 Add a public reply... • 4 weeks ago He has projected bones ("good jaw, nose and eye area") indicating healthy levels of testosterone, good hairline (youthfulness), and dominant traits such as big frame and being taller than 96.2% of men on this planet. How is it confusing that your hypergamous brain sees him as a suitable male to copulate with? O 294 ...


Text - yo how'd you do on the physics test I got 100% nice man congrats It probably helps that whenever I look at objects I see them as free-body diagrams in my head. So I was already used to the material on the test because it's part of my everyday life. ok


Text - : Anonymous 09/05/20(Sat)16:51:51 No.77579887 I never understood this "I'm PASSIONATE about technology!! I code in my spare time!" bullshit. Really bitch? You're passionate about an instruction set some guy at Bell labs wrote 50 years ago? I'm 71 KB JPG sure there are a few autists like that like there are model train junkies but every basedgrammer acts like programming is his biggest hobby, or even fun. It isn't. Chefs don't cook in their spare time, plumbers sure as fuck don't fix pipes


Face - PAug me trying to keep myself from posting what I really know 13 27 69 247


Text - man May 23, 2013 at 7:22 PM • 8 When people get bored in school, they draw random crap. I got bored and drew most of the Periodic Table of Elements from memory.


Text - ADVICE for hyper- intellectual people I have a feeling I'm hyper intelligent, because not only do I have too many interests and love creativity but I love discussions over abstract ideas. My mind is like a rainbow but with limitless colours


Text - Thave too much brain. Too much smart words and too much hard truth that allows me to say what i want when i want. We all need a me to stand up and say it how it is Traduire le Tweet 4:55 AM - 09/09/2020 · Twitter for iPhone 27

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