Thursday, September 24, 2020

Delusional Buyer Wants to Test Drive Car at 170 MPH

With the dubious promise of 23 thousand in cash, this guy tried talking his way into taking the test drive of a lifetime. Different people have different attitudes, but many of us might seem uncomfortable with a total stranger ripping down the highway in your car, literally as fast as it can possibly go. You don't have to look around long to see people being dumb dumbs in cars. For another person who isn't sure what they're getting into, here's adelusional buyer in need of a cheap car who rejected a 3K civic.


Text - 2002 Porsche 911 Carrera. $22,900 ... Owosso, MI Mark as Sold Mark as Paid Darrell I'll bring the cash with me and I want to hit the Express way and if it dose over 170 you got a deal..sounds good? Darrell This Saturday works for me anytime Darrell I like the car I want to make sure it will do over 170 l'm a street racer.


Text - Sounds good? Yeah that's not going to work for me, sorry man Darrell Ya I figured you were B.S. ing on the top speed? But why? I'm not BSing on the top speed lol, I looked that up and you can confirm it if you want. I'm not going to let someone take a vehicle I own 100mph over the speed limit.


Text - Darrell Why if I have the cash in hand? If it will do it we got a deal... What's the problem? Darrell If she dose it then it's my car I'm not going to let some person I don't know endanger myself and my vehicle trying to prove a top speed, that's insane Darrell I'm giving you your price not jurking you around. You can count it before we take her for a spin


Text - Not going to happen, sorry If you're looking for top speed, this really isn't the right car for you anyways Darrell Well then good luck what I see is your afraid and the car maybe will do 140 top speed I just looked it up.. Your loss out of 23k Good luck in someone giving you your asking price.. You may get 20 to 21k that's about it...


Text - Sorry your so afraid but the fact of the matter your car wont do it, I've never seen a V6 do over 120 ish without a supercharger or turbos.. Darrell Your absolutely right cuz you lied about the speed.. And your a chicken shit!! Good day liar Looser

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Tagged: buying , buy , cars , deal , wtf , demanding , lol , ridiculous

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