Sunday, August 23, 2020

Mistaken Wife Believes Actor Friend is An Actual Doctor

It's an actual case of "I'm not a doctor, I just play one on TV." Some folks are so far in that they can't really be helped. It's a regrettable part of life that there are people walking around like this. For example, take these wildly dumb things people have heard or these facepalm moments.


Text - r/IDontWorkHereLady · Posted by u/loslaslon 16 hours ago "He's not a doctor." “Yes he is, I saw him on TV." XXL Not quite sure this fits, but wasn't sure where else it would. So I've had a friend since college who's a great guy, I love him to pieces, but I've occasionally considered ending the friendship because his wife is so jarringly dumb. For the life of me I do not know what he gets from her. Ok, I do, she's one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen in real life. But even still,


Text - A while back I had a friend visiting, "Camden," and she was dropping her kids by to hang out with mine. I invited her to stay for a bite to eat because yes she's exquisitely dumb, but she's perfectly friendly. Camden's been trying to break into acting and he recently had a bit part on a TV medical drama. So I brought it up, saying, "Camden just recently had a small role as a doctor on this show." She went "Ahhh, that's so exciting! Congratulations! That must not be easy, to get a job ther


Text - And she laughed and went, "Well, we all feel that way when we first start, regardless of what job. Just keep working hard, and you'll get all that stuff over time. But don't sell yourself short! It's not easy to be a doctor." And he took the compliment and went into how he went about playing the role, the body language he tried to adopt for the intensive care unit, that sort of stuff. Then she cut him off and went, “Actually, you know what, if you wouldn't mind, my son has actually had th


Text - Camden, confused and weirded out by the whole thing, started saying, "Oh, no, uh... heh... they didn't teach us any medical stuff for the part. I can't, like, help you with this." I jumped in and changed the subject, but she left shortly after. I'd long since given up on trying to explain to her why some jokes are funny and others are not, so I thought I'd let it be, even though she seemed kind of miffed when she left. Later she came back to pick her kids up, and by then Camden had gone h


Text - So, as I processed the pure bitterness in her voice, I realized she genuinely and truly thought Camden was a medical doctor. So, convinced I must be misunderstanding her, I further reiterated, "No, no, he's an actor. He played a doctor. On that show. You've seen the show." (It's not a small production, it's like Grey's Anatomy or House, everyone knows of it.) And, even angrier now, she said "Of course I have, I know all about it. It's one of the best hospitals in the country, why do you t


Text - As soon as she was gone I called my friend, her husband, to try and catch him before she was home. I relayed the whole series of events to him, and his response? "Oh that. Yeah, it's a problem. But it's not entirely her fault. Often times those shows use stories ripped from the headlines of the actual news, you know? So you can see why she gets mixed up sometimes." She bumped into Camden at my anniversary party not too long later and asked him, with genuine concern, if a character on the


Text - So, if you wonder how our country ended up where we are, know that she has a bachelor's degree from an accredited college and holds a job with several subordinates and partial responsibility over our city's water supply. So.. advocate for education reform whenever you can, and enjoy these twilight years of the great American experiment.


Text - JFerrer619 1.8k points · 17 hours ago This...this can't be real. I refuse to believe this is real! Please tell me you're just trolling us all. loslaslon 2.0k points · 16 hours ago • I wish. Other top highlights of hers include remarking on how it's a sign that God loves America best because fireworks always happen on the Fourth of July (she thought they were a natural phenomenon like the northern lights or volcanoes), stubbornly insisting on eating an actual rose (not icing, real) off a c


Text - SuspiciousLookinMole 310 points · 15 hours ago My ex-MIL was a bit like this. Back in the early 00's. she borrowed my hubby's Discman for a roadtrip. (yes, I'm old) When they got back, she returned the Discman to hubby saying "I think it's broken. No matter what CD I put in, it just played this loud - NOISE. Like that metal music you always listen to." He had left a Slipknot CD in there, and she just.put her CD in without checking, or without checking when the Garth Brooks she expected di

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Tagged: wtf , absurd , wife , ridiculous , story , dumb , funny , stupid

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