Thursday, August 13, 2020

Girl Accidentally Unleashes Army Of Spiders

If you're like most of the humans out there the thought of a swarm of spiders popping up out of nowhere likely sends some chills down your spine. We can only imagine what kind of panic-induced adrenaline was coursing through this poor girl when she realized she'd accidentally transported a load of spiders to her friend's place!


Text - r/tifu u/princessmegnu • 19h + Join 1 1 TIFU by bringing a bag of spiders to my friends house and unleashing them M So, my friend to begin with isn't a big fan of spiders. She constantly cleans her house for them. She's not got a phobia but certainly is not their biggest fan. We plan to go away for September, and she wanted to look at hotels. She hasn't got a computer/laptop so I brought mine to look for easier viewing.


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Text - It was like Spider D-Day-their destination not Normandy, but my friend stairs. Dealing devastating sweeps I take out groups of them and work my way across the floor. Very luckily she has light wooden floors so they were easier to spot but disadvantage of they didn't have the terrain of the carpet to slow them down. Let's get this straight; I don't condone violence against animals. However in the moment, it was true fight or flight. There were survivors of the battle; they scuttled away, i


Text - As the evening progressed more appeared, but they seemed to be slower ones. I left a few hours later, and this evening she's messaged me saying she's seen a lot of spiders. I've picked up some spider spray and will round there tomorrow to hopefully get them all. I felt bad as I had no idea they were there. I mentioned to my dad about the spiders and he very casual like "Oh yeah, there is a few in there, forgot to mention" I believe few was an understatement. TL:DR unused laptop bag had sp


Text - -I do plan on telling her. She's one of these people where if you tell her something right away/something quickly goes wrong she goes into panic mode and will do something crazy. If you tell her a few days later she's like "oh cool beans whatevs" -We met when we were 7, and have been lifelong friends since. We've seen each naked too many times not to be friends. Our friendship will certainly survive- maybe it'll be the new friendship test, bring a bag of spiders to your friends house to s


Text - -She'll also most likely blame her boyfriend who works as a tree surgeon, as he's always bringing weird insects home with him. -The dry shed as I call it is a storage room attached to the garage-it's not an official room as it's a wooden add on. My dad is a mechanic/farm worker, anything important that's electrical gets put in that room. I'd asked him to put my laptop bag somewhere safe, so I did presume the attic. However in his infinite wisdom he thought that place would be better. -My

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