Thursday, August 13, 2020

Bizarre Reasons People Went to See A Marriage Counselor

Seeing a marriage counselor isn't a bad idea, and people's reasons for it may seem strange and small, but really often it's a "straw that breaks the camel's back" kind of situation. So you end up with junk like "we're here today because he slurps his soup weird." At the same time, people are just strange. Here are some ridiculous reasons people wanted a divorce.


Text - warpus 33.7k points · 15 hours ago 2 Couldn't decide on which chicken to buy for their chicken farm


Text - targaryenmegan 28.6k points · 10 hours ago Nothing is really stupid in making the decision to come in for a couples session. But the most startling session I've had was when the couple had barely sat down and one of them informed the other that the relationship was over, turned to me and said "thank you for supporting (partner) through this" and left the office.


Text - random_girl_me 23.7k points · 6 hours ago 2 3 My specialty is children and families, but during the pandemic I was assigned whatever came in because it has been super busy... One lady called and spoke with me first about how her husband was horrible at communication and never listened to her. She asked for a couples session. As soon as she ambushed her husband with a "there is a therapist on the line that wants to speak with you" her husband screamed: "YOU CALLED A THERAPIST BECAUSE I DON


Text - monkeylion 22.7k points · 12 hours ago It's always the dishes. I don't see couples anymore because I cannot have one more conversation with adult human beings about the various philosophies of dish washing.


Text - kcmullan 20.9k points · 14 hours ago · edited 14 hours ago 2 A lot of couples schedule counseling for legitimate reasons like "communication issues" but then it will come out that the real reason IS something stupid and they don't even realize it. I had a couple married 25 years who were struggling to connect and it turned out they were resentful of each other because they both wanted to spend various holidays with their families of origin. Never talked about it, never mentioned it, just


Text - crusnic_zero 15.0k points · 9 hours ago my cousin went to counselling because her husband cuts the sandwich straight inside of diagonal. when i first heard it, i thought it was a joke.


Text - maz_lotus 14.3k points · 11 hours ago I'm a counselor with teenagers and kids. A school staff member dragged these two teens into my office one day, a boy and a girl. Both were clearly upset but definitely didn't want to talk about it with me. You could have cut the tension with a knife as they sat frozen in their chairs staring at the floor. I saw them and thought "oh fuck, she's pregnant." I'm trying not to panic at how to handle the situation as I finally get them talking and it turns


Text - GifBeefer 9.7k points · 9 hours ago · edited 3 hours ago A buddy of mine was in therapy with his wife. She told me later that my friend (let's call him Gary) has a drinking problem. Me: "Wait. What? Since when is Gary drinking. I never saw him drink alcohol. Her: "That's the problem" Oh Gary, i hope you are fine now


Text - DangDog_crapper_god 9.3k points · 12 hours ago - edited 3 hours ago My uncle and his wife, reasoning:she lost a frying pan Deccarrin 7.1k points · 10 hours ago + I mean, I get that it's a stupid argument, but how the fuck do you lose a frying pan. Cupboard - > hob - > next to sink - > into sink to "soak" - > next to sink because other things need washing - > angry wife puts all the washing in the garden out of spite because husband never does the fucking washing up and the kitchen is a fu


Text - mattieforza 2.8k points · 7 hours ago Not a counselor. But me and my ex had the biggest fight known later as the "spoon incident". We were both working over 60 hours a week and we're stressed. Nonetheless we had one night off together so I made sure that I had cleaned the house and everything before she came home. She came back while I was unpacking the dishwasher and put the last cutlery in the drawers. When I finally put a spoon in the drawer she said "that's not where it's supposed to


Text - goldenbrain8 7.3k points · 12 hours ago · edited 6 hours ago My ex made an appt for us when he got his side girl pregnant. I was 26 and in grad school, lonely, stressed, and horribly gaslit, and went along. At the time the therapist would say "if he hasn't changed by now he's not going to..usually I'm trying to keep people together but I'm not sure I can now" and I would get mad. Now I look back and things come on girl, run


Text - StBlaschek 7.1k points · 13 hours ago Not a counselor, but my friend is one, and a couple came to her (unofficially) because the wife wouldn't tell her hubby when her mum was coming over because she knew he'd be "sick" or "out" that day.


Text - VerityParody 5.8k points · 12 hours ago They got into a domestic because he wouldn't try her jam.


Text - brassburd 5.0k points · 9 hours ago From the other side. I ran into an ex girlfriend after being broken up for a long time. We decided to go to couples counseling as friends to clarify some stuff from the past. We went to the session. Talked about some heavy stuff but then ended up being very supportive to eachother and laughed and stuck up for eachother in a weird way. At the end the counselor guy was just staring at us sort of dumfounded and said something along the lines of "uhhh you t


Text - ov3rclock 5.0k points · 3 hours ago · edited 27 minutes ago My anger management group facilitator told us a funny story about a couple that came in for counseling. The husband wanted to write a book. The wife said she would work and do everything around the house for a year while he worked on his book. So he quit work and wrote his book while she did everything. The book got published and was a hit. The publisher asked him to do a book signing tour. The wife was furious. She had supported


Text - Freyja_the_derpyderp 3.1k points · 4 hours ago My sister in law made an appointment for marriage counseling because her husband greeted their dog before her when coming home from work

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