Thursday, July 30, 2020

Wildly Dumb Things People have Heard

Walk around for a few minutes on this planet and you're bound to overhear some extremely dumb things. It's fine to be wrong, but what's really disappointing about all this is the bone-jarring confidence with which people say some extremely dumb crap. People say some absurd things in complete seriousness.


Text - GingersaurusRex 1.1k points - 8 hours ago "If you could adopt a child from a third world country, which country would you choose and why?" "I would choose Alaska, because it's really cold there." -A member of the prom court being asked a random question on our school's live news show that was being broadcasted out to every homeroom.


Text - maskedghostwolf 1.1k points · 10 hours ago "Can't we just exterminate all bacteria and viruses so we can't get sick anymore?" Literally heard someone say this in Microbiology class. MICROBIOLOGY CLASS!


Text - thtguyjosh 694 points · 5 hours ago I knew a girl who said "what's the big deal about Obama being elected president? Our first black president was Martin Luther king.."


Text - doodlelittledoggo 330 points · 8 hours ago I heard a Karen say once that the UV rays of the sun are a hoax so that people get scared and go to the hospital so that the hospitals can make millions. I then lost hope in people. This happened just a year ago.


Text - USPSA-Addict 22.9k points · 10 hours ago I remarked that it's odd that we associate rabbits with EGGS for Easter. I jokingly said we should make it an Easter platypus because unlike rabbits they lay eggs. Then someone overheard this and said "wait... no, rabbits DO lay eggs." This turned into a two minute argument over whether or not rabbits lay eggs. And then when she finally accepted that she was wrong, she was so irritated that she asked all of her coworkers if they thought the same as


Text - FrankieMint 20.2k points · 9 hours ago "It's been proven that if you dream about falling and hit the ground in your dream you will die in your sleep." Yeah? If someone dies in their sleep, how do you know what they were dreaming?


Text - lavernican 19.7k points · 8 hours ago Work at a hotel. Guest asked why there was no fourth of July parade or any fireworks in town. We were in Australia.


Text - Sissonater 18.3k points · 9 hours ago It's not cheating if you don't love the person


Text - SnowPaw850 1.2k points · 10 hours ago · edited 6 hours ago I dont believe in evolution cause if we did evolve then why aren't we still evolving?


Text - TooMuchBreathing 17.0k points · 9 hours ago Blue Fire is cold


Text - valhallaswyrdo 16.3k points · 9 hours ago A few years ago leading up to the great American eclipse a coworker overheard us discussing it and said "Y'all don't actually believe in that shit do you?" I figured he misunderstood whatever we were talking about and thought we were talking about mysticism or something regarding the eclipse but no he followed up with "Don't you know if the moon went into the sun it would melt, that's why the eclipse can't be real." I genuinely felt like humanity


Text - blakingpowder 16.3k points · 10 hours ago That chickens have no brains. Not that they are stupid. That a chicken literally does not have a brain.


Text - 10.9k points · 8 hours ago You have vertigo? Isn't vertigo that place Mawyjello where the planes get lost?


Text - Waffle_Ambasador 10.4k points · 4 hours ago When I was like 13 I told my friend that there was such a thing as a Liger. They had successfully mated a lion and a tiger. His response "you idiot, tigers ARE female lions" We took the argument to his mother to settle it. She took his side.


Text - -nope101 10.1k points · 5 hours ago a "Was ww2 the cold one or the Asian one"


Text - mordeci00 7.8k points · 9 hours ago When I pointed out to a coworker that a person who actually was modest wouldn't brag about how modest they are: "How would people know that I'm modest if I don't tell them?"


Text - TheOnlyKaiser 7.3k points · 9 hours ago "China is it's own continent because the people who live there are called 'Chinese'." . .Uh..and we are Oklahomans. Did I miss the memo where we became a continent?"


Text - lilithpingu 7.0k points · 10 hours ago Someone once said. "But I don't want to put the bag of aquatic snails inside the fish tank, they might drown!" That someone was me. Past me is dumb.


Text - 08337Leebo 5.7k points · 10 hours ago Why is there a deer Xing sign it's too dangerous for deer to cross the road


Text - metaknight95 5.6k points - 6 hours ago My mom frantically called me one day and said she had seen a piece of the sun fall off while taking a picture of the sky. She was incredibly adamant that it was indeed real and that the picture would prove it It was just a glare


Text - Catezero 5.0k points · 9 hours ago Yall really gonna make me remember the time my coworker thought willy Wonka was a real person and wondered how much money he was making on Nerds and Gobstoppers


Text - Ruzekandatwater 4.9k points · 9 hours ago edited 2 hours ago I was boiling some eggs and was talking to my sister on what it pain it was because I could never peel them good. She then asked me why I didn't just peel the eggs before boiling them


Text - jfix-incd 4.4k points · 9 hours ago Friend shared that he thought women were like chickens, one day a month we would sit on a toilet all day and lay an egg


Text - dawrina 4.1k points · 9 hours ago "Washington DC is a state because it's on a quarter" "There are 52 states" Said by the same person. I've also watched this person fail the CPA exam like 25 times in a row. Really not sure why he keeps wasting money at this point since clearly he doesn't have the intelligence to pass.


Text - notsurewhatidoin 4.0k points · 10 hours ago Was Benjamin Button based on a true story?


Text - stupidpunname54 3.8k points - 10 hours ago Just because math is in a book, doesn't make it true... she was a college student.


Text - Wickedflame77 3.5k points · 8 hours ago Is the forth of July on the 14th or 15th? My ex boyfriend asked me that. He has no excuse, he's from California.


Text - emilov98 3.3k points · 4 hours ago My sister panicked whilst on a plane and asked if she could open a window as she was feeling really hot - the guy in the seats across from her lost it, it made his day


Text - isntitprettytothnkso 3.0k points · 5 hours ago A few years ago I got a job offer in Japan and decided to take it. Some friends from my then office threw me a farewell party. The girlfriend of one of my co-workers came along and told me that she'd always wanted to go to Japan and that her number one thing to do there would be to take a camel ride. My co-worker and I just looked at her to see if she'd explain more - maybe there was a camel cafe she'd heard about or something. But no, she ju


Text - schnit123 2.5k points · 9 hours ago "If you're an atheist, that means you're not allowed to use the Roman calendar because it was invented by Christians."


Text - WoopsieDaisiee 2.2k points · 9 hours ago - edited 8 hours ago This requires some back story. I went to a really prestigious New England private school on scholarship for high school, so most of my classmates were insanely wealthy. I was waiting for a class to start one day and the guy sitting behind me was complaining to a friend that the milk man was late that morning so he didn't get to eat breakfast. I, like any normal person, turned around and asked him what he meant by "milk man". Ap


Text - charrod76 1.6k points 8 hours ago You shut your mouth when you're talking to me.


Text - aaareed 1.5k points · 9 hours ago · edited 1 hour ago My mom said her new mac was a waste of money because it didn't have internet explorer so "how was she supposed to do anything?"


Text - CaptainAwesome06 1.3k points · 4 hours ago I worked retail as a summer job about 17 years ago. I was putting out coffee cups with a coworker. "Why don't they make left handed coffee cups?" I quietly turned one of the mugs 180 degrees without saying anything. Last I heard she was the assistant manager of that department.

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