Friday, July 31, 2020

Tumblr Users Illustrate Terrifying Angels Using Historical Imagery

Tumblr users banded together to illustrate just how terrifying angels would look, using nothing more than historical imagery. There doesn't seem to be anything about these that scream, "angelic." Nah, getting more of a monster vibe than anything else. 

Check out some more fun from Tumblr with this thread about how death isn't a bad guy.


Line art - What do angels actually look like per the bible? anonymous Well, according to Ezekiel 1 they might look something like this...


Wing - According to Daniel 10 something like this... According to Isaiah 6.


Human - In Ezekiel 10...


Wing - Again in Ezekiel 10...


Text - Basically, when the people writing Scripture tried to describe what they saw when they saw an angel... they run into the end of their imagination... they can never quite seem to fully explain it because they had trouble even comprehending what they saw, let alone being able to describe it to someone else. revelation19


Hair - musiqchild007


Text - revelation19 Yeah, that's usually how people responded to seeing them in the Bible.. the-unreadable-book There's a good reason why angels' standard greeting is 'Do not be afraid'.


Text - glitterbomb-goblinking I used to listen to this radio show and one thing I remember because it was so funny was a Christmas special where an angel showed up to tell the shepherds about the birth of Christ. The conversations went: Angel: “FEAR NOT." Shepherds: *screaming* Angel: "I SAID FEAR NOT." Shepherds: *screaming LOUDER*


Text - Angel: "WHAT PART OF FEAR NOT ARE YOU NOT UNDERSTANDING?" cameoamalthea So demons are fallen angels but they don't look scary because they're fallen, that's just what all angels look like.


Text - Maybe that's why so many Christians see visions of Saints or the Virgin Mary instead.. like Jesus is, no see being human made me realize sending Angels might not be the best idea. I don't know if humans can handle this. So I'm gonna just send mom bamf-castiel @fem-deanwinchester mathblr I'M GONNA JUST SEND MOM


Text - veronica-rich God: The humans are scared. Mary: Fine. I'm on it. upallnightogetloki Jesus: It's either Mom or the thousand eyed flaming wheel, Dad, do you really think the humans are gonna be chill with that when they're terrified of spiders already?


Text - God: Hey now, some of those spiders eat birds. Jesus: .Dad. God: ...To be fair, Australian wildlife was my dark creation phase. fawningparadox Australian wildlife was my dark creation phase

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Tagged: scary , wtf , tumblr , creepy , angels , demon , weird

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