Sunday, July 26, 2020

Mean Customer Fakes Outrage For Free Food, Server Quits

These kinds of customers are the absolute worst. It's as if they're dedicated to making hard working and honest employee's lives miserable. In this case we have what sounds like a ferocious Karen leave a scathing review/complaint that ultimately inspires the server to quit. Honestly, it's worth it at that point. Can't put a price on peace of mind, and there's always another opportunity out there. 


Text - r/TalesFromYourServer u/Queen_Bri • 1y + Join Fake outrage for free food can have consequences for your servers. I ultimately quit because of a customers lie. Long I was a newbie. I had hosted for 2 years at this point but I finally got a job as a server at a semi-corporate place. I was so very excited. I loved serving and even the busiest of nights never bothered me. Attention to detail is important to me, and instantly the GM liked me because of how well I did as a rookie. She was notor


Text - Up until this night I had absolutely no issues ever. only been a couple of weeks but I never had a complaint and any problems that occurred were fixable and from what I could tell all my customers were happy when they left. I even got a few regulars tell me I was the best service they got there. Which really meant the world to me. As time went on I started getting really good shifts. And, I was making good money. I loved the job, and the customers. had Until one lady came in. She was with


Text - point to where it said the deal and the mother nodded. I bring back the drinks and admittedly I did make a small mistake. She has originally ordered a lemonade but before I walked away she changed her mind to a water. I nodded, but the interaction previously kinda threw me off and I brought her the lemonade by mistake. She was the last drink I put down and Instantly when I reach down to give it to her I realize the mistake. I go to pick it up and apologize but before I can she huffs in di


Text - All else is calm and l'm taking care of other tables before their food comes out. Her and her mother ordered burgers. I hand out all the plates and they all begin eating. After a couple minutes I check back and ask how everything is. The daughter is completely silent. The mother looks kind of worried and hesitantly says her burger is over cooked, she wanted medium but it was well done. I profusely apologize and take a look, it was a little more on the brown side. I tell her I will have he


Text - The mother tips me 20% and all else seems well. The daughter did not look at me for the rest of the meal, but she also didn't snap or yell at me. She did yell at her children a few times for minor things, rather loudly and aggressively. But, she seemed calmer. The next day I come onto work I get called into the back by a manager and my GM. They ask me if I know what it's about. I confusingly say no, I don't. They stare at me sternly, not believing me. I ask them what happened, and if I di


Text - Basically it was the biggest character assassination I ever knew possible. It was all written by the daughter. She said I was rude, called me a bitch, and said I acted like they were a nuisance and a waste of my time. I talked down on her when I said "excuse me honey" when she spoke. The only time I had said that was to her son when I reached over to hand her her water after the lemonade situation. Not to her, and not condescending. She told them her burger was burnt and she couldn't eat


Text - Apparently my GM had called her the next morning and they were on the phone for an hour. And, my GM couldn't even get a word in because the lady was so angered she was screaming the whole conversation. By this time I was crying, I hate to admit that but I had no defense. I had no proof none of this was true. And, despite all my good reviews they believed her. Maybe not fully, but they said there was no one someone was that mad if I had done nothing wrong. They made me read a paper on thei


Text - Ultimately my hours dropped. And, the GM no longer liked me. No matter how good I did after that my reputation never recovered. I was forced to find another job. Without them as a reference I had no documentable serving experience, so I had to work my way up and a different place now. I make significantly less money, even a year later, than I would have there. All because she complained and got another free meal. She practically ruined my life over burgers.


Text - Edit: Thank you for the support!!! It's so encouraging read kind comments and it feels like at least reddit has my back on this situation... lol. I no longer work at this place. And I have never had a situation this bad ever happen to me since. I genuinely love serving and I really do not get overwhelmed or angry about much. This place has other locations that have shut down at a high rate over the last couple years, and that should have been a warning sign before I began working at this

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