Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Karen Customer Defeated By Overwhelming Kindness

Oh boy, this is just beautiful. Karen the customer came in to a restaurant ready to stir up all kinds of trouble with her toxic stance of ferocious entitlement; but she met her match. Yes, turns out the best medicine for dealing with an angry Karen is to meet the entitlement with pure and unwavering kindness. It's as if the wholesome kindness counterbalances the negative Karen energy. 

Check out some more Karen content with this work Karen who made everyone get up for a 4AM meeting.


Text - r/TalesFromYourServer + Join u/Asshole_Catharsis • 13d When "Kill 'em with kindness" made Karen so paranoid she thought we fucked with her food Long (was managing on this busy eve) A group of 8 had walked in and were quoted 30-45 mins. It was about 35 mins in that two tables opened up that we could push together. But apparently the leader of the pack wanted to speak with me. "Hi, we were quoted 30 minutes, it's already 10 past, I'm really upset and I want to know what you're going to do f


Text - We're by the host stand, so I peer over my host's shoulder and ask her to point out where they are on the list. Sure enough -- Amanda / 8/ 30-45 mins. I double check with my host. "Yes, I absolutely verbalize the quoted time, every time. l'd be stupid not to." This is one of those hosts who's actually too good at her job that they fear promoting her (ain't that a real bitch, support staff?). There's no doubt in mind. I turn back. "My host tells me she quoted you 30-45 minutes, and we're s


Text - If anyone is ever rude to you or trying to get under your skin, kill them with kindness. It's the jiu jistu of mind games. It'll completely disarm them, and what are they gonna do, complain that you were being too nice? ~unclick~ "You know, you're absolutely right. I must be mistaken, the host must be mistaken, and we're gonna do everything we can to rectify this. Let's go ahead and get you sat, and l'm gonna buy the table a couple appetizers! On the house! I'm also gonna make sure to set


Text - I find the server and catch her up on the situation: A wild Karen. Couple free apps. Kill them with kindness. We're all Family at this restaurant, so of course she's gonna take joy in this too. She hams it up. We bring them a couple calamari. I walk by the table and stop at Karen, "So how's everyone this evening?" "Good.." Certainly a lot more demure, she doesn't seem to want to make eye contact, other than the side eyes she was throwing my way as I walking around the restaurant having a

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