Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Creepy Facts to Feel Unsettled About

At any point in life, you might just be a few interesting facts away from being creeped out. There's so much to learn about the habits of serial killers, the effects of certain poisons, awful trivia and unsettling details of things you thought were fine. For more, here are some not-so-fun facts to feel bad about.


Text - IrishIntrovert513 5.5k points · 13 hours ago The smell of a freshly cut lawn is actually a chemical distress signal released from the grass as it's cut. You're smelling the souls and screaming of the innocent.


Text - NastyOfficerFarquad 1.9k points · 12 hours ago edited 14 minutes ago If you're in a boat directly over the deepest point of the Mariana's Trench, and you have a passenger jet cruising at 30,000 feet above you, you are closer to the jet than to the bottom of the ocean


Text - suorevadac 1.2k points · 14 hours ago i bring this up at parties all the time, when climbing mount everest, there's a point nicknamed "rainbow valley" or "rainbow ridge" because it's absolutely littered with the bodies of people who attempted to make the climb, the combination of the extremely cold temperature and the bright snowsuits means that they've become a never rotting but colourful landmark


Text - PokeOPhantom 37.1k points · 16 hours ago After getting stung by a cone snail, you don't feel the sting for a little bit. There is no antivenin and it can be lethal. Treatment is basically keeping the victim alive until the venom wears off.


Text - hookdelivery 35.2k points · 16 hours ago · edited 7 hours ago When you happen to be murdered there is only an about 40% chance that your murderer will be found and punished.


Text - songmage 34.7k points · 14 hours ago · edited 10 hours ago Blobfish in its natural habitat looks like a normal fish, but it lives so deep under water that it doesn't use a normal gas bladder to keep itself balanced. Instead, it has a spongy skin that is slightly less dense than water, which becomes damaged and bloated when fishermen bring it up too quickly. It's not really the ugliest fish. It has just experienced something worse than one of us being thrown into outer space. Between sea l


Text - TheEldritchHorror 33.6k points · 12 hours ago One reason that crows and ravens are associated with death is because they would often follow armies as they marched to battle. Being both carrion birds and extremely intelligent, they realized that a large group of armed men marching on one direction meant that there would be a tasty meal of corpses to eat soon afterwards.


Text - Nevermore-Nevermore 23.8k points · 13 hours ago 3 Serial Killer Richard Chase took any unlocked door as an invitation to come inside.


Text - Clydemortranexis 21.9k points · 15 hours ago Tarantulas can swim.


Text - SaiC4 21.8k points · 13 hours ago There's a parasite that enters a fish's mouth, eats the tongue and replaces itself as the fish's new tongue


Text - MissSara101 4.3k points · 13 hours ago A Fire Whirl can go as big as an EF3 tornado. In 1923, such happened in Japan during an earthquake O Maa . The son of a bitch killed 38,000 people in less than 15 minutes. MCAfee


Text - sos977 21.1k points · 16 hours ago · edited 11 hours ago If you live to age 70 you will have shed around 105 pounds of skin


Text - allothernamestaken 20.2k points · 13 hours ago It wasn't until 1987 that the American Academy of Pediatrics declared it unethical to operate on newborns without anesthesia. Until surprisingly recently, the medical community felt it would be dangerous to give infants anesthesia and/or believed that they didn't feel pain.


Text - ETTConnor 19.1k points · 13 hours ago · edited 10 hours ago It was once discovered that a fir tree was growing inside a human body. Artyom Sidorkin went to the doctors suspecting something wrong with his lungs. The doctors thought they were dealing with a tumor but turns out he had inhaled a fir tree seed which had sprouted and had begun growing in his lungs.


Text - ManiaTheMadman 18.4k points · 15 hours ago There was a speech made for Apollo 11 if they were to die on the moon. Side fact - if it were to happen, people would look up at the moon knowing that, that crew died there, and their bodies would rest there till the end of time. Not forgetting that the ocean is somewhat like this, many people died there too, at the very depths of the sea.


Text - eternal_screaming 16.0k points · 13 hours ago Mount Everest is covered in frozen corpses because removing them is very unsafe and time consuming. They are easily viewed from the climbing routes and some are used as trail markers.


Text - camelsdonthavetoes 14.9k points · 13 hours ago Imagine being totally aware of someone preforming CPR but you physically can't move or respond. Well that's what happens when you get bitten by a blue ringed octopus, you have approx 6minutes between being bitten and someone starting CPR to keep your heart and lungs functioning to ensure you survive, all whilst being totally aware of what is happening to you. Neurotoxins are fun!


Text - Mar-velousDick 12.5k points · 13 hours ago "Sense of impending doom" is an actual symptom that often precludes your death, usually in cases of heart attack. VERY creepy for some of us that suffer from anxiety and panic attacks to begin with, both share that symptom!!!


Text - bldonk 12.2k points · 13 hours ago They used real corpses in the 1982 film Poltergeist, for the ending pool scene. The actress did not know until AFTER the scene was filmed.


Text - XZOMBIETAGX 11.9k points · 13 hours ago 3 Elmer McCurdy. O M west "outlaw." His preserved body was put on display in a traveling carnival and years later he was eventually assumed to be mannequin until he was used on set for SECURE was a failed old the TV show the Six Million Dollar Man. His arm accidentally fell off during the shoot, revealing bone and muscle and that he was a corpse, not a mannequin.


Text - andrew_gusher 11.8k points · 13 hours ago 3 CNN has had a pre-recorded broadcast from the 90's which they will premiere during the end of the world


Text - mtchristen 11.5k points · 13 hours ago From Atlas Obscura by Foer, Thuras, and Morton: Necropants (Reader's discretion advised) In Iceland, a long ass time ago (17th c), friends followed complex rules to obtain a dead man's skin to turn them into pants. 1. You had to get permission from the dude to use his skin after he kicked the bucket. 2. You would then wait until burial formalities concluded. 3. You would rob the shit out of your buddy's grave. 4. You would cut the waist and peel the


Text - kronopopopoppolous 9.2k points 14 hours ago Pigs will eat anything. There are stories of pigs entering farmhouses and eating newborn humans.


Text - LuckyAntonio 8.4k points · 15 hours ago In the Czech Republic, there is a church called The Sedlec Ossuary that has decorations made entirely of human bones. This happened because there were too many people in the cemetery to bury everyone, and the church leaders claimed that if their bones became part of the church, it only made them closer to God. Nice propaganda spin there, guys.


Text - fauxcanadian 6.1k points · 13 hours ago If you stifle a sneeze there's a chance you can damage organs in your head, including eye blood vessels, rupturing your eardrums, and possibly rupture a brain aneurysm. Which means there's a small chance stifling a sneeze can kill you. Better to be the loud ass with the sneeze that can be heard around the world than a dead loud ass cause someone told you to stifle that sneeze


Text - BrigettetheNanny78 5.8k points · 11 hours ago The men of the ship Essex (the true event that inspires the story "Moby Dick") avoided islands after being shipwrecked for fear of cannibals. The islands were settled and landing there would have brought salvation to the survivors. Ironically because of this bypass, the men ran out of food and were forced to eat each other for survival.


Text - Biglazy808 5.6k points · 16 hours ago · edited 12 hours ago Most dust is made of dead human skin and microscopic bug shit.

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