Friday, June 19, 2020

Dude Opens 2 Year Old Thermos, Cursed Abomination Ensues

Some things are better left unopened and tossed altogether. You know, things like a two year old thermos. This dude learned his lesson when he assaulted his senses with what must've been a haunting mac and cheese creation. Check out some more cursed food created in the underworld's kitchen over here.


Text - r/tifu + Join u/TimeLordFishBrain • 9h 1 S 1 1 TIFU by opening a 2 year old thermos M So, a couple years ago my little Sister got a new backpack, and instead of cleaning out the old one and throwing it away, she shoved it in the coat closet. Today, I had the lovely priviledge of finding it and cleaning it out


Text - The first outstanding thing I found was a home packed lunch that had been left to rot in a closet for 2 years. From the looks of it, my sister had not touched the food, so it was all there, gathering immense amounts of mold and turning to mush. After throwing away 3 or 4 bags of unidentifiable fruits and vegetables, I came across the thermos. Why I didnt follow my gut instinct to throw this thing out is beyond me at this point, but I made an attempt to open it. I tried to unscrew the cap,


Text - the bottle was taunting me, it had waged a war that it already knew it had won. I was pulling out every trick imaginable, running it under hot water, using a towel for better grip, tapping it against a hard surface, but the capsule remained vigilant. I finally admitted defeat and turned to get reinforcements, but this is the exact moment that it had been waiting for. After I got about 10 feet from the sink, I heard an explosion. A wave of pure nauseating, vile putridness hit my nose befor


Text - attempting to suppress the gagging that ensued. I have smelt many awful things in my life, skunk, weed, rotting human feces, but none have left NEARLY as deep of a scar as what I have experienced today. The only way I can describe the smell is pure danger. My nose was screaming biohazard. I ran back to the sink to finish what I had started and dumped probably and inch or two of soap on the mac and cheese that was left rotting twice through the summer, fall, winter and spring in a pathetic


Text - Iretreated from the house for a couple hours, begging that the smell had left, but the faint smell of rotten dairy still lurked in the house. I dont know how long exactly it took, but it eventually dissipated and I've been left only with the scar of my stupidity. TLDR: I opened a thermos filled with rotting mac and cheese, only to be assaulted by the worst smell I have ever experienced. EDIT: To those questioning my use of weed as a bad smell, it smells awful to me. I get that some people

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