Friday, June 19, 2020

A Quick Tumblr Thread On Dandelion Rights

Oh yes, Tumblr does it again. This time we've got a quick and educational thread on the various purposes that dandelions serve. Turns out dandelions got kind of screwed over with a reputation they never deserved in the first place. Lawn culture gave those dandelions a bad rap, and they never deserved it. 


Text - taavot remember being little and thinking dandelions were fun or a pretty color or something and every adult in an 80 mile radius wouldn't let you say that without screaming ITS A WEED rabbittrabbitt also like: • dandelions are edible, easy to grow, and are rich in vitamins a, c, k, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, manganese, and potassium


Text - dandelions can be made into wine, tea, soft drinks, and a coffee substitute they are used in herbal remedies to treat liver and digestive problems and as a diuretic • they're good for bees! they make good companion plants for vari- ous herbs and tomatoes; their long taproot


Text - helps bring up nutrients in the soil and they release ethylene gas which ripens fruit dandelions secrete latex which means they can be used to make natural rubber they make great flower crowns mszombi Why ARE they considered a weed? They're a good flower? Who decided they were bad? =(


Text - pinkbaron lawn culture made the decision to consider dandelions weeds brainwad "Weed" is not a scientific classification. A weed is basically a plant somewhere you don't want it. Dandelions can be weeds. Alfalfa can be weeds. Roses can be weeds. Homogeneous lawns of tightly mown grass began as symbols of wealthy decadence among the upper classes before the turn of the 20th century, and have since become emblems of middle class pretensions.

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