Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Tumblr Thread: Humans are Too Strong for Their Own Good

It's kinda scary, kinda thrilling and makes you kind of proud to think that in some cases, your body can be literally too strong to keep itself together. Tumblr spends a lot of time on the weird sci-fi-ness  of human physiology, which results in interesting threads like these Tumblr users exploring humans as space orcs or this Tumblr thread about aliens being defeated by earth's wildlife.


Text - not-a-bot-i-swear Just so you guys know. Hysterical strength is basically your body not holding back and going %100 though there is a great danger of you hurting yourself or breaking something since your ignoring pain and going %100. There was a case where a kid deadlifted a car to save a sibling but,cracked 8 of his teeth during it because he was clenching his jaw so hard. So whilst you can lift a car or fight off polar bears. Your probably going to break something. Because most of the t


Text - karenhealey STOP GIVING THE ALIENS REASONS NOT TO VISIT. salamencerobot @celestial-naiad the whole one million percent smash was actually hysterical strength, according to horikoshi. on an unrelated note, did you know that if all the muscles in your back clenched at once your spine would shatter? have fun! celestial-naiad Thats a horrifying and empowering thought at the same time. silent-calling Also: when you are sufficiently electrocuted and "thrown back" what is actually happening is y


Text - jadensilver This is the same stuff that stops you from biting off your own fingers and whatnot. Our brains just say 'no, don't,' whenever we try to do some dumbass shit, until we reach the point where it's either do the dumbass shit or die/watch someone else die. I think it's really cool though that we can shut off this function for others than ourselves. It shows a lot how we truly are social creatures at our core, that we don't just do this when it's our own body that might die, but for


Text - This also means that anybody with a magical super-healing power would essentially get super strength out of the mix for free if they could get past the psychological limitations. That's probably what makes vampires so strong; they don't actually put out any more force than a normal human but they repair any damage they take in the process almost instantly. adhd-ruby-rose @krunchy-tuna why would you hide this hilarious comment in the tags #the human body will auto-yeet under the right cond

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