Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Totally Random Things People Remember From Childhood

Someone on AskReddit got a fun thread going about the totally random things that folks recall from childhood. Some of these might hit close to home. It's funny how unexplainable memories stick with us as we grow older and continue on walking through life. 


Text - clusterlove • 5h My mum trusted me to post a letter for her and I put it down a drain cos drain grills kinda look like a letter box


Text - heystellaaa • 4h Someone my mom knew came over for a visit. Her son and I went outside to play. He accidentally rattled a bee's nest. They started swarming. He yelled "run for your life!" So I did. The last thing I remember was looking back while running away and seeing him punching the bees. I don't know who he was or what happened to him. My mom has no recollection of this.


Text - Super_Kami_Jojo • 4h I once had a dream where a gorilla walked into my room, grabbed and casually ripped out my hair (it didn't hurt though), ate it, and then walked out. That's it. Has stuck with me for 20 years


Text - OffbrandJelly • 6h I called a bulldozer a duck once


Text - rainbowwws •6h When Shrek came out, Heinz released ketchup in bright green and purple


Text - Box_O_Bunnies • 5h I remember laying in a play tent on my back with my legs crossed in the air, bobbing my foot, surrounded by stuffed animals, looking at a picture book pretending I could read. Either in preschool or kindergarten. It's a nice little calming flash of childhood that pops into my head every now and then.


Text - WeebNoob • 4h I remember when the Yorkie bars were advertised as "Not for girls!" Forward-thinking, aren't they? When I was six I got really upset because I wanted one but they were not for girls but I took that literally because I was a kid. Nowadays, I eat Yorkies a lot purely out of spite because I have never forgotten the torment they caused me all those years ago. They taste great, tho.


Text - hulagirlslovetoparty • 5h Bunny Man. Weird dude in a bunny suit used to roll up outside my elementary school on a custom bike, blaring creepy carnival music out of a portable record player (sped up, too, so the voices were high and warbled). It was a whole thing, parents were worried he was a pedophile and trying to groom or abduct a kid.


Text - Jekas_ • 6h We were like 2 years old, in the kindergarten, and the teacher asked us if we drinked milk from the baby bottle or from the mug. Everybody answered but there was this guy who said "I drink from the glass.". I never forgot that moment for some reason... pretty random.


Text - corollaquestion2019 • 4h I remember very vividly, one day, sitting at the lunch table with my second grade class. A kid down the table picked up his orange Juicy Juice juice box and said, "I can suck this baby down in two seconds flat!" He did. Reader, I married him (20 years later).


Text - aaareed • 5h The time in first grade I called the teacher mom and then the whole class started laughing and I stood up and started crying and as soon as it got quiet I farted loudly :/


Text - Yeahlprobablydidit • 6h I remember when I was 5 or 6 a guy from my neighborhood told me happy birthday. I responded "happy birthday to you too Tommy" then I ran away mortified that I had responded to his happy birthday with the same reply. I felt like such a putz. Plot twist it was his birthday too so my response surprised him. I had no idea.


Text - bru53001 • 4h Remember my dad telling me "You're no longer 3,little boy" on my 4th birthday Remember me crying in 1st grade because I couldn't find my friend And perhaps the most cringy thing I remember is trying to pee in a bottle, then missing it and peeing all over the car.(I was 6)


Text - jacqueluvsjakie • 4h I was in kindergarten and I had collected these huge nuts from a tree during recess. A girl across from me had a huge birthmark on her arm and I kept staring at it. She got upset at me and was about to tell the teacher. I said, "No please! Here, have a nut!" She smirked, gladly took the nut, and didn't tell on me.


Text - Delica • 6h My mom had a friend over and they were hanging out on the back patio. My dad came and got me with a mischievous look on his face. He lit a smoke bomb and threw it out a 2nd story window so it landed in the grass, and we both giggled. The women didn't react at all, just "Huh, (dad) must have thrown that."


Text - okimlom • 4h Back when I lived with my mother, I want to say I was 4 or 5 years old, I built a "paint roller" out of legos and I would go around the house "painting the walls".


Text - ArsonistL • 4h I thought I could fly as a kid and thus proceeded to yeet off a staircase, only to tumble two flights down... And the weirdest part was that I didn't cry but started to laugh instead.


Text - glitteronthetrails • 4h I had a sink fall on my head when I was 3 or 4. Was at an orange-themed home improvement store, wandered away from my parents while they were looking at vanities and saw a pretty porcelain sink on the second shelf. I tried to climb up to get a better look, grabbing the rim of the sink. Apparently it wasn't secured and already tilted at an angle, so the entire thing tipped over and took me down. I remember screaming on the floor with huge shards of porcelain around


Text - ZeroJackOogie • 4h My 9th birthday was the best ever because when I got home from school my mom gave me my present which was the play doh barber shop. I don't know whyI remember that so vividly. It's not even the best gift l've ever been given.


Text - TheWertiestWertt • 4h I was eating a bag of chocolate cookies and let one fall to the floor, an old lady that had just bought some saw me desperately try to reach it and offered one. I accepted and was about to eat it when my mom came out of absolutely nowhere and slapped it right out of my hand, scaring me shitless, turns out she thought it was the floor cookie. Nowadays she justifies it by saying "you shouldn't accept food from strangers"


Text - Kant_win • 5h A girl in my 3rd grade class named Renee tried to kiss me and I literally spit in her face. Obviously this was super mean and I definitely regret it. Renee, if you're reading this I'm so sorry and if it makes you feel any better it wasn't you and I still don't know how to give or receive love and physical affection; this has caused me a lot of misery in my adult life


Text - nocreamjustsugar • 5h I was 9 years old and created my first AOL IM account with the screen name "sugarbby9" since I liked the candy with the same name


Text - GigaPhoton78 •6h Being on the backyard as the sun sets eating my dog's food. Also remember being playing on my PSP outside, seeing the battery low and running inside so I could keep playing it as it charged.


Text - WaterMelonShowerCap • 4h The entire lyrics to pretty woman Between the ages 1 and 11/2 me and my dad would dance to this song and as i got older i would wander what this song is and why i know it. A year ago i watched the movie and finally realised where the song was from, although now i realised it was about a woman and not a goat.


Text - SwedeLikesBanana • 4h I found a lost phone at school, I ran around the playground screaming "I FOUND A PHONE!"


Text - hitj • 4h An old lady lived a few doors down from us. I have a memory of her feeding me butterscotch candies and telling me they were actually dog treats.


Text - BuryMelnPitaChips • 4h The slang from my elementary school. We had something called "fiddies" which was like a do-over and I've never heard anyone not from my town say it.


Text - quirkyunoriginalteen • 4h One time when I was 4 I caught a fish (at Lake Tahoe at the time) and ended up being so terrified of it ran into the forest screaming like a banshee. My mom has to chase me down so I didn't get lost in the forest like a dumbass

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